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Boar's Head, 37 High Street, Dunmow CM6 1AB
Great Dunmow pub history index
Directory of Pubs in the UK, historical public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels in Essex .

Boar's Head, High Street, Dunmow in 1988
Taken by Steve Steere
Residents at this address.
1814-6/Sarah Stagg/Licensee/../../Alehouse Recognizances**
1817/Samuel Franklin/Licensee/../../Alehouse Recognizances**
1822/Henry Wilton/../../../Pigot's*
1823-4/Henry Wilton/Tavernkeeper/../../Pigot's
1827-8/Elizabeth Bright/Licensee/../../Alehouse Recognizances**
1828-9/Elizabeth Bright/../../../Pigot's
1832-3/Elizabeth Bright/../../../Pigot's
1839/Elizabeth Bright/../../../Pigot's
In 1841 at High Street, Great Dunmow, Dunmow
Elizabeth Bright, Publican, aged 63 and born in Essex
George Norton,Tailor, aged 32
Sophia Norton, aged 26 and born in Essex
Elizabeth Norton, aged 1 and born in Essex
Walter Callow, aged 6
John Devenish, Agr Labourer, aged 43 and born in Essex
1845/Mrs. Elizabeth Bright/../../../Post Office
1848/Elizabeth Bright/../../../White's
1851/Mrs. Elizabeth Bright/../../../Post Office
1855/Mrs. E. Bright/../../../Kelly's*
Suffolk and Essex Free Press. 15 January 1857
Deaths - Jan 5, Mrs Elizabeth Bright, widow, for 33 years landlady of the Boars Head Inn, Great Dunmow, aged 80.
1861/Sophia Burrows/Inn Keeper, Widow/45/Great Dunmow, Essex/Census
1861/Elizabeth Norton/Daughter/21/Great Dunmow, Essex/Census
1861/William Burrows/Son, twin/11/Great Dunmow, Essex/Census
1861/George Burrows/Son, twin/11/Great Dunmow, Essex/Census
1861/John Devinish/Lodger, Pensioner/62/Great Dunmow, Essex/Census
1861/Thomas Pigram/Lodger, Labourer/66/Barnston, Essex/Census
1861/Thomas Mead/Lodger, Drover/71/Great Dunmow, Essex/Census
1862/Mrs. Sophia Burrows/../../../Kelly's
1867/Mrs. Sophia Burrows/../../../Post Office
1870/Charles Thorne/../../../Kelly's
1871/Charles Thorne/../../../Post Office
1871/Charles Thorn/Inn Keeper/32/Great Dunmow, Essex/Census
1871/Elizabeth Thorn/Wife/31/Great Dunmow, Essex/Census
1871/Frederick N Thorn/Son/7/Great Dunmow, Essex/Census
1871/Kate Sophia Thorn/Daughter/5/Great Dunmow, Essex/Census
1871/Herbert William Thorn/Son/3/Great Dunmow, Essex/Census
1871/Ernest George Thorn/son/1/Great Dunmow, Essex/Census
1871/Eliza Young/Domestic Servant/15/High Easter, Essex/Census
1874/Charles Thorne/../../../Kelly's
1878/Charles Thorn/../../../Kelly's
1881/Charles Thorn/Innkeeper/42/Dunmow, Essex/Census
1881/Elizabeth Thorn/Wife/41/Dunmow, Essex/Census
1881/Fred N. Thorn/Son, Painter/17/Dunmow, Essex/Census
1881/Kate S. Thorn/Daughter, Assistant/15/Dunmow, Essex/Census
1881/Herbert W. Thorn/Son, Grocers Assistant/13/Dunmow, Essex/Census
1881/Ernest W. Thorn/Son/11/Dunmow, Essex/Census
1881/Louise N. Thorn/Daughter/9/Dunmow, Essex/Census
1881/Thomas C. Thorn/Son/8/Dunmow, Essex/Census
1881/Arthur J. Thorn/Son/3/Dunmow, Essex/Census
1881/Charles H. Williams/Lodger, Cordwainer/48/Bognor, Sussex/Census
1881/Walter Leader/Lodger, Cordwainer/32/Norwich, Norfolk/Census
1881/William Walker/Lodger, Cordwainer/51/Braintree, Essex/Census
1882/Charles Thorn/../../../Kelly's
1886/Charles Thorn/../../../Kelly's
1890/Thomas William Harris/../../../Kelly's
In 1891 at Boars Head, High Street, Great Dunmow
Thomas W Harris, Builder and innkeeper aged 31 and born in Essex
Susan Harris, Wife aged 29 and born in Great Dunmow, Essex
Richard J Harris, Son aged 5 and born in Great Dunmow, Essex
Mary P Harris, Daughter aged 3 and born in Great Dunmow, Essex
Clara Harris, Daughter aged 1 and born in Great Dunmow, Essex
Julia Harvey, General servant aged 17 and born in Stebbing, Essex
1894/Thomas William Harris/../../../Kelly's
1895/Thomas William Harris/../../../Kelly's
1898/Alfred Harris/../../../Kelly's
1899/Alfred Harris/../../../Kelly's
In 1901 at Boars Head Inn, High Street, Great Dunmow
Alfred Harris, Publican, aged 37 and born in Essex
Emma Harris, Wife, aged 36 and born in Braintree, Essex
Stanley Harris, Son, aged 9 and born in Great Dunmow, Essex
Ernest Ardley, Boots & ostler, aged 18 and born in Felsted, Essex
1902/Alfred Harris/../../../Kelly's
1906/Alfred Harris/../../../Kelly's
1908/Alfred Harris/../../../Kelly's
1910/Alfred Harris/../../../Kelly's
In 1911 at Boars Head Inn High Street Dunmow
Alfred Harris, Inn keeper, aged 49 and born in Little Saling
Emma Harris, Wife, aged 46 and born in Braintree, Essex
Stanley Harris, Son, Harness makers assistant, aged 19 and born in Great Dunmow, Essex
1912/Alfred Harris/../../../Kelly's
1914/Alfred Harris/../../../Kelly's
1917/Alfred Harris/../../../Kelly's
1922/Mrs. Mary Topliffe/../../../Kelly's
1925/Frank Springham/../../../Kelly's
1929/Frank Springham/../../../Kelly's
1933/Frank Springham/../../../Kelly's
1937/Frank Springham/../../../Kelly's
* Provided by the Pubs, Inns and Taverns Index for England, 1801-1900
** Provided by Mike Smith