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Luton index
Directory of Pubs in the UK, historical public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels in Bedfordshire . The Bedfordshire listing uses information from census, Trade Directories and History to add licensees, bar staff, Lodgers and Visitors.
Luton 1911 pub history census summary
The number of persons licensed for the sale of intoxicating liquors is 143,
consisting of 94 licensed victuallers, 14 beer house keepers, 25 off beer
sellers and 10 in other branches of the trade. The Estimated population of
the borough is 42,000, meaning there is one licensed house for every 293
persons; and the number of persons to each public house where liquors are
consumed on the premises is 388. Reported in February 1910.
Dis 1
Brache street, The Cardinal, Aldham
Brache street, Volunteer Inn, Miller
[182] Park street, The Goat, Darton
[202] Park street, Blacksmiths Arms,
[106] Park street, White Lion, Crew
[110] Park street, Chequers Inn, Forknall
Dis 2
98 New Town street, PH, Arnold
Dis 3, 4
80 Langley Road, Mother Red Cap, Burrell
115 Castle Street, Richard III, Moore
3 New Town street, Phoenix, George Tigwell
23 New Town Street, Parrot, Levi Dazley
89 Castle Street, Vine, Whitby
32 New Town street, Hare & Hounds, A E
35 Hibbert street, Hibbert Arms, William
Dis 5
1 Castle street, PH, Oakley - White Hart
29 Castle street, PH, Haines - Dog
1 George street, PH, Sibley - Crown
12 Albert road, PH, Forknall - Windsor Castle
51 Albert road, PH, Wiseman - Antelope Inn
38 Park street, PH, Orman - Cock
62 Park street, PH, Thompson - Bull
80 Park street, PH, Hewson - Four Horseshoes
New Town street, Robin Hood, Barber
26 Union street, PH, Taylor - Globe
1 Park street west, PH, Spacey
51 Park street west, PH, Mrs Fitzgibbon
Dis 6
119 Park street, The Falcon, Barley
108 Lea road, The Leabridge Inn, Rich
93 Windmill road, The Windmill, Proctor
Dis 7
14 Church street, Wheatsheaf Inn, Ferry
106 Church street, PH, Cook
2 St Anns Road, PH, Dennett - Hearts of Oak
27 Court road, Beer shop, Miss Wood
Dis 8, 9
65 John street, Melson Arms, Miss Girardet
32 Guildford street, Wheelwrights Arms,
18 Cheapside, Hotel, Treen - Granville Hotel
2 New Bedford road, Crown & Anchor, Verran
4 Manchester street, Horse & Jockey, Conn
2 Manchester street, Midland Hotel, Wright
18 George street, Plough Inn, Toyer
50 & 52 George street, George Hotel, Dipple
36 George street, Bell Hotel, Freestone
95 Guildford street, Plume of Feathers,
Waller street, George Tap, McGeorge
45 Bute street, The Engine, Thorne
55 Bute street, Coopers Arms, Tilbury
63 Bute street, Great Northern Inn, Wills
70 Bute street, George II, Planner
66 Bute street, Bridge Hotel, Alcock
43 Church street, Eight Bells, Rally
1 Church street, Waverley Hotel, Doble
34 Waller street, Panama, Treen
Dis 10
17 Hitchin road, Old English Gentleman,
59 Hitchin road, King Henry, Cook
85 Hitchin road, The Harrow, Graham
24 Taylor street, Beer House, Tyler
4 Duke street, Duke of Cambridge, Gray
61 Duke street, PH & Lodging, Oakley
2 High Town road, Railway Inn, Morris
16 & 18 High Town road, Bricklayers Arms,
63 Burr street, Britannia, Ellis
Dis 11
8-10 Windmill street, PH, Clarke
52 Duke street, PH, Barrick - Green Man
Dis 12
20 Round Green, Royal Oak, Girling
28 & 29 Round Green, Shepherd & Flock,
46 Round Green, Jolly Toper, Sibley
151 High Town road, Gardeners Call, Taylor
Dis 13
14 Mill street, Royal Hotel, Ellis
Dis 14, 15
5 High Town road, PH, Mrs Moore
22 North street, North Star, Craddy
Dis 16
46 Old Bedford road, The Rabbit, Strapps
Dis 17, 18, 19
73 Chapel street, Compasses. Adams
15 Windsor street, Highlander, Roberts
14 Windsor street, PH, Taylor - Foresters Arms
20 Elizabeth street, Enterprise, Law
23 Hastings street, Black Horse, Dodson
11 Hastings street, Regents Arms, Jefferies
43 Dumfries street, Royal Standard,
26 Ebenezer street, Albion, Swain
82 Chapel street, Kings Arms, Walbank
56 Chapel street, Masons Arms, Eaton
Dis 20
65 Windsor street, The Royal Oak, Fitzgibbon
94 Hastings street, The Butchers Arms, Day
76 Salisbury road, The Stag, Mallett
159 Wellington street, The Salisbury Arms,
152 Wellington street, The Fountain, Onions
Dis 21
2 Castle street, The Red Lion Hotel,
57 Stuart street, The Duke of Edinburgh,
65 Stuart street, The Bedford Arms, Crook
9 Chapel street, The Griffin, Willford
Chapel street, Queens Hotel, Dale
26 Chapel street, Queens Head, Sage
23 Dunstable place, The Oddfellows Arms,
1 Peel street, Edward VII, Bates
13 King street, The Sugar Loaf Hotel, Hayward
58 Wellington street, The Wellington Arms,
37 Princess street, The Star & Garter,
52 Princess street, The Princes Alexandra,
Dis 22
17 New Bedford road, Albion, Taylor
16 Upper George street, Dew Drop Inn, Harvey
32 Dunstable road, Fox, Hunt
39 Alma street, Marquis of Bute, Compton
1 Liverpool road, Bute Arms, Cutler
52 Inkerman street, Inkerman Arms,
Dis 23, 24, 25, 34-35