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Black Lion, 123 Bayswater road, Paddington W2

Paddington pub history index

This pub dates from 1704 and was rebuilt in 1890 at the same address. The 1847 license transfer refers to the Black Lion, Craven Hill, Paddington. The address becomes 123 Bayswater Road between 1938 and 1944, the earlier address is at 22 Bayswater Terrace, Bayswater Road before complete renumbering.  In 2014 it was sold to developers for £27 million! *** The early directory in 1833 refers to Elkins row, Bayswater. Apparently, John Elkins was an early builder on this land circa 1790, and Elkins row existed near to the Black Lion.

A listing of historical public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels in Paddington, West London.

Black Lion, 123 Bayswater Road, W2 - in February 2012

Black Lion, 123 Bayswater Road, W2 - in February 2012

Kindly provided by Tris

Residents at this address.

1808/J Titley, Black Lion, Bayswater/../../Holdens Directory

1826/William Stevens/../../../London Directory

1833-34/George Skillecorn, Black Lion, 22 Elkins row, Bayswater/../../Pigots Directory

1839/Charles Simpson/../../../Pigots Directory

1841/Ch Simpson/../../../Post Office Directory

April 1847/Mary Sophia Davis/Outgoing Licensee/../../Era

April 1847/Haigh Richardson/Incoming Licensee/../../Era

1848/Haigh Richardson/../../../Post Office Directory

1851/Haigh Richardson/../../../Kellys Directory

1856/H Richardson/../../../Post Office Directory

1862/H Richardson/../../../Post Office Directory

1869/Edward M Marks/../../../Post Office Directory

1874/George Gill/../../../Licensed Victualler & Hotelier Directory

1884/William Skelton/../../../Post Office Directory

In the 1891 census, George Harry Hook Pryer is at the Three Doves, 24 Berwick Street, Westminster.

June 1894/W Back/lately Licensed Victualler, Black Lion, Bayswater Road/../../Morning Post

1899/George Harry Hook Pryer/../../../Post Office Directory

1901/George H H Pryer/Licensed Victualler/47/Marylebone, London/Census
1901/Alice J Pryer/Wife/37/Chard, Somerset/Census
1901/Winifred M Pryer/Daughter/2/Paddington, London/Census
1901/Annie F Rogers/Barmaid/23/Battle, Sussex/Census
1901/Alfred Hart/Potman & Barman/24/Ealing, Middlesex/Census
1901/Mary Bonny/Housemaid/25/St Pancras, London/Census
1901/Ada Kempson/Nurse/23/Lambeth, London/Census
1901/Charles F Machney/Barman/21/Leicester, Leicestershire/Census
1901/Jane F Edwards/Cook/30/Southwark, London/Census
1901/Maria Bowden/../40/St Thomas Exeter, Devon/Census

1910/George Harry Hook Pryer/../../../Post Office Directory

1911/George Harry Hook Pryer/Licensed Victualler/57/Marylebone, London/Census
1911/Alice Jane Pryer/Wife/47/Donyall, Ilminster, Somerset/Census
1911/Walter Ashford/Barman/23/Lewisham/Census
1911/Alice Shackless/Barmaid/27/York Road, Kings Cross, London/Census
1911/Beatrice Annie Gibbs/Barmaid/21/Ware, Hertfordshire/Census
1911/William Sewell/Potman/32/Paddington, London/Census
1911/Francis Gertrude Plater/Cook/31/Great Grimsby/Census
1911/Clementina Chambers/Housemaid/26/Peckham, London/Census
1911/Ida Elton Brown/Guest/24/Warminster, Wiltshire/Census

1921/George Harry Hook Pryer/../../../Hughes Directory

1927/Solomon Martin/../../../Hughes Directory

Alfred Savigear was earlier at the Railway Tavern, 1 & 3 High Street in Acton

In 1932, Alfred Sylvester Thomas Savigear of the Black Lion Hotel Bayswater Middlesex died 11 February 1932 Probate London 17 March to Kathleen Savigear widow and Alfred Charles Savigear Licensed Victualler. Effects £8577 16s 9d

1934/Alfred C & Mrs Kathleen Savigear/../../../Post Office Directory

1938/Roy Gibbeson Taylor/../../../Post Office Directory

1944/../../../../Post Office Directory

1971/../../../../Pub Directory

*** Provided by Tris

And Last updated on: Wednesday, 02-Oct-2024 11:53:38 BST