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Directory of Pubs in the UK, historical public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels in Buckinghamshire.
Residents at this address.
1830/James Berry/../../../Pigots Directory ***
1852/Thomas Bradbury/../../../Slaters Directory ***
1863/J G Starkey/../../../Duttons Directory ***
Buckingham Express - 28 May 1898
Transfer of licemse of the White Hart, Tingewick to Willoughby Timms
1899/Walter Timms/../../../Kellys Directory ***
1903/Willoughby Timms/../../../Kellys Directory
1907/Willoughby Timms/../../../Kellys Directory
1915/Amos Lewis/../../../Kellys Directory
1924/Amos Lewis/../../../Kellys Directory
1928/Fredk Tapping/../../../Kellys Directory
1931/Fredk Tapping/../../../Kellys Directory
1935/Fredk Tapping/../../../Kellys Directory
*** Provided By Colin Ager