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New Inn, 40 Lower Street, Stroud, Gloucestershire

Stroud pub history index

Named in the 1861 census, when there is also an Old Inn in Lower street.

Directory of Pubs in the UK, historical public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels in Gloucestershire. The Gloucestershire listing uses information from census, Trade Directories and History to add licensees, bar staff, Lodgers and Visitors.

Residents at this address.

1859/Thomas Hallewell, paperhanger & bookbinder; beer retailer, Lower street/../../Slater Directory

1861/Thomas Hallewell/Paper Hanger/52/Stroud, Gloucestershire/Census
1861/Louisa Hallewell/Wife, Inn Keeper/50/Painswick, Gloucestershire/Census

1867/Thomas Hallewell, beer retailer, Lower street/../../Morris Directory

1870/George Freebury, beer retailer, Lower street/../../Post Office Directory

1871/George Freebury/Inn Keeper/29/Stroud, Gloucestershire/Census
1871/Annie Freebury/Wife/30/Dursley, Gloucestershire/Census
1871/William Bartlett/Lodger, Tinman/21/Bath, Somerset/Census

1876/George Freebury, beer retailer, Lower street/../../Morris Directory

1879/George Freebury, beer retailer, Lower street/../../Post Office Directory

1910/Arthur E Seaborne/Beer Retailer, 50 Lower street/../../Kellys Directory

1911/Arthur Seaborne/Beer Retailer/33/Stroud, Gloucestershire/Census
1911/Rose Seaborne/Wife/44/Cinderford, Gloucestershire/Census
1911/Eric Seaborne/Son/5/Stroud, Gloucestershire/Census
1911/Redver Seaborne/Son/2/Stroud, Gloucestershire/Census

1939/James Johnston Morgan/../../../Kellys Directory

And Last updated on: Wednesday, 02-Oct-2024 13:49:25 BST