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Blucher's Head, 44 Market Place, Romford

Romford pub history index

Directory of Pubs in the UK, historical public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels in Essex .

Name Changed to the Duke of Wellington 15th April 1915 due to public opinion. Demolished in 1967

Bluchers Head, Market Place - on right

Bluchers Head, Market Place - on right

Kindly provided by Colleen

For the History of Romford & other areas of Havering:

Residents at this address.

1822/John Marrable/../../../Pigot's*

1823-4/John Marrable/../../../Pigot's

1826/John Marrable/../../../Pigot's

1828-9/John Marrable/../../../Pigot's

1832-3/James Wensley/../../../Pigot's

1839/Samuel Adams Hammond/../../../Pigot's

1841/Samuel Adams Hammond/Innkeeper/45/Essex/Census
1841/Mary Hammond/../45/Essex/Census
1841/Joseph Hammond/../22/Essex/Census
1841/Sarah Hammond/../20/Essex/Census
1841/Mary Ann Hammond/../15/Essex/Census
1841/Hannah Hammond/../13/Essex/Census
1841/Emma Hammond/../9/Essex/Census

1845/Samuel Adams Hammond/Carpenter/../../Post Office

1848/Mary Hammond/../../../White's

1851/Mrs. Mary Hammond/Carpenter/../../Post Office

1851/Mary Hammond/Innkeeper/57/Willingate Doe, Essex/Census***
1851/Mary Ann Hammond/Daughter/28/Romford, Essex/Census
1851/Hannah Hammond/Daughter/23/Romford, Essex/Census
1851/Charles Hammond/Son, Carpenter/21/Romford, Essex/Census
1851/Emma E. Hammond/Daughter/18/Romford, Essex/Census
1851/Thomas Pool/Lodger, Sawyer/30/Doddinghurst, Essex/Census
1851/John Archer/Errand Boy/16/Epping, Essex/Census

1855/Misses Hammond/../../../Kelly's*

1861/Frederick L Mantell/Victualler/33/Epping, Essex/Census
1861/Sarah Mantell/Wife/40/Romford, Essex/Census
1861/Henry Newman/Servant, Ostler/22/Great Clacton, Essex /Census
1861/Susan Goodwin/House Servant/20/Blythburgh, Suffolk/Census

1862/Frederick Lewis Mantell/../../../Kelly's

1863/Frederick Lewis Mantell/../../../White's

1867/Frederick L. Mantell/../../../Post Office

1870/Frederick Lewis Mantell/../../../Kelly's

1871/Frederick Lewis Mantell/../../../Post Office

1871/Frederick L. Mantell/Licensed Victualler/42/Epping, Essex/Census***
1871/Sarah Mantell/Wife/50/Romford, Essex/Census
1871/William Kelley/Ostler/19/Great Waltham, Essex/Census
1871/Annie Wederell/Barmaid/14/Theydon Bois, Essex/Census
1871/Francis Summerfield/Boarder, Plumber/34/Kent/Census

30/08/1872/Frederick Lewis Mantell/../../../Petty Sessions Victuallers Records

1874/Frederick Lewis Mantell/../../../Kelly's

1878/Frederick Lewis Mantell/../../../Kelly's

29/01/1880/Robert Jennings/../../../Petty Sessions Victuallers Records

1881/Robert Jennings /Licensed Victualler/23/London, Middlesex/Census
1881/Mary Jennings/Mother/43/London, Middlesex/Census
1881/Emily Wheatley/Barmaid/14/Romford, Essex/Census
1881/Mark Seely/Hostler/20/Brockley, Suffolk/Census
1881/Robert Baker/Lodger, Carpenter/27/Manchester, Lancashire/Census

Note: Premises not named in 1881

1882/Robert Jennings/../../../Kelly's

30/04/1885/James Heavens/../../../Petty Sessions Victuallers Records

1886/James Heavens/../../../Kelly's

1890/James Heavens/../../../Kelly's

1891/James Heavens/Licensed Victualler/31/Faringdon, Berkshire/Census***
1891/Emily Lucy Heavens/Wife/30/Henley on Thames/Census
1891/Emily Heavens/Daughter/4/Romford, Essex/Census
1891/Frank Heavens/Son/3/Romford, Essex/Census
1891/Alice Heavens/Daughter/2/Romford, Essex/Census
1891/William Heavens/Son/1m/Romford, Essex/Census
1891/Mary Ann Winter/Lady Nurse/63/Blackheath, Kent/Census
1891/Blanche Carroll/Domestic Nurse Girl/14/Romford, Essex/Census
1891/William Newman/Potman/45/Halstead, Essex/Census

02/12/1893/Emily Lucy Heavens/../../../Petty Sessions Victuallers Records

25/01/1894/Emily Lucy Heavens/../../../Petty Sessions Victuallers Records

08/02/1894/Henry Knightbridge/../../../Petty Sessions Victuallers Records

1894/Henry Knightbridge/../../../Kelly's

1895/Henry Knightbridge/../../../Kelly's

31/10/1895/Arthur Albert Rich/../../../Petty Sessions Victuallers Records

1898/Arthur Albert Rich/../../../Kelly's

1899/Arthur Albert Rich/../../../Kelly's

1901/Arthur A Rich/Publican/37/Romford, Essex/Census
1901/Clara Linton/House Keeper/32/Abbotsley, Hants/Census
1901/Harry Green/Potsman/22/Essex/Census

1902/Arthur Albert Rich/../../../Kelly's**

1906/Arthur Albert Rich/../../../Kelly's**

1908/Mrs. Ellen M. Long/../../../Kelly's

1910/Mrs. Ellen M. Long/../../../Kelly's

1911/Thomas Long/Licensed Victualler/45/Bethnal Green, London/Census
1911/Ellen May Long/Wife/50/Buckhurst Hill, Essex/Census
1911/Ellen May Copland/Daughter/27/Buckhurst Hill, Essex/Census
1911/Ivy May Copland/Granddaughter/2/Romford, Essex/Census
1911/Sidney Thomas Copland/Grandson/1/Romford, Essex/Census
1911/Joseph Walter Shepherd/Grandson/6/Bow, London/Census
1911/Violet Ellenor Shepherd/Granddaughter/8/Bow, London/Census

1912/Mrs. Ellen M. Long/../../../Kelly's

1914/Mrs. Ellen M. Long/../../../Kelly's

Name Changed to the Duke of Wellington 15th April 1915 :

1917/Mrs. Ellen M. Long/../../../Kelly's

In 1921 census at 46 Market Place, Romford
Thomas Hawkins Long, Licensed Victualler, aged 54 years 6 months and born in London,Employer
Ellen Mary Long, Wife, Licensed Victuallers Assistant, J H Long Licensed Victualler, aged 61 years 8 months and born in London
Joseph Walter Shepherd, Grandson, Apprentice Engineer, Starling Works Dagenham Essex, Out Of Work, aged 16 years 11 months and born in London
Violet Elenor Shepherd, Granddaughter, aged 18 years 4 months and born in London
Ivy May Copeland, Granddaughter, aged 13 years 2 months and born in Romford, Essex

1922/Mrs. Ellen M. Long/../../../Kelly's

1925/Thomas H. Long/../../../Kelly's

1929/Thomas H. Long/../../../Kelly's

1933/Thomas H. Long/../../../Kelly's

1937/Thomas H. Long/../../../Kelly's

* Provided by the Pubs, Inns and Taverns Index for England, 1801-1900

** Provided by Tom Hine

*** Provided by CG

And Last updated on: Wednesday, 02-Oct-2024 12:57:24 BST