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Shepherd & Dog, Shepherds Hill, Harold Wood

The Shepherd & Dog, Harold Wood, near Brentwood. The modern address is 91 Shepherds Hill. **

Shepherd & Dog, Harold Wood, near Brentwood

Kindly provided by Colleen

Near to Upminster Common, built in 1848.

Also known as the Spotted Dog

The following entries are in this format:

Year/Publican or other Resident/Relationship to Head and or Occupation/Age/Where Born/Source.

1862/William Oliver/beer retailer/../../Post Office Directory

1867/Edward Thurlby Hitching/../../../Kelly's

1870/Edward Thurlby Hitching/../../../Kelly's

1871/Edward Thurlby Hitching/../../../Post Office

1871/Edward T Hitching/Licensed Victualler/62/Ramsden Crays, Essex/Census
1871/Sarah Hitching/Wife/56/Somers Town, Middx/Census
1871/Matilda R West/Domestic Servant/17/West Thurrock, Essex/Census
1871/David Herbert/Lodger, Farm Labourer/55/West Bergholt, Suffolk/Census

1874/James Buxton/../../../Kelly's

1878/Alfred Claydon/../../../Kelly's

1881/Alfred Claydon/Licensed Victualler/48/Nazing, Essex/Census
1881/Maria Claydon/Wife/51/Hadleigh, Essex/Census
1881/George H. Claydon/Brother, Farmer/52/Nazing, Essex/Census

Note: Premises not named in 1881

1882/Alfred Claydon/../../../Kelly's

1886/Alfred Claydon/../../../Kelly's

1890/Frederick Saltmarsh/../../../Kelly's

24/08/1893/William Townsend/../../../Petty Sessions Victuallers Records

1895/Frederick Saltmarsh/../../../Kelly's

05/10/1895/Frank Bell/../../../Petty Sessions Victuallers Records

1899/Frank Bell/../../../Kelly's

25/05/1899/John Miher Cooper/../../../Petty Sessions Victuallers Records

1901/Ellen Gray/../../../Census*

1901/Ellen Gray/Licensed Victualler, widow/30/London, Middx/Census
1901/Jane Galbitas/Sister, Licensed Victualler, married/25/London, Middx/Census
1901/Ellen Randall/Mother, widow,Licensed Victualler/60/London, Middx/Census
1901/Charles Gray/Son/2/Upminster, Essex/Census

1902/Mrs. Ellen Gray/../../../Kelly's

1906/Mrs. Ellen Gray/../../../Kelly's

1908/Arthur John Wallace/../../../Kelly's

1910/Arthur John Wallace/../../../Kelly's

1912/Arthur John Wallace/../../../Kelly's

1914/Arthur John Wallace/../../../Kelly's

1917/William Henry Cooper/../../../Kelly's

1925-6/William Henry Cooper/../../../Kelly's

1929/George W. Sawyer/../../../Kelly's

1933/George W. Sawyer/../../../Kelly's

1937/George W. Sawyer/../../../Kelly's

* Provided by the Pubs, Inns and Taverns Index for England, 1801-1900

** Provided by Ewan

Provided by Kevan

And Last updated on: Wednesday, 02-Oct-2024 12:53:16 BST