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Grapes, 29 Little Earl street WC2

St Giles pub history index

The Grapes, Tower street in 1857, 1865 and 1872 Transfers. Little and Great Earl Street are now Earlham Street. This is listed the Bunch of Grapes in the 1911 census and in 1927.

A listing of historical public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels in St Giles in Fields, London.

Residents at this address.

1832/John Nelson/../../../Robsons Directory

1833-34/John Nelson/../../../Pigots Directory

1836/George Rich/../../../Pigots Directory

1841/T Andrews/../../../Post Office Directory

1843/Thomas Andrews/Grapes, 29 Little Earl street, Seven dials/../../Post Office Directory

1846/R Heptonstall/../../../Post Office Directory

1848/John Harriott/../../../Post Office Directory

1851/John Harriott/Publican/34/St Georges, Middlesex/Census
1851/An Harriott/Wife/24/St Georges, Middlesex/Census
1851/Walter Harriott/Son/7/St Giles, Middlesex/Census
1851/Elisa Harriott/Daughter/5/Newington/Census
1851/An Harriott/Daughter/2/St Giles, Middlesex/Census
1851/Elisa Walsh/Sister in Law, Servant/11/Barnet/Census
1851/Ellen Somers/House Servant/18/St Saviours, London/Census

October 1854/John Harriott Kay/ Outgoing Licensee /../../The Era

October 1854/William Henry Taplin/ Incoming Licensee /../../The Era

1856/William Henry Taplin/../../../Post Office Directory

September 1857/William Henry Taplin/Outgoing Licensee/../../Era

September 1857/George William Louis Taplin/Incoming Licensee/../../Era

October 1865/Henry Bushby/Outgoing Licensee/../../Era Newspaper

October 1865/Henry Silley/Incoming Licensee/../../Era Newspaper

1869/Hy Selley/../../../Post Office Directory

July 1869/Charles Hembrow/ Outgoing Licensee /../../The Era

July 1869/Samuel Carrington/ Incoming Licensee /../../The Era

April 1872/Samuel Carrington/Outgoing Licensee/../../Era Newspaper

April 1872/Isaac Lionel Gaskin/Incoming Licensee/../../Era Newspaper

1873/Isaac Lionel Gaskin/../../../Holborn Petty Sessions

1874/Isaac Lionel Gaskin/../../../Holborn Petty Sessions

1875/George Durrant/../../../Holborn Petty Sessions

1876/George Durrant/../../../Holborn Petty Sessions

1877/Thomas Watts Pain/../../../Holborn Petty Sessions

1878/Thomas Watts Pain/../../../Holborn Petty Sessions

1879/Thomas Watts Pain/../../../Holborn Petty Sessions

1880/Thomas Henry Piggott/../../../Holborn Petty Sessions

1881/Arthur H Sharp/Barman/17/Westminster, Middlesex/Census
1881/Henry F Newmarsh/Potman/17/St Giles Fields, Middlesex/Census
1881/Louisa L Lawrence/Domestic Servant/16/Westminster, Middlesex/Census
1881/Amy Sharp/Sister/3/Westminster, Middlesex/Census
1881/Amelia A Sharp/Sister/10/Westminster, Middlesex/Census

1881/Thomas Henry Piggott/../../../Holborn Petty Sessions

1882/Thomas Henry Piggott/../../../Post Office Directory

1882/Thomas Henry Piggott/../../../Holborn Petty Sessions

1891/Mrs Fras Ricketts/../../../Post Office Directory

1895/Charles Lewis/../../../Post Office Directory

1899/George Ernest Deverson/../../../Post Office Directory

1903/George Ernest Deverson/../../../Post Office Directory

1906/George Richard Hill/../../../Post Office Directory

1910/Chas Sidney Cutter/../../../Post Office Directory

1921/William R Taylor, Bunch of Grapes, 29 Little Earl street, Seven Dials WC/../../../Hughes Directory

In 1921 census at 29, Little Earl Street, St Giles in the Fields
James Armour, Licensed Victualler, aged 39 year, born in Westminister, London, Employer
Ethel M Armour, Wife, Licenced Victualler Manageress, James Armour, aged 39 years 6 months, born in Bow, London
Charlotte I Temple, Barmaid, James Armour, aged 31 years 8 months, born in Leyton, Essex

1927/Robert William Fryett, Bunch of Grapes, 29 Little Earl street WC2/../../../Post Office Directory

1934/Frederick Charles White, Bunch of Grapes, 29 Little Earl street WC2/../../../Post Office Directory

And Last updated on: Wednesday, 02-Oct-2024 12:02:38 BST