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George And Guy, 41 Brick Lane, Spitalfields

At 41 Brick Lane in 1891, with address formerly 193 Brick sLane; It is long closed and currently in use as a grocer's shop. An excellent photograph of this pub dated around 1915 is reproduced in the book ‘Eastenders Postcards’. In the photograph, the name “G WILLERS” can be seen above the door. **

Spitalfields index

A listing of historical public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels in Spitalfields, London.

George & Guy, Brick Lane - in 1907

George & Guy, Brick Lane - in 1907

Kindly provided by Jean Ellis

George & Guy, 41 Brick Lane - in September 2006

George & Guy, 41 Brick Lane - in September 2006

Kindly provided by Stephen Harris

Residents at this address.

1805/S Milliner, George and Guy, Brick lane, Spitalfields/../../Holdens Directory

1811/Sam Miliner, George & Guy, Brick lane, Spitalfields/../../Holdens Directory

1825/Mrs Milliner/../../../Licensed Victuallers Association

1829/W Emmerson, George and Guy, Brick lane, Spitalfields/../../Robson’s Directory

1833-34/William Wilson, George and Guy, 93 Brick lane, Spitalfields./../../Pigot's Directory

1835/John Hayden/../../../Robson’s Directory **

1836/John Hayden, George and Guy, 193 Brick lane, Spitalfields./../../Pigot's Directory

1837/Thomas Stephens / Victualler /../../Sun Fire Office records, held at Guildhall Library **

1839/George Martin/../../../Pigot's Directory **

1841/Stephens & Walker/../../../Post Office Directory

1842/Thomas Stephens/../../../Robson’s Directory **

1844/Thomas Stephens/../../../Thompsons Directory ***

1846/Thomas Jones/../../../P.O. Directory **

1847/Thos. Jones / Outgoing Licensee /../../The Era, Sunday 17 January, 1847 **

1847/Thomas Norman / Incoming Licensee /../../The Era, Sunday 17 January, 1847 **

1848/Mary Ann Norman / Outgoing Licensee /../../The Era, Sunday 13 August 1848 **

1848/Hugh Malchar / Incoming Licensee /../../The Era, Sunday 13 August 1848 **

December 1848/Henry Malchar/Outgoing Licensee/../../Era Newspaper

December 1848/Nathaniel Parr/Incoming Licensee/../../Era Newspaper

1851/Nathaniel Tarr/../../../Post Office Directory

1851/Nathaniel Tarr/Victualler/27/Marylebone, Middlesex/Census
1851/Mary Tarr/Wife/27/Codour Park, Derbyshire/Census
1851/Francis William Tarr/Son/4 months/Spitalfields, Middlesex/Census
1851/Mary Sadlam/Barmaid/19/Swingfield, Derbyshire/Census

1852/Nathaniel Tarr/../../../Watkins Directory **

1855/Nathaniel Tarr/../../../Post Office Directory **

1856/N Tarr/../../../Post Office Directory

1861/Nathaniel Farr/Licensed Victualler/36/Paddington, Middlesex/Census
1861/Francis Farr/Son/10/Spitalfields, Middlesex/Census
1861/Robert Bradley/Barman/25/Bethnal Green, Middlesex/Census
1861/Ann Bryant/Servant/25/Frome, Somerset/Census
1861/George Ingham/House Servant/12/Whitechapel/Census

January 1863/Nathaniel Tarr/ Outgoing Licensee /../../The Era

January 1863/Samuel Brunt/ Incoming Licensee /../../The Era

1866/S Brunt/../../../P.O. Directory **

11th March 1866/Samuel Brunt/Outgoing Licensee/../../East London Observer +

11th March 1866/Thomas Dodd/Incoming Licensee/../../East London Observer +

1870/George Cox/../../../Post Office Directory **

1873/George Cox/../../../P.O. Directory **

1874/G Cox/../../../H D Miles London & Suburban Licensed Victuallers Directory **

19th July 1873/George Cox/Outgoing Licensee/../../East London Observer +

19th July 1873/Charles Michael Stirton/Incoming Licensee/../../East London Observer +

1874/Charles Michael Stirton / Deceased / Died on or before 30 September 1874 /../../London Gazette, 28 July 1874 **

23rd May 1874/Charles Michael Stirton, executors of/Outgoing Licensee/../../East London Observer +

23rd May 1874/George Jaques/Incoming Licensee/../../East London Observer +

1875/George Jacques/../../../Post Office Directory **

March 1879/George Brown/Outgoing Licensee/../../East London Observer

March 1879/George Harper/Incoming Licensee/../../East London Observer

1880/John Edward Lucas Harper / Licensed Victualler /../../London Gazette, 11 May 1880 **

1881/John P Coe/Licensed Victualler/26/Shoreditch, Middlesex/Census
1881/Jane Coe/Wife/23/Nottingham/Census
1881/John Coe/Son/3/Shoreditch, Middlesex/Census
1881/Jane Coe/Daughter/2 months/Spitalfields, Middlesex/Census
1881/James Gillison/Barman/19/St Leonards, Middlesex/Census
1881/John Lyes/Barman/13/Notting Hill, Middlesex/Census

1882/John Coe/../../../Post Office Directory

1884/John McQuillen/../../../Post Office Directory

1885/John McQuillan/../../../P.O. Directory **

1891/Robert Moss/../../../Post Office Directory

1891/Robert Moss/Licensed Victualler/45/Jamaica, British West Indies/Census
1891/Edward Gascoyne/Barman/34/London/Census
1891/Robert Notter/Barman/25/London/Census
1891/John Hoskin/Domestic Servant, Widow/65/London/Census

1895/William Murray/../../../Post Office Directory

East End News and London Shipping Chronicle. 02 August 1907 - Victuallers Licences Transfers
George and Guy, Brick lane, George Norman Tarr to George Edwin Willers

1911/George Edwin Willers/Licensed Victualler/39/Stepney, London/Census
1911/Julia C Willers/Wife, Assistant/35/Kingsland, London/Census
1911/Selina Mary Farrow/Sister in Law, Housekeeper/64/Doctors Common/Census
1911/Sidney Emmanuel Farrow/Nephew, Barman/19/Stepney, London/Census

1912/Geo Edwin Willers/../../../Post Office Directory **

1914/Geo Edwin Willers/../../../Post Office Directory

1915/Archer Sainer/../../../Post Office Directory

1921/Morris Silverston/../../../Post Office Directory

The 1921 census at 41 Brick lane, the George And Guy are
Morris Silverston, Licenced Victualler, aged 39 years 8 months, and born Grodno, Belarus
Miriam Silverston, Wife, Home Duties, aged 36 years 8 months, and born Odessa, Ukraine
Benjamin Silverston, Son, aged 14 years 4 months, and born St George's, London
Yetta Silverston, Daughter, aged 12 years 6 months, and born St George's, London
John Silverston, Son, aged 10 years 11 months, and born St George's, London
Read Silverston, Daughter, aged 9 years 10 months, and born in St George's, London
Lily Margulis, Adopted daughter, Domestic Servant, aged 22 years 11 months, and born in St George's, London
Louisa Smith, Servant, aged 61 years 6 months, and born in Hackney, London

+ Provided by Friends of Tower Hamlets Cemetery Park

** Provided By Stephen Harris

And Last updated on: Wednesday, 02-Oct-2024 11:59:38 BST