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Albany Arms, 227 Albany Road, Camberwell SE8

Camberwell pubs history index

At 295 Albany road in 1862; then at 209 Albany road. The modern address was at 227 Albany Road SE8

Historical London public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels.

The Albany Arms, in 1879 - plan is from a 25 year lease

The Albany Arms, in 1879 - plan is from a 25 year lease

Kindly provided by Silvia Rodriguez

The following entries are in this format:

Residents at this address.

1825/Thomas Long/Albany Arms, Albany road/../../Petty Sessions

1833-34/Thomas Long, Albany Arms, Albany Road/../../Pigots Directory

1839/F Carter/../../../../Pigots Directory

1843/William Carter/../../../../Post Office Directory

1846/T Wills/../../../../Post Office Directory

1848/John Henry Evans/../../../../Post Office Directory

1851/John Henry Evans/../../../../Kellys Directory

1856/J H Evans/../../../../Post Office Directory

1862/Mrs A Evans/../../../../Post Office Directory

1869/Mrs A Evans/../../../../Post Office Directory

1874/Ann Evans/../../../Licensed Victualler & Hoteliers Directory

September 1878/Ann Evans/Outgoing Licensee/../../South London Chronicle

September 1878/David Devenish/Incoming Licensee/../../South London Chronicle

An original document dated 1879. It is a leased signed by John Allan Rolls, 1st Baron of Llangattoc, (lesser) and David Devenish (lessee), for the Albany Arms, located at 209 Albany Road in Camberwell. The lease is for 25 years from 1882 to 1907 and the cost was 2,000 sterling pounds. It also shows the Rent of �140 to Mr Chas Edward Norris ***

The Lease of 25 years - from 1882 to 1907, showing Charles Edward Norris as the rentee. 

The Lease of 25 years - from 1882 to 1907, showing Charles Edward Norris as the rentee.

Kindly provided by Silvia Rodriguez

1881/Charles E Norris/Licensed Victualler/37/Southwark, Surrey/Census
1881/Charles Norris/Son/4/Walworth, Surrey/Census
1881/Mary Norris/Wife/32/Richmond, Surrey/Census
1881/Alice Norris/Daughter/7/Walworth, Surrey/Census
1881/Francis Norris/Son/5/Walworth, Surrey/Census
1881/Edward Norris/Son/3/Peckham, Surrey/Census
1881/Beatrice Norris/Daughter/1/Surrey/Census
1881/Walter Broomfield/Barman/24/Greenwich, Kent/Census
1881/George Searle/Barman/23/Hornchurch, Essex/Census
1881/Louise Marney/Domestic Servant/19/St Lukes, Middlesex/Census
1881/Maud Iley/Domestic Servant/16/Bloomsbury, Middlesex/Census

1882/Charles Edward Norris/../../../../Post Office Directory

1884/Charles Norris/../../../../Post Office Directory

1891/Thos Wm Venner/../../../../Post Office Directory

1891/Walter Thos Saunders/Publicans Manager/24/Stepney, London/Census
1891/Mary A Saunders/Wife/24/Lambeth, London/Census
1891/Ada Wooley/Barmaid/18/Camberwell, London/Census
1891/Annie E Jenson/Barmaid/16/Plumstead, Kent/Census
1891/Walter C Vosser/Barman/23/Dublin, Ireland/Census
1891/Elizabeth Hill/Domestic Servant/21/Stoke Mandeville, Bucks/Census

1895/Charles Richard Trew/../../../../Post Office Directory

1899/Charles Cook, Albany Arms, 209 Albany Road, Camberwell /../../../Post Office Directory

1910/George William Wyatt, Albany Arms, 227 Albany Road, Camberwell /../../../Post Office Directory

1915/George William Wyatt/../../../../Post Office Directory

1921/Percy Samuel Lovettt, Albany Arms, 227 Albany Road, Camberwell SE8/../../../Post Office Directory

1934/Percy Horace Lovett, Albany Arms, 227 Albany Road, Camberwell SE8/../../../Kellys Directory

1938/Percy Horace Lovett, Albany Arms, 227 Albany Road, Camberwell SE8/../../../Post Office Directory

1940/Percy Horace Lovett, Albany Arms, 227 Albany Road, Camberwell SE8/../../../Post Office Directory

1944/Jn Hollister, Albany Arms, 227 Albany Road, Camberwell SE8/../../../Post Office Directory

** Provided By Bill Rigby

*** Provided By Silvia Rodriguez

And Last updated on: Wednesday, 02-Oct-2024 11:35:38 BST