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Pied Horse, 224 High Street, Slough, Buckinghamshire

Slough pub history index

The address is often listed as at Regent Place, High street. ***

Directory of Pubs in the UK, historical public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels in Buckinghamshire. The Buckinghamshire listing uses information from census, Trade Directories and History to add licensees, bar staff, Lodgers and Visitors.

Residents at this address

17th March 1817/John Pitt in the parish of Upton, Gentleman, marries Elizabeth Goodman on 17th March 1817, bachelor and spinster at Warton parish Bucks with a £200 bond. A second entry gives slightly more detail, Elizabeth Goodman is of the parish of St George Hanover Square, and both are aged 21 years or upwards.

18th March 1817/Marriage by license of John Pitt in the parish of Upton, Gentleman, marries Elizabeth Goodman, both aged 21 years or upwards/Bishops Transcript in St George Hanover Square

April 10 1819/Notice to Debtors and Creditors: All persons Indebted to the Estate of the late Mrs Ann Duley, widow of the late Mr Jos Duley, at Harlington, in the county of Middlesex, victualler, are requested to pay their respective amounts, without delay, to Mr John Pitt, of Slough, Bucks; or to Mr J W Blincoe, of Langley Marsh, Bucks - And all persons having any Claim on the said estate are requested to transmit their accounts within 14 days from the date hereof, to the aforesaid Mr J Pitt, or Mr J W Blincoe, or they will be excluded all benefit arising therefrom. /Windsor and Eton Express 4 April 1819

Salthill Society, for the protection of persons and property, from felons and thieves:

July 17th 1824/Salthill Society: Fifteen Guineas reward. Stolen early this morning, from a field in Upton Lane, near Slough, Bucks, a Black Horse, with bald face, and white off-hind leg: the property of Mr john Pitt, of Slough aforesaid:- whoever will give such information as shall lead to the conviction of the offender or offenders shall receive the above reward - that is to say, Five Guineas of Mr Pitt, and Ten Guineas of E Williams, Eton, Treasurer to the Society. Windsor and Eton Express Saturday, July 17th 1824

1830/John Pitt/../../../Pigots Directory ***

17 April 1831/John Pitt, of Slough in the Parish of Upton cum Chalvey, carpenter devize and bequeath to [the executors] Mr Jacob William Blincoe of Langley, farmer and Mr John Ashton of Colnbrook, accountant (?) all my real estates freehold and copyhold, messuages lands tenements accreditrants and promises whatsoever to the same persons .. and their heirs ... and remainder of property to my wife Elizabeth Pitt, and equal shares to my children, or their children etc.
To my brother William Henry Pitt thirty pounds, to my cousin James Silver, son of my aunt Sarah Griffiths ten pounds, and ten pounds to above executors.
Witnessed Geo Adams, surgeon Colnbrook, Henry Lovegrove Slough and Thomas Nixey Slough/Will

March 7th 1831/Elizabeth Pitt: Impressed with gratitude for the favours so long a period conferred on her late husband, John Pitt, Carpenter, Joiner, and Undertaker, feels it her duty to return her sincere thanks to her numerous friends, and to inform them that assisted by the Foreman, who for more than 30 years has been with her family, it is her intention to continue the BUSINESS in all its branches, for the benefit of herself and family, and to assure them that every attention will be paid to their future orders./Reading Mercury

June 2nd 1832/Wednesday night the hen house of Mrs E Pitt, of the Pied Horse, Slough, was entered, and eight fowls and a rabbit were stolen./../../../Berkshire Chronicle *

The widow of John Pitt, i.e. Elizabeth Pitt married Henry Luff in London in the July-September quarter of 1837. *

27 January 1838: Death - On the 24th instance, at Slough, John Wiltshire, aged 76; the deceased had been in the capacity of journeyman carpenter, at the Pied Horse, Slough, for the long period of 53 years/ Windsor and Eton Express

1839/Henry Luff/../../../Robsons Directory ***

October 3rd 1840/Death : On the 27th ult, at the Pied Horse Inn, Slough, Bucks, Elizabeth wife of Henry Luff, in the 49th year of her age./../../../Windsor & Eton Express

1841/Henry Luff/Carpenter/40/../Census
1841/Elizabeth Pitt/../20/Buckinghamshire/Census
1841/Charlotte Pitt/../20/Buckinghamshire/Census
1841/William Pitt/Carpenter/15/Buckinghamshire/Census
1841/Jane Jackson/Female Servant/15/Buckinghamshire/Census

1842/Henry Luff/../../../Pigots Directory ***

February 25th 1844: Marriages - On Wednesday the 21st, at Christchurch, Newgate Street, Mr W G Nixey, of Moor Street, Soho, to Charlotte, youngest daughter of the late John Pitt, Esq, of Slough, Bucks/ Lloyds Weekly Newspaper

June 15 1844/On Saturday, a fatal accident occurred to Mr Luff, carpenter, and landlord of the Pied Horse, Slough. He was dragging a gun from his counting house (it is supposed, unconscious of its being loaded,) when the trigger caught and the gun exploded, the whole contents passing through his body, and killing him on the spot. The accident was witnessed by two of his workmen, and his death was so instantaneous that he never spoke after the accident occurred./../../../Reading Mercury *

William Pitt was Henry’s step-son, although the term in the following article says “son-in-law”. *

July 6th 1844/The license of the Pied Horse, at Slough, lately kept by Mr Henry Luff, who met with his death a short time ago in consequence of an accident with a gun, was transferred by indorsement to William Pitt, son in law, of the deceased landlord./../../../Bucks Herald *

May 5th 1850/George Richards/Outgoing Licensee/../../Windsor & Eton Express

May 5th 1850/William Hyde/Incoming Licensee/../../Windsor & Eton Express

1851/William Hyde/Inn Keeper/57/Lewes, Kent/Census
1851/Bridget Hyde/Wife/53/Dublin, Ireland/Census
1851/Catherine Hyde/Daughter/23/Dublin, Ireland/Census
1851/Emily Hyde/Daughter/21/Malta, British subject/Census
1851/Robert Redreep/House Servant/18/Wycombe, Buckinghamshire/Census

1852/William Hyde/Pied Horse, Slough/../../Slaters Directory

1854/W Hyde/Pied Horse, Regent Place/../../Berkshire Directory

1861/William Hyde/Licensed Victualler/64/Kent/Census ***
1861/Bridget Hyde/Wife/70/Dublin/Census
1861/Catherine Hyde/Daughter/30/Dublin/Census
1861/John Leader/Servant, Pot Boy/14/Stoke, Bucks/Census

1863/William Hyde/Pied Horse, Regent Place/../../Duttons Directory ***

1869/Joseph Robinson/Pied Horse, High Street/../../Northampton Directory

1871/Joseph Robinson/Licensed Victualler/60/Bradwell, Essex/Census
1871/Catherine Robinson/Wife/45/Dublin, Ireland/Census
1871/Kate A Robinson/Daughter/4/Slough, Buckinghamshire/Census
1871/William Hyde/Father in Law, Army Pensioner, Widow/76/Farleigh, Kent/Census
1871/Mary A Johnston/Niece, Dressmaker/25/Halifax, Nova Scotia/Census
1871/Thomas Field/Domestic Servant/13/Iver Heath, Buckinghamshire/Census

William Hyde dies in 1879.

1881/Fanny Williams/Public House Landlady, Widow/25/Middlesex/Census ***
1881/Arthur Williams/Son/2/Upton cum Chalvey, Bucks/Census
1881/Infant Williams/Daughter/2 weeks/Upton cum Chalvey, Bucks/Census
1881/Esther Shilling/Nurse, Nurse Domestic Servant/47/Cambridge/Census
1881/Caroline Fletcher/Visitor/37/Hertfordshire/Census
1881/Mary Wilder/Servant, General Domestic Servant/19/Upton cum Chalvey, Bucks/Census
1881/Horrace Ladyman/Servant, General Domestic Servant/13/Harefield, Middlesex/Census

1883/William Hampden Chalk/../../../Kellys Directory ***

1891/William Hampden-Chalk/Licensed Victualler/36/Slough, Buckinghamshire/Census *
1891/Eleanor Hampden-Chalk/Wife/37/Ivor, Buckinghamshire/Census
1891/Edith E Hampden-Chalk/Daughter, Assistant/17/Slough, Buckinghamshire/Census
1891/Elsie M Hampden-Chalk/Daughter/15/Slough, Buckinghamshire/Census
1891/Rosina M Hampden-Chalk/Daughter/10/Slough, Buckinghamshire/Census
1891/Hilda F Hampden-Chalk/Daughter/1/Slough, Buckinghamshire/Census
1891/Joseph Allen/Potman/21/Horton, Buckinghamshire/Census
1891/Harriett A Swabey/Servant General Domestic/17/Sippenham, Buckinghamshire/Census

1899/William Hampden Chalk/../../../Kellys Directory ***

1901/William H Chalk/Licensed Victualler/46/Slough, Bucks/Census ***
1901/Eleanor Chalk/Wife/47/Iver, Bucks/Census
1901/Rosina M Chalk/Daughter, Photographers Artist/20/Slough, Bucks/Census
1901/Hilda F Chalk/Daughter, Scholar/11/Slough, Bucks/Census
1901/William P H Chalk/Son, Scholar/9/Slough, Bucks/Census
1901/Sophy A Thompson/Servant, Servant Domestic/22/Eton, Bucks/Census
1901/Alfred T Evans/Servant, Pot Boy/15/Langley, Bucks/Census

1911/Herbert Joiner/Publican/44/Ashridge, Buckinghamshire/Census *
1911/Emily Joiner/Wife, Publican/44/Chesham, Buckinghamshire/Census
1911/Lily Joiner/Daughter, Assistant/24/Chesham, Buckinghamshire/Census
1911/Florence May Joiner/Daughter, Dressmaker/22/Chesham, Buckinghamshire/Census
1911/Ralph Joiner/Son, Greengrocer/20/Chesham, Buckinghamshire/Census
1911/Herbert George Joiner/Son, Civil Service Clerk/15/Chesham, Buckinghamshire/Census
1911/Bessie Joiner/Daughter/13/Chesham, Buckinghamshire/Census
1911/Ronald Hugh Joiner/Son/8/Harrow, Middlesex/Census
1911/Phyllis Marjorie Joiner/Daughter/6/Harrow, Middlesex/Census
1911/Roy Harold Joiner/Son/5/Harrow, Middlesex/Census

1915/Herbert Joiner/../../../Kellys Directory

1924/Herbert Joiner/../../../Kellys Directory

1928/Herbert Joiner/../../../Kellys Directory

1931/Herbert Joiner/../../../Kellys Directory

1935/Herbert Joiner/../../../Kellys Directory

1939/Jas Edward Morse/../../../Kellys Directory

Pied Horse Inn, Slough M.B., Buckinghamshire, England : *
James E Morse 28 Mar 1902 Male Publican Married 330/1
Constance M Morse 02 Jan 1903 Female House Duties Unpaid Married 330/2
Harold Betney 21 Apr 1917 Male Barman Single 330/4

* Provided By Jon Nixey

*** Provided By Colin Ager


And Last updated on: Wednesday, 02-Oct-2024 13:23:21 BST