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Kings Head, 12 West Smithfield, St Sepulchre EC1
St Sepulchre index

West Smithfield in 1682
170 Castle Inne ; 172 Ram Inne ; 173 Rose Inne ; 191 Kings head Inne ; 192 Grayhound Inne ; 193 George Inne ; 194 Antelope Inne ; 195 Dolphin Inne ; 197 Hartshorn Inne.
West Smithfield directory for 1832 and 1842
Historical London public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels.
Residents at this address
The Morgans map of 1682 lists a reference in its key as - '191 Kings head Inne'. Looking at this map, it is just to the west side of West Smithfield.
Listed are : 170 Castle Inne ; 172 Ram Inne ; 173 Rose Inne ; 191 Kings head Inne ; 192 Grayhound Inne ; 193 George Inne ; 194 Antelope Inne ; 195 Dolphin Inne ; 197 Hartshorn Inne.
In 1708 : A New View of London by Edward Hatton lists Kings head inn, on the West side of West Smithfield
The John Strype Survey of London in 1720 map lists in the key, '126 Kingshead Inn' - Farringdon Without Ward.
1771/Thomas Binns/innholder/../../British Records Association records held at the London Metropolitan Archives *
1811/Robert Dawson, wine & brandy merchant, 12 West Smithfield/../../Holdens Directory
1822/Robert Dawson/[King's Head Tavern]/../../History of Yorkshire
1832/Edw Edwards, Kings Head, 12 West Smithfield/../../Robsons Directory
1836/Richard Rowlatt/../../../Pigot's Directory *
1837/Elizabeth Whelpdale/tavern keeper/../../Sun Fire Office records held at the London Metropolitan Archives *
1838/Elizabeth Whelpdale/tavern keeper/../../Sun Fire Office records held at the London Metropolitan Archives *
1839/Elizabeth Welpdale/../../../Pigot's Directory *
1841/Mrs Elizab Whelpdale/../../../Post Office Directory
1841/Joseph Whelpdale/Publican/30/../Census
1841/William Whelpdale/Cellerman/20/../Census
1841/Henry Whelpdale/Pwwnbrokers sh/20/Middlesex/Census
1841/Thomas Offord/Male Servant/35/../Census
1841/Wiliam Buster/Male Servant/35/../Census
1841/Margaret McCloud/Female Servant/20/Scotland/Census
1841/Jane Vincott/Female Servant/15/../Census
1842/E Whelpdale/../../../Robsons Directory
1848/William Stephen Whelpdale/../../../Post Office Directory *
1851/Wm Stephen Whelpdale/../../../Kellys Directory
1851/William Stephen Welpdale/Licensed Victualler/33/London/Census
1851/Matilda Welpdale/Wife/31/London/Census
1851/Matilda Welpdale/Daughter/6/London/Census
1851/William Stephen Welpdale/Son/4/London/Census
1851/Henry Charles Welpdale/Son/3/London/Census
1851/Jesse Welpdale/Daughter/2/London/Census
1851/Fanny Welpdale/Daughter/1/London/Census
1851/Laura Welpdale/Daughter/1 month/London/Census
1851/Frederick Langton/Visitor, Cattle Dealer/50/St James, Middlesex/Census
1851/Mary Conley/House Servant/17/Lambeth, Surrey/Census
1851/Eliza Williams/House Girl/12/London/Census
1851/Basil Dixon/Barman/20/Kent/Census
1851/Alfred Parish/Potman/28/London/Census
1856/Wm Stephen Whelpdale/../../../Post Office Directory
1869/John Smurthwaite McClaren/../../../Post Office Directory
** Provided By Stephen Harris