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Three Tuns, 16 High Street, Falmouth, Cornwall

Falmouth pub history index

Directory of Pubs in the UK, historical public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels in Cornwall.

Residents at this address

1873, John James Coplin, Three Tuns, 16 High street, Falmouth

1881 census at Three Tuns, 16 High Street
Thomas Gerry,Head,M,60,,Innkeeper,St Agnes Cornwall
Jane Gerry,Wife,M,,56,,Illogan Cornwall
Thos. H. Gerry,Son,S,21,,Joiner,St Agnes Cornwall
Eliza Martin,Servant,S,,18,Domestic Servt,Penryn Cornwall

1883, Thomas Gerry, Three Tuns, 16 High street, Falmouth

1891/Samuel Allen/Licensed Victualler/32/St Austell, Cornwall/Census
1891/Julia Allen/Wife/27/Cornwall/Census
1891/Fred Forster Allen/Son/5/Cornwall/Census
1891/Thos Archibald Allen/Son/6 months/Falmouth, Cornwall/Census

1892/Samuel Allen/Inn Keeper/../../Kellys Directory

1897/Richard Henry Coad/../../../Kellys Directory

And Last updated on: Wednesday, 02-Oct-2024 11:06:12 BST