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Nelson's Head, 51 West Stockwell Street, Colchester

This pub was established in around 1799 and closed in 1959.

Colchester pub history index

Nelson’s Head, 51 West Stockwell Street, Colchester - in May 2010

Nelson’s Head, 51 West Stockwell Street, Colchester - in May 2010

Kindly provided by Stephen Harris

Residents at this address.

1822/Samuel Harvey/../../../Pigot's*

1823-4/Samuel Harvey/../../../Pigot's

1828-9/James Orrin/../../../Pigot's

1832-3/Benoni Carter/../../../Pigot's

1839/John Bacon/../../../Pigot's

1848/George Jackson/../../../White's

1851/George Jackson/../../../Post Office

1851/George Jackson/victualler/42/St Osyth, Essex/Census ***
1851/Rhoda Jackson/wife/45/Colchester, Essex/Census
1851/Sarah Jackson/sister/52/St Osyth, Essex/Census

1855/J. Fakes/../../../Kelly's*

1862/George Trull/../../../Kelly's

1867/George Trull//../../../Post Office

1870/George Trull/../../../Kelly's

1874/George Trull/../../../Kelly's

1878/George Trull/../../../Kelly's

1881/Thomas William Huff/Manager/48/Stoke by Nayland, Suffolk/Census
1881/Catherine Huff/Wife/47/Earl Soham, Suffolk/Census
1881/Ann Dow/Servant/12/Bergholt, Essex/Census

1882/Thomas Ward Watson/../../../Kelly's

1886/Thomas Ward Watson/../../../Kelly's

1894/Robert John Webb/../../../Kelly's

1895/Robert John Webb/../../../Kelly's

1898/George William Willes/../../../Kelly's

1899/G. W. Willes/../../../Kelly's

1901/George W Willes/Licensed Victualler/61/Colchester, Essex/Census
1901/Charlotte L Willes/Wife/52/Gosport, Hants/Census
1901/George W Willes/Son, Mineral Water/29/Ireland/Census
1901/Agnes Willes/Daughter, Boot Fetter/24/East Indies/Census
1901/Maud H Willes/Daughter, Boot Fetter/15/Colchester, Essex/Census
1901/Alfred Willes/Son/13/Colchester, Essex/Census

1902/George William Willes/../../../Kelly's

1908/Thomas William Philip Stevens/../../../Kelly's

1912/Elisha Brown/../../../Kelly's

1914/Thomas Leigh/../../../Kelly’s Directory **

1917/Frederick Gillespie/../../../Kelly's

1925/William F. Wade/../../../Kelly's

1933/William F. Wade/../../../Kelly's

1937, Nelsons Head, George E Wagstaff, 51 West Stockwell Street

1940/George Edward Wagstaffe/Licensee/../../Petty Sessions**

* Provided by the Pubs, Inns and Taverns Index for England, 1801-1900

** Provided by Jill Fleming

*** Provided by John Mead

And Last updated on: Wednesday, 02-Oct-2024 12:50:16 BST