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Chadwell Heath pub history index
The modern address is 2 High Road. *+
A listing of historical public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels in Essex.
Taken from a Photograph supplied by The Department of Education, Arts & Libraries, London Borough of Barking & Dagenham
Taken by Brian Woolley
Residents at this address
1848/Mary Bird/Beer Retailer/../../Whites Directory
1851/Mary Bird/beershop keeper (widow)/69/Dagenham, Essex/Census ***
1861/William Burgess/Beer House Keeper/47/Gatton, Surrey/Census
1861/Elizabeth Gough/Sister, House Keeper/49/Aveley, Essex/Census
1861/Rebecca Gough/Niece, Unmarried, Laundress/29/Dagenham, Essex/Census
1861/John Benett/Lodger, Railroad Labourer/40/Romford, Essex/Census
1862/William Burgess/../../../Kelly's
1870/William Burgess/../../../Kelly's
1871/William Burgess/../../../Post Office
1871/William Burgess/Beer House Keeper/56/Surrey/Census
1871/Elizabeth Gough/Sister, Widow/58/Aveley, Essex/Census
1871/Rebecca Gunn/Sister, Widow, Assistant/60/Aveley, Essex/Census
1871/Hannah Gurney/Visitor/23/Stanstead, Essex/Census
1871/William Gurney/Visitor/4/Dagenham, Essex/Census
1872/William Burgess/../../../Petty Sessions
1874/William Burgess/../../../Kelly's
1876/William Burgess/../../../Kelly's*
1878/William Burgess/../../../Kelly's
1881/William Burgess/Licensed Victualler/55/ Gratton, Surrey/Census
1881/Rachel Burgess/Wife/54/Dagenham, Essex/Census
1881/William Burgess/Son/19/Dagenham, Essex/Census
1881/Walter Smith/Ostler/18/Romford, Essex/Census
Note: Premises not named in 1881
1882/William Burgess/../../../Kelly's
1886/William Burgess/../../../Kelly's
1890/William Burgess/../../../Kelly's
1891/William Burgess/77/Beer Retailer/Gaston?, Surrey/Census**
1891/Rachael Burgess/64/Wife, Beer Retailer/Chadwell Heath, Essex/Census
1891/William Burgess/24/Son, Assistant /Chadwell Heath, Essex/Census
09/7/1872/William Emery Burgess/../../../Petty Sessions
1895/William Emery Burgess/Beer Retailer/../../Kelly's
25/9/1897/William Emery Burgess/../../../Petty Sessions
1898/William Emery Burgess/../../../Kelly's
1899/William Emery Burgess/../../../Kelly's
1901/William Emery Burgess/Licensed Victualler/34/Chadwell Heath, Essex/Census *+
1901/Mary Rose Burgess/Wife/24/Brentwood, Essex/Census
1901/Mary Rose Florence Threadgold/Cousin, Barmaid/22/Chadwell Heath, Essex/Census
1901/Sarah Ainsworth/Servant Domestic/22/Dagenham, Essex/Census
1902/William Emery Burgess/../../../Kelly's
1902/William Emery Burgess/../../../Petty Sessions
08/4/1905/Robert Burn/../../../Petty Sessions
1906/Robert Burn Jun./../../../Kelly's
1908/Robert Burn Jun./../../../Kelly's
1910/Robert Burn Jun./../../../Kelly's
21/5/1910/Francis Thomas Burn/../../../Petty Sessions
In 1911 at the Cooper Arms High Road Chadwell Heath, Dagenham *+
Francis Thomas Burn, Licenced Victualler aged 27 and born in Stretford Wickham Essex
Marian Burn, Wife, Licensed victualler aged 30 and born in Plaistow West Ham Essex
Narilda Waller, Barmaid aged 24 and born in Old Ford London
Caroline Samuels, Nursemaid aged 17 and born in Manor Park Essex
Alice Beatrice Foster, Housemaid aged 21 and born in Old Ford London
Francis Edward Burn, Son aged 11 months and born in Portway West Ham Essex
Alfred Burn, Son aged 7 days and born in Chadwell Heath Essex
1912/Robert Burn Jun./../../../Kelly's
1914/Robert Burn Jun./../../../Kelly's
29/7/1916/Marian Burn/../../../Petty Sessions
1917/Robert Burn Jun./../../../Kelly's
In 1921 at the Cooper Arns, High Road, Dagenham
Francis Thomas Burn, Licenced Victualler aged 37 years 10 months and born in Stratford, Essex
Marian Burn, Housewife, F J Burn Lienced Victullar aged 40 years 4 months and born in Plaistow, Essex
Francis Edward Burn, Son aged 11 years 2 months and born in West Ham, Essex
1922/Francis T. Burn/../../../Kelly's
1925/Francis T. Burn/../../../Kelly's
23/7/1927/Francis Thomas Burn & Robert Burn/../../../Petty Sessions
1929/Francis T. Burn/../../../Kelly's
1933/Robert Burn/../../../Kelly's
1933/Francis Burn/../../../Kelly's
1937/Robert Burn/../../../Kelly's
1937/Mrs. Marian Smith/../../../Kelly's
* Provided by the Pubs, Inns and Taverns Index for England, 1801-1900
*+ Provided by Ewan
** Provided by CG
*** Provided by John Mead