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Witham pub history index
Red Lion, Newland Street, Witham - Licensee W Bull
Kindly provided by Jess Jephcott
The photograph notes W Bull as the landlord, and it is clearly the Red Lion. The confusing matter is the sign for Russellss Gravesend Brewery. On the signposts there is a pointer for Good Stabling. Apparently the Russells brewery originated in 1894, and was purchased along with about 220 tied houses by Truman Hanbury in 1932. In 1901, Russells acquired the Writtle brewery in Essex, and this brewery ceased brewing in 1906.
The George Inn and the Red Lion circa 1910 -1920
The Red Lion Hotel, Witham - Awarded 2nd prize for the best bar parlour in the United Kingdom - 1925 (Proprietor - H C Lowe)
Kindly donated by Colleen
1977 whilst known as Farthings
The original Red Lion was in a different location, on what is now 68 Newland Street (above and below). The current premises (bottom) have "only" been so called since around 1800, prior to which it was known as the Black Boy.
Provided by Janet Gyford
9th February 2001
Original premises re-licensed and named "Bar isis" in October 2001
9th January 2001
Residents at this address
1769-1772/John Hailstone/Licensee/../../Alehouse Recognizances*
1773/Sarah Webb/Licensee/../../Alehouse Recognizances*
1774-1782 /Not Listed/../../../Alehouse Recognizances*
1785-1793/Peter Humphreys/Licensee/../../Alehouse Recognizances*
1794-1802/William Green/Licensee/../../Alehouse Recognizances*
1803-1815/James Blaxall/Licensee/../../Alehouse Recognizances*
1816-1824/Elizabeth Blaxall/Licensee/../../Alehouse Recognizances*
1822/Elizabeth (nee Cotton) Blaxall/../../../Pigots*
1823-4/Elizabeth (nee Cotton) Blaxall/../../../Pigots*
1825-1827/William Walford/Licensee/../../Alehouse Recognizances*
Elizabeth Cotton married James Blaxall in 1791 in London. James & Elizabeth
had 5 known children: Lucy, Mary, James William, Elizabeth & Charlotte. Lucy
married William Walford in London in 1813 at Westminster St. Annes, Soho
(where her parents had married) and then raised a family in Witham.
Ernest Blaxall, the great grandson of James & Elizabeth, was to run the Red Lion in Tolleshunt DArcy**
1828/Thomas Trew/Licensee/../../Alehouse Recognizances*
1828-9/William Walford/../../../Pigots
1832-3/Henry Lambert/../../../Pigots
1839/Robert Dennis/../../../Pigots*
1841/William Culf/Innkeeper/25/Essex/Census
1841/Eliza Culf/../25/Essex/Census
1841/Carrington Culf/Servant/69/Not Essex/Census
1841/Hannah Humphrey/Servant/13/Essex/Census
1841/Robert Stanton/Contractor/20//Not EssexCensus
1841/Anna Stanton/../23/Not Essex/Census
1841/William Cottett/Brush M. J. /39/Not Essex/Census
1841/Hannah Cottett/../37/Not Essex/Census
1841/John Gladdon/Labourer/25/Not Essex/Census
1841/Maria Gladdon/../20/Not Essex/Census
1841/Samuel Engin(?)/Blacksmith/15/Essex/Census
1845/Samuel Gordon/../../../Post Office
1848/John Ward/../../../Whites
1851/John Ward/../../../Post Office
1851/John Ward/Innkeeper/55/Bocking, Essex/Census**
1851/Hannah Ward/Wife/54/Witham, Essex/Census
1851/Thomas Ward/Son, Assistant/26/Witham, Essex/Census
1851/Emma Ward/Daughter, Assistant/21/Witham, Essex/Census
1851/William Ward/Son, Carman/19/Witham, Essex/Census
1851/Amelia Ward/Sons Wife/27/Witham, Essex/Census
1851/Amelia Ward/Granddaughter/1/Witham, Essex/Census
1851/George Russell/Lodger, Labourer/46/Coggeshall, Essex/Census
1851/William Fryall/Lodger, Labourer/16/Witham, Essex/Census
1851/James Green/Lodger, Tailor/28/Hedington, Essex/Census
1852/J. Ward/../../../Kellys*
1855/Mrs. H. Ward/../../../Kellys*
1862/Mrs. Hannah Ward/../../../Kellys
1863/Hannah Ward/../../../Whites
1867/Mrs. Hannah Ward/../../../Post Office
1870/Mrs. Hannah Ward/../../../Kellys
1871/Hannah Ward/Inn Keeper, Widow/77/Witham, Essex/Census
1871/Hannah Ward/Grand Daughter, Visitor, Assistant/21/Witham, Essex/Census
1871/Agnes Ward/Grand Daughter, Visitor, Assistant/16/Witham, Essex/Census
1878/Joseph William Blake/../../../Kellys
1881/Samuel Handley/Innkeeper/57/Braintree, Essex/Census
1881/Alice Handley/Daughter/26/Witham, Essex/Census
1881/William Goodey/Lodger, Hawker/49/Halstead, Essex/Census
1881/Mary Ann Goodey/Lodger, Hawker/46/St. Ives, Huntington/Census
1881/Mary Ann Goodey/Lodger, Hawker/20/Thaxted, Essex/Census
1882/Samuel Handley/../../../Kellys
1886/Samuel Handley/../../../Kellys
1890/Samuel Handley/../../../Kellys
1891/Samuel Handley/Publican/67/Braintree, Essex/Census***
1891/Alice Handley/Daughter, Housekeeper/35/Witham, Essex/Census
1891/Susan Gant/Boarder, Living on her own means/69/Wareham, Norfolk/Census
1891/Jell Coker/Boarder, Agricultural Labourer/38?/Tolleshunt Knights,
1891/Joseph Coleman/Boarder, Bricklayers Labourer/23/Ipswich, Suffolk/Census
1891/Mary Ann Coleman/Boarder/26/Kings Lynn, Norfolk/Census
1894/Frederick Askew/../../../Kellys
1895/Frederick Askew/../../../Kellys
1898/Harry Wager/../../../Kellys
1899/Harry Wager/../../../Kellys
1901/Harry Wager/Inn Keeper/38/Great Totham, Essex/Census ++
1901/Alice Wager/Wife/40/Witham, Essex/Census
1901/Cyril Wager/Son/2/Witham, Essex/Census
1901/Harry Dean/Lodger, Foreman Post Office Telegraph/34/Great Shelford,
1901/Edward Whitmore/Lodger, Probate Lineman Tel. Dept./21/Higham,
1901/James Varney/Lodger, Labourer Post Office Tel. Dept./22/Bethnal Green,
1901/Arthur Fuller/Lodger, Labourer Post Office Tel. Dept./24/Reymerston,
1902/Harry Wager/../../../Kellys
1906/William Bull/../../../Kellys
1908/William Bull/../../../Kellys
1910/William Bull/../../../Kellys
In 1911 at the Redlion Inn Newland St Witham Essex
Catherine Bull, Wife, Assisting in business aged 55 and born in Bourne, Lincolnshire
May Bull, Daughter, Assistant in business aged 28 and born in Witham, Essex
Victor Bull, Son, Assistant in business aged 22 and born in Witham, Essex
Kate Roulston, Daughter aged 32 and born in Witham, Essex
Bertrand Roulston, Grandson visitor aged 6 and born in Braintree, Essex
Derrick Roulston, Grandson visitor aged 4 and born in Braintree, Essex
Edith Gilder, General servant aged 20 and born in Braintree, Essex
1912/William Bull/../../../Kellys
1914/William Bull/../../../Kellys
Essex Newsman. 28 October 1916
Deaths. On October 20 1916 at the Red Lion Hotel, Witham, very suddenly. William Bull, the dearly beloved husband of Catherine Bull, aged 61 years.
1917/Mrs. Catherine Bull/../../../Kellys
1922/William Ernest Bull/../../../Kellys
1925/Herbert Charles Lowe/../../../Kellys
1929/Gilbert N. Drury/../../../Kellys
1933/Mrs. Bertha Poole/Proprietress/../../Kellys
1937/Charles Keen/Proprietor/../../Kellys
2018, The Red Lion PH, 7 Newland Street, Witham, Essex CM8 2AF
* Provided by the Pubs, Inns and Taverns Index for England, 1801-1900
** Provided by Angela Ward, the Great, Great, Great, Great Granddaughter of James &
Elizabeth Blaxall
*** Provided by CG
Provided by Janet Gyford
* Provided by David Humphries
++ Provided by Colin Ager