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Kensington pub index
This is the Coach & Horses at about 17 Kensington High street up until 1856 - on the South side; and there is another Coach & Horses at 35 High street, Notting Hill in 1856. This part of Kensington High street appears to stay with roughly the same numbering, although the King & Queen does move from 11 to 21 about the time that this pub disappears from listings.
A listing of historical London public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels in Kensington, London.
Residents at this address
1826/Joseph Drinkwater/../../../London Directory
1833-34/Jno Brighouse, Coach & Horses, High street, Kensington/../../Pigots
January 1847/Francis Tomblin/Outgoing Licensee/../../Era
January 1847/Thomas Bond/Incoming Licensee/../../Era
February 1852/Isaac Hodges/Outgoing Licensee/../../Era
February 1852/John Taylor/Incoming Licensee/../../Era
January 1854/William Hickmott/Outgoing Licensee/../../Era
January 1854/John Steeple/Incoming Licensee/../../Era
July 1854/John Stuffle/Outgoing Licensee/../../Era
July 1854/William Miller/Incoming Licensee/../../Era
October 1854/William Miller/ Outgoing Licensee /../../The Era
October 1854/William Henry Field/ Incoming Licensee /../../The Era
1856/William Henry Field/../../../Post Office Directory
November 1856/William Henry Field/Outgoing Licensee/../../Era Newspaper
November 1856/Thomas Reynolds/Incoming Licensee/../../Era Newspaper