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Bell & Anchor, 81 Dock road, Canning Town E16

A listing of historical public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels in Essex.

Canning Town index

Also see the History of Canning Town

Listed address is 'Marsh' in 1855 Directory

Bell & Anchor, 81 Dock Road, Canning Town<

circa 1931

Thanks to Lal & Amy

Residents at this address

1851/Thomas Stoatt/../../../Post Office Directory

1851/Frederick Richardson/wine merchant/59/London/Census**
1851/Elizabeth Richardson/wife/58/London/Census
1851/Frederick Richardson/son/30/Camberwell, Surrey/Census
1851/Martha Richardson/daughter/19/Camberwell, Surrey/Census
1851/Mary Harrowby/visitor, annuitant (widow)/53/Suffolk/Census
1851/Charles Bethen/house servant/25/Pulham, Dorset/Census
1851/Kitty Daly/house servant/23/East Ham, Essex/Census

1855/Frederick Richardson/../../../Post Office Directory

1862/John Elliott Healey/Butcher/../../Kellys Directory

1867/Henry John Joyce/../../../Post Office Directory

1870/Henry John Joyce/../../../Kellys Directory

1871/Henry J Joyce/Licenced Victualler/33/St Lukes, Wilts/Census ***
1871/Hannah Joyce/Wife/30/Poynings, Surrey/Census
1871/Grace Lelliatt/Sister in Law, Barmaid/36//Census
1871/Mary A J Hearn/Barmaid/32/Camden Town, Middx/Census
1871/John Moyser/Barman/20/Islington, Middx/Census
1871/Fanny Wells/House Maid/19/Millwall, Middx/Census
1871/Hannah Marner/Cook/25/Islington, Middx/Census
1871/George Smith/Potman/39/Clerkenwell.Middx/Census
1871/Benjamin Jacobs/Boarder, Butcher/23/West Bromwich, Staffs/Census

1872/Henry J Joyce/../../../Kellys Directory

1874/Henry John Joyce/../../../Kellys Directory
The author Gavin Thurston The great Thames disaster wrote upon the history of the Princess Alice / Bywell Castle collision (3th of Sept. 1878) Woolwich. He mentioned the discovery of four bodies; two men and two women in the Bell & Anchor Inn near Victoria Dock there is no further information of the source of this story . Perhaps it was printed in the Kentish Independent or Kentish Mail.

1878/John George Cundy/../../../Kellys Directory

1881/J. G. Cundy/Licensed Victualler/39/Nottingham/Census
1881/L. A. Cundy/Wife/29/London, Middlesex/Census
1881/L. A. Cundy/Daughter/5/London, Middlesex/Census
1881/B. B. Cundy/Daughter/3/London, Middlesex/Census
1881/H. T. Cundy/Son/2/London, Middlesex/Census
1881/L. F. Cundy/Daughter/8m/London, Middlesex/Census
1881/Anne Willcox/Domestic Servant/20/Lincoln/Census
1881/Marian Osborne/Servant/22/London, Middlesex/Census
1881/Mary Dugaiger/Servant/39/London, Middlesex/Census
1881/Ann Biggs Preston/Domestic Nursemaid/16/London, Middlesex/Census
1881/William Leeves/Potboy/16/London, Middlesex/Census

1882/John George Cundy/../../../Kellys Directory

1886/John George Cundy/../../../Kellys Directory

1891/Arthur Smith/Licensed Victualler/34/Weatherfield, Essex/Census *
1891/Mary Ann Smith/Wife/35/Bardfield, Essex/Census
1891/Louisa Smith/Daughter/13/West Ham, Essex/Census
1891/Emily Smith/Daughter/13/West Ham, Essex/Census
1891/Laura Cary/Barmaid/22/Hastings, Sussex/Census
1891/Edith Griffithd/Barmaid/20/Horfield, Gloucester/Census

1896/Arthur Smith/../../../Post Office Directory

1901/Alfred Smyth/Publican/41/Greenwich, Kent/Census
1901/William Hasler/Barman/20/Weatherfield, Essex/Census
1901/Robert England/Barman/21/West Ham, Essex/Census
1901/Henry Hunt/Barman/24/London, Middlesex/Census

1902/Harry Dare/../../../Kellys Directory ***

1908/Alfred Mandel/../../../Kellys Directory

1911/Max G Wiedenfeld/Licensed Victualler/43/Germany/Census
1911/Eliza Wiedenfeld/Wife/36/Germany/Census
1911/Julius Wiedenfeld/Son/12/London/Census
1911/Elizabeth Wiedenfeld/Daughter/10/London/Census
1911/Reed Schneider/Visitor, Railway Officer/40/Germany/Census
1911/Joseph Jarrom Harvey/Relative, Doctor of medicine/60/Loughborough, Leicestershire/Census
1911/John Maurice Kenealy/Potman/23/West Ham/Census
1911/Mary Ann Morgan/Domestic Servant/33/Bermondsey/Census

1912/George Weidenfield/../../../Kellys Directory

1914/David Charles Bardrick/../../../Kellys Directory

1917/David Charles Bardrick/../../../Kellys Directory

In 1921 census at 81 Dock Road, West Ham
Patrick O'Keeffe, Publican aged 37 years 3 months and born in London, Employer
Isabel O'Keeffe, Wife, Publicans Assistant, P O Keeffe Wine and Sprit Dealer aged 29 years and born in London
Henry O'Neill, Brother-in-law, Publicans Assistant, P O Keeffe Wine and Sprit Dealer aged 21 years 10 months and born in London
George McCartney, Publicans Assistant, P O Keeffe Wine and Sprit Dealer aged 20 years 3 months and born in London
Jack Cartin, Publicans Assistant, P O Keeffe Wine and Sprit Dealer aged 18 years 3 months and born in Ballriggan, Ireland
Mary Carroll, Domestic Servant, P O Keeffe Wine and Sprit Dealer 70 Guernsey, Channel Islands

1925/James OBrien/../../../Kellys Directory

* Provided by Lee Cole

** Provided by John Mead

*** Provided by Veronica

And Last updated on: Wednesday, 02-Oct-2024 12:48:41 BST