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White Hart, Colnbrook, Slough, Buckinghamshire

Listed in Stanwell, Middlesex census in 1881

Colnbrook pub history index

Directory of Pubs in the UK, historical public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels in Buckinghamshire.

Residents at this address.

1826, George Payne, White Hart, Colnbrook

1839/Thomas Hurditch/../../../Robsons Directory *

1852/Hy George/../../../Slaters Directory *

1863/George Pugh/../../../Duttons Directory *

1881/William Alfred Wicks/Publican & Brewers Servant/28/../Census
1881/Harriet Wicks/Aunt, Retired Housekeeper/57/Bushey, Hertford/Census
1881/Henry Gregory George/Boarder, Florist Fishmonger Perfumier Waiter/25/White Hart Colnbrook/Census

1890/Shirley Nightingale/../../../Middlesex Kellys Directory *

1890/Shirley Burgess Nightingale marries Laura Emily Porter, in Staines - freebmd

1891/Shirley Nightingale/Publican/47/Waltham St Lawrence/Census
1891/Laura Nightingale/Wife/27/Shottesbrook, Berkshire/Census
1891/Laura E Porter/Daughter of Wife/7/Kelvedon Hatch, Essex/Census
1891/Chas W Porter/Son of Wife/5/Kelvedon Hatch, Essex/Census

1894/Henry Marks/../../../Middlesex Kellys Directory *

1899/Henry Marks/../../../Kellys Directory *

1903/Mrs Fanny Marks/../../../Kellys Directory

1931/Thos Jn Lye/../../../Kellys Directory

* Provided By Colin Ager

And Last updated on: Wednesday, 02-Oct-2024 13:21:35 BST