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Rose Inn, 80 West Smithfield, St Sepulchre EC1
St Sepulchre index
West Smithfield directory for 1832 and 1842

West Smithfield in 1682
170 Castle Inne ; 172 Ram Inne ; 173 Rose Inne ; 191 Kings head Inne ; 192 Grayhound Inne ; 193 George Inne ; 194 Antelope Inne ; 195 Dolphin Inne ; 197 Hartshorn Inne.

The 1746 map showing the Rose & Ram
Historical London public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels.
Residents at this address
The Morgans map of 1682 lists a reference in its key as - '173 Rose Inne'. Looking at this map, it is just to the north side of West Smithfield.
Listed are : 170 Castle Inne ; 172 Ram Inne ; 173 Rose Inne ; 191 Kings head Inne ; 192 Grayhound Inne ; 193 George Inne ; 194 Antelope Inne ; 195 Dolphin Inne ; 197 Hartshorn Inne.
In 1708 : A New View of London by Edward Hatton lists Rose Inn, on the North side of the sheep pens, by Smithfield
The John Strype Survey of London in 1720 map lists in the key, '128 Rose Inn' - Farringdon Without Ward.
John Folder was the landlord of the Rose Inn in 1808, according to the Innholders Hall record. *
1811/John Folder, Rose Inn, West Smithfield/../../Holdens Directory
Thomas Walker was here from 1813 according to the Sun Fire Office Records (May 3 1813) *
Thomas Walker married a Jane Folder in 1812 so there is a likely to be a family connection with predecessor John Folder. *
Thomas Walker was still there on 15 August 1815 from the baptism record of
his son Thomas. *
April 1827/Peter French/../../../Licensed Victuallers Association
1832/William Bunney, Rose Inn, 80 West Smithfield/../../Robsons
1841/William Stevens/../../../Post Office Directory
1841/William Stevens/Publican/40/../Census
1841/Charles Collins/Male Servant/18/../Census
1841/Jasper Hunt/Male Servant/15/Middlesex/Census
1841/Mary Liberton/Female Servant/12/Middlesex/Census
1832/William Stevens, Rose, 79 & 80 West Smithfield/../../Robsons Directory
1851/Alfred Banyon Gibson/../../../Kellys Directory
1851/Albert Gibson/Victualler/43/Middlesex/Census
1851/Ann Gibson/Wife/43/Middlesex/Census
1851/John Gibson/Son/5/London/Census
1851/Elizabeth Jones/Servant/17/Herts/Census
1851/Emelia Russell/Visitor/22/Surrey/Census
1851/Elizabeth Merle/Servant/23/Ireland/Census
1851/John Flackleak/Servant/21/Bedford/Census
1851/John Russell/Visitor, Salesman/40/Kent/Census
1851/William Manning/Visitor, Salesman/37/Essex/Census
1851/Charles Ballard/Visitor, Salesman/38/Surrey/Census
1851/John Chesmunt/Visitor, Salesman/34/Hants/Census
1851/John Gates/Visitor, Salesman, Widow/67/Herts/Census
1851/William Price/Visitor, Merchant/38/Middlesex/Census
1851/John Price/Visitor, Merchant/25/Middlesex/Census
1851/John Robord/Visitor, Messenger/34/Wales/Census
1856/Alfred Banyon Gibson/../../../Post Office Directory
1861/Albert B Gibson/Licensed Victualler/52/Twickenham/Census
1861/Ann Gibson/Wife/52/Brentford/Census
1861/Emily Banyard/Bamaid/13/London/Census
1861/Sarah Summer/Cook/29/Felton, Norfolk/Census
1861/Isaac Warren/Potman/18/Middlesex/Census
1861/Levi Taylor/Lodger, Ostler/27/South Mims, Middlesex/Census
+ Lodgers
* Provided By Shaun Jones
** Provided By Stephen Harris