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Southwark St George Martyr index
Listed as the George & Dragon in the 1843 directory. The St Georges Coffee House, Blackman street in the 1850, 1870 and 1878 license transfer. At 204 Borough High Street by 1891 due to road renaming; The address is 122 Blackman Street in 1837 and earlier, prior to street renaming. Referred to as the St George's Coffee House in some of the Sun Fire Office insurance records, as the George and Dragon in 1839 and 1841, as the St George in 1856 and 1869, as the St George's Tavern in 1882 and 1895, and as the Hole in the Wall by 1899. There are also Sun Fire Office records referring to the George on Blackman Street, which is presumably this premises (but may be a separate one). *
A listing of historical London public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels in Southwark St George Martyr, Surrey, London.
Residents at this address.
1791/Isabella Harvey/victualler, George/../../Sun Fire Office records held
at the London Metropolitan Archives *
1794/Daniel Taylor/wine merchant/../../Sun Fire Office records held at the
London Metropolitan Archives *
1806/Mr Fitzpatrick, 122 Blackman street/../../London Brewery 1806 customer
for supplying the public with genuine malt liquor
1806/Thomas Fitzpatrick/coffeeman/../../Sun Fire Office records held at the
London Metropolitan Archives *
1808/Thomas Fitzpatrick/coffee man/../../Sun Fire Office records held at the
London Metropolitan Archives *
1822/Jacob Dash/St Georges Coffee House, Blackman Street/../../Victuallers
1825/Samuel Tunnicliff/../../../Victuallers Recognizance
1826/Samuel Tunnicliff/../../../Victuallers Recognizance
1826/Samuel Tunnicliffe/brandy merchant/../../Sun Fire Office records held
at the London Metropolitan Archives *
1827/Samuel Tunnicliffe/victualler, St George's coffeehouse/../../Sun Fire
Office records held at the London Metropolitan Archives *
April 1827/Samuel Tunnicliff/../../../Licensed Victuallers Association
1828/John Goodman/victualler, St Georges Coffee House/../../Sun Fire Office
records held at the London Metropolitan Archives *
1829/John Thomas/victualler, George/../../Sun Fire Office records held at
the London Metropolitan Archives *
1837/John West/coffeehouse keeper/../../Sun Fire Office records held at the
London Metropolitan Archives *
1839/J. West/[George and Dragon]/../../Pigot's Directory *
1841/John West/[George and Dragon]/../../Post Office Directory *
1841/John West/Publican/45/../Census
1841/Eliza West/../25/../Census
1841/Emma West/../20/../Census
1841/Edgar West/../15/../Census
1841/John West/../11/../Census
1841/Martha Nunn/Independant/65/../Census
1841/Bridget Rearden/Female Servant/20/Ireland/Census
1843/John West/../../../Kellys Directory
February 1850/Thomas Ling/Outgoing Licensee/../../Morning Advertiser
February 1850/Archibald Reid/Incoming Licensee/../../Morning Advertiser
1851/Archibald Reid/../../../Kellys Directory
1851/Thomas Whitlock/Publican/33/Chelsea, Middlesex/Census
1851/Maria Whitlock/Wife/34/Chelsea, Middlesex/Census
1851/Eliza Whitlock/Daughter/9/Chelsea, Middlesex/Census
1851/Sarah A Whitlock/Daughter/6/Pimlico, Middlesex/Census
1851/Robert Turner/Visitor, Gentleman/27/Calcot, Wiltshire/Census
1851/Elizabeth Turner/Visitor/35/Calcot, Wiltshire/Census
1851/John Toomes/Potman/20/../Census
1856/J Hembury/../../../Post Office Directory
1869/Jonathan Scott/../../../Post Office Directory
June 1870/Jonathan Scott/Outgoing Licensee/../../Era
June 1870/Alfred Honeywood/Incoming Licensee/../../Era
September 1878/Thomas Barradell/Outgoing Licensee/../../South London
September 1878/Robert Draper/Incoming Licensee/../../South London Chronicle
1881/Richard J Nordon/Licensed Victualler/26/Peckham, Surrey/Census
1881/Eliza Nordon/Wife/24/Southwark, Surrey/Census
1881/Richard Nordon/Son/4/Clerkenwell, Middlesex/Census
1881/Edith Maud Nordon/Daughter/1/St Katherine Dock's Hotel/Census
1881/Sarah R Bartholomew/Domestic Servant/13/London, Surrey/Census
1881/Elizabeth Wilson/Mother In Law, Widow/49/Southwark, Surrey/Census
1882/Wm Thos Scott/../../../Post Office Directory
1884/Edwin Brady/../../../Post Office Directory
1891/Edwin Brady/../../../Post Office Directory
1895/Edwin Brady/../../../Post Office Directory
* Provided By Ewan