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Greyhound, 1 Kensington Square W8 5EP

This pub was established by 1697 and rebuilt in 1899. Following a gas explosion in 1977 it was again rebuilt, to the 1899 plans, in 1979. **

Kensington pub index

A listing of historical London public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels in Kensington, London.

Greyhound, Kensington Square, W8 is in circa 1898 and shows the earlier pub

Greyhound, Kensington Square, W8 is in circa 1898 and shows the earlier pub

Kindly provided by Vincent O'Loughlin

Greyhound, 1 Kensington Square, W8 the rebuilt pub circa 1900, with Landlord A.E. Threadkell

Greyhound, 1 Kensington Square, W8 the rebuilt pub circa 1900, with Landlord A.E. Threadkell

Kindly provided by Vincent O'Loughlin

Greyhound, 1 Kensington Square, W8 after the gas explosion on 10.4.1977 in which Michael Fleming; the relief manager and his wife were seriously injured.

Greyhound, 1 Kensington Square, W8 after the gas explosion on 10.4.1977 in which Michael Fleming; the relief manager and his wife were seriously injured.

Kindly provided by Vincent O'Loughlin

Greyhound, 1 Kensington Square, W8 - in December 2009

Greyhound, 1 Kensington Square, W8 - in December 2009

Kindly provided by Stephen Harris

Residents at this address.

In 1736, we have the Constitutional Lodge, at the Greyhound, Kensington Square, a Masonic Lodge

1806/Henry Speake / Victualler/../../Sun Fire Office records held at Guildhall Library **

1809/Henry Speake / Victualler/../../Sun Fire Office records held at Guildhall Library **

James Lancefield (1780 – 1834) was born at Waltham, Kent in 1780 and probably learnt the licenced trade from his older brother John who ran the Old Kings Head in Oxford Street 1803. *
James married in 1809 at St Martin in the Fields to Christiana Shields who was born at Selby in Yorkshire in 1790.
Holden's directory of 1811 (probably compiled in 1810) shows him as an alehouse keeper at Kensington Square and this is the Greyhound pub.
From 1811 to 1813 he was licencee of the Pineapple at Hercules Buildings Lambeth

1815/William Chadland / Victualler/../../Sun Fire Office records held at Guildhall Library **

1826/William Evans/../../../London Directory

1830/Mr Oliver, Greyhound, Young street, Kensington square makes a one guinea Susbscription to the Licensed Victuallers Association

1843/Benjamin Hurren/../../../Post Office Directory

1848/Benjamin Hurren/../../../Post Office Directory

1851/Benjamin Hurren/../../../Post Office Directory

1869/Mrs L Hurren/../../../Post Office Directory

1871/Louisa Hurren/Licensed Victualler, Widow/64/London, Middlesex/Census
1871/Louisa Sigil/Daughter, Manageress/36/Hadleigh, Suffolk/Census
1871/Louisa J Sigil/Grand Daughter/12/Southampton/Census
1871/Ethel E Sigil/Grand Daughter/9/Kensington, Middlesex/Census
1871/Ellen R Sigil/Grand Daughter/7/Kensington, Middlesex/Census
1871/Ann Fisher/General Servant/17/Kensington, Middlesex/Census
1871/James Heritage/Pot Man/17/Kensington, Middlesex/Census

1881/Louisa Seigal/Licensed Victualler, Widow/45/Suffolk/Census
1881/Louisa J Seigal/Daughter/22/Hampshire/Census
1881/Ashford H Seigal/Son/21/Middlesex/Census
1881/Ethel E Seigal/Daughter, Assistant/19/Middlesex/Census
1881/Ethel R Seigal/Daughter, Assistant/17/Middlesex/Census

1882/Thomas Smith/../../../Post Office Directory

1884/Smith & Co/../../../Post Office Directory

1891/John Herbert/../../../Post Office Directory

1895/John Herbert/../../../Post Office Directory

1899/Joel Davis/../../../Post Office Directory

1910/James O'Reilly/../../../Post Office Directory

1915/William George Tester/../../../Post Office Directory

1921/W C Tester/../../../Post Office Directory

1934/Hy J Williams/../../../Kellys Directory

1938/Hy J Williams/../../../Post Office Directory

1944/Jn Caulfield/../../../Post Office Directory

Kensington Post 20 December 1963 - We Wish you a Merry Christmas
Mr & Mrs L H Goss of the Greyhound, Kensington square W8

2017/../Greyhound (Kensington) 1 Kensington Square Kensington Greater London W8 5EP : Greene King/../../Pub Directory

* Provided By Rex Lancefield

** Provided By Stephen Harris

And Last updated on: Wednesday, 02-Oct-2024 11:47:29 BST