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Alexandra Hotel, 63 Killigrew Street, Falmouth, Cornwall

Falmouth pub history index

Directory of Pubs in the UK, historical public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels in Cornwall.

Residents at this address

1873, Dionysius Williams, Alexander hotel, 63 Killigrew street, Falmouth

1883, William Whitford Phillips, Alexandra Inn, 63 Killigrew street, Falmouth

1891/Paul J. Ahrens/Hotel Proprietor/55/Heligoland/Census
1891/Mary Ahrens/Wife/47/Falmouth Cornwall/Census
1891/Henry E. Ahrens/Son, Iron Ship Builder/18/Falmouth Cornwall/Census
1891/James Ahrens/Son, Iron Ship Builder/16/Falmouth Cornwall/Census
1891/William R. Ahrens/Son/14/Falmouth Cornwall/Census
1891/Beatrice Ahrens/Daughter/11/Falmouth Cornwall/Census
1891/Albert O. Ahrens/Son/9/Falmouth Cornwall/Census
1891/Ellen Trengove/General Servant/24/Penryn Cornwall/Census
1891/Mary Ellis/Niece, Hotel Assistant/25/Truro Cornwall/Census

1892/Paul J Ahrens/Inn Keeper/../../Kellys Directory

1906, Thomas Hodge, Alexandra Hotel, 63 Killigrew street, Falmouth

1939, R Williams, Alexandra Hotel, 63 Killigrew Street, Falmouth

And Last updated on: Wednesday, 02-Oct-2024 11:06:06 BST