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Leigh pub history index
Residents at this address.
1867/Henry Eaton/../../../Post Office
1870/William Parsons/../../../Kelly's
1871/William Parsons/../../../Post Office
1874/Charles Clipsham/../../../Kelly's
1878/James Wilson/../../../Kelly's
1881/James Wilson/Publican/65/Wigton, Cumberland/Census
1881/Maria Wilson/Wife/55/Merton, Surrey/Census
Note: Premises not named in 1881
1882/Mrs. Emma Smith/../../../Kelly's
1886/Mrs. Emma Smith/../../../Kelly's
1890/Mrs. Emma Smith/../../../Kelly's
1891/Thomas Waters/Licensed Victualler/54/Woodford, Wiltshire/Census*
1891/Emma Waters/Wife/61/Sheerness, Kent/Census*
1891/Elizabeth Stoker/Domestic Servant/55/Rochester, Kent/Census*
1894/Thomas Waters/../../../Kelly's
1895/Thomas Waters/../../../Kelly's
1898/James Miller Stevens/../../../Kelly's
1899/James Miller Stevens/../../../Kelly's
1906/James Mulley/../../../Kelly's
Southend Standard and Essex Weekly Advertiser. 16 July 1908
Premises for sale, formerly known as the Coal Hole Inn, High street, Leigh on Sea (but now unlicensed).
The premises abut upon the Railway, are close to the Station, and within a few yards of the waterside and quay.
* Provided by CG