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Walthamstow pub history index
A listing of historical public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels in Essex. The Essex listing uses information from census, Trade Directories and History to add licensees, bar staff, Lodgers and Visitors.
Rising Sun, Epping Forest - in 1912
Kindly provided by Colleen
Rising Sun, Walthamstow - licensee H Brown circa 1918 and wounded soldiers
Kindly provided by John Carnaby
Rising Sun, Woodford New Road, Walthamstow E17 - in 1939
Residents at this address.
1851/William Picton/../../../Post
1861/Sarah Picton/Licensed Victualler/../../History of Walthamstow 1861
1862/Mrs. Sarah Picton/../../../Kelly's
1870/Alfred Edward Joyce/../../../Kelly's
1874/George Clifton/../../../Kelly's
1878/George Clifton/../../../Kelly's
1881/George Clifton/Licensed Victualler/46/Cheshunt, Hertford/Census
1881/Jane Clifton/Wife/40/Deptford, Kent/Census
1881/Jane Clifton/Daughter/16/West Ham, Essex/Census
1881/Lillian Cramer/Cousin/28/Wolverhampton/Census
1881/Mary Mills/Domestic Servant/30/Ireland/Census
1882/George Clifton/../../../Kelly's
1886/George Clifton/../../../Kelly's
1891/George Clifton / Licenced Victualler / 55 / Cheshunt/Census ***
1891/Harriet J Clifton / Wife / 51 / Deptford/Census
1891/Jane Clifton / Daughter / 26 / West Ham/Census
1891/Alice Clifton / Servant / 21 / Torquay, Devon/Census
1896/Wm Henry Russell/../../../Petty Sessions
9/12/1899/Louisa Russell/../../../Petty Sessions
1902/Mrs L Russell/../../../Kelly's
1902/Louisa Russell/../../../Petty Sessions
1908/Mrs. Louisa Russell/../../../Kelly's
Ernest Leonard Sortwell - landlord of the Rising Sun, Walthamstow in 1908
Kindly provided by David Stowe
04/7/1908/Ernest Leonard Sortwell/../../../Petty Sessions
27/5/1910/Thomas Worton (the younger)/../../../Petty Sessions
1912/Thomas Worton Jun./../../../Kelly's
29/1/1916/Thomas Worton/../../../Petty Sessions
29/7/1916/Harry Brown/../../../Petty Sessions
1917/Harry Brown/../../../Kelly's
14/12/1918/Sarah Ann Brown/../../../Petty Sessions
1922/Mrs Sarah Ann Brown/../../../Kelly's
1925/Mrs Sarah Ann Brown/../../../Kelly's
26/9/1925/Alfred Davis/../../../Petty Sessions
22/7/1931/James Hammond/../../../Petty Sessions
21/9/1932/Emily Tomlins/../../../Petty Sessions
1937 - 1947/Arbogast/../../../Freehold
1948 - 1949/Mrs Arbogast/../../../Freehold
1950 - 1957/J F Webb/son in law/../../Freehold
1958 - 1963/J A Joseph/../../../Freehold
I lived at the Rising Sun in the late 1970s to 1984. My mother and father
were the landlords, George Henry Appleton and Florence Violet Appleton. It
was a fantastic family pub in those days. *
1971/../Rising Sun E17/../../Pub Directory
1983/../Rising Sun E17, Charringtons/../../Pub Directory
1991/../Rising Sun E17, Charringtons/../../Pub Directory
* Provided by Laura Fuller
*** Provided by Paul Malshinger