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Black Boys Inn, Henley Road, Hurley, Maidenhead SL6 5NQ

Hurley pub history index

Directory of Pubs in the UK, historical public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels in Berkshire.

Residents at this address

1851/James Leach/Victualler/64/Basildon, Berks/Census ***
1851/Sophia Leach/Wife/62/Medmenham, Bucks/Census
1851/Fanny Leach/Daughter/14/Medmenham, Bucks/Census
1851/Maria Wells/Lodger, Scholar/11/Waltham, Berks/Census
1851/Mary Wells/Lodger, Scholar/10/Waltham, Berks/Census
1851/James Maine/Lodger, Ag Labourer/69/Moreton, Oxon/Census

1854/James Leach/../../../Billings Directory ***

1863/Mrs Sophia Leech/../../../Duttons Directory ***

1864/Mrs M Leech/../../../Kellys Directory ***

1868/Martha Leach/../../../Casseys Directory ***

1877/Thomas Street/../../../Harrods Directory ***

1887/James Bolton/../../../Kellys Directory ***

1895/Archibald Lansdell/../../../Kellys Directory ***

1899/George F Cranmore/../../../Kellys Directory ***

1907/Charles William Hone/../../../Kellys Directory ***

1911/Tooke Holmes/../../../Kellys Directory ***

1920/Sydney Tanner/../../../Kellys Directory ***

1924/Robert Bassil/../../../Kellys Directory ***

1928/Edwin Chas Gelder/../../../Kellys Directory ***

1931/Ernest J Smith/../../../Kellys Directory ***

2018, The Black Boys Inn, Henley Road, Hurley, Maidenhead SL6 5NQ

*** Provided By Colin Ager

And Last updated on: Sunday, 12-Jan-2025 16:58:41 GMT