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Coopers Arms / Havering Well, 148 Rush Green Road, Romford RM7 0QA

Also see the History of Romford

The modern address is given as 148 Rush Green Road, and it has gone through a number of name changes. It is also sometimes listed as Dagenham Road in old directories. ***

Kindly provided by Colleen

Residents at this address

1861/John Potter/Beer House Keeper, Widow/74/Dagenham, Essex/Census
1861/Elizabeth Potter/Daughter/39/Hornchurch, Essex/Census
1861/John Potter/Grandson/8/Plumstead, Kent/Census

1862/John Potter/Beer Retailer/../../Kellys

1870/John Potter/Beer Retailer/../../Kellys

1871/John Potter/beer retailer/../../Post Office Directory ***

1874/John Potter/Beer Retailer/../../Kellys

1878/John Potter/Beer Retailer/../../Kellys

1881/George Potter/Publican/53/Hornchurch, Essex/Census
1881/Martha Potter/Wife/47/Dagenham, Essex/Census
1881/Christopher Potter/Son, Gardener/17/Dagenham, Essex/Census
1881/Alfred Potter/Son/16/Dagenham, Essex/Census
1881/Hesther Potter/Daughter/14/Dagenham, Essex/Census
1881/Ruban Potter/Son/11/Dagenham, Essex/Census
1881/Lydia A. Potter/Daughter/7/Dagenham, Essex/Census
1881/George J. Potter/Grandson/2/Dagenham, Essex/Census
1881/William Trand/Lodger, Farm Labourer/64/Bridge Berry, Essex/Census

1882/John Potter/Beer Retailer/../../Kellys

1886/John George Potter/Beer Retailer/../../Kellys

1890/George Potter/Beer Retailer/../../Kellys

1891/George Potter/Beerhouse Keeper/65/Hornchurch, Essex/Census
1891/Martha Potter/Wife/60/Dagenham, Essex/Census
1891/Reuben Potter/Son, General Labourer/20/Dagenham, Essex/Census
1891/Christopher Potter/Nephew/7/Dagenham, Essex/Census

1894/George Potter/Beer Retailer/../../Kellys

1895/George Potter/beer retailer/../../Kellys Directory ***

1898/George Potter/Beer Retailer/../../Kellys

1899/George Potter/Beer Retailer/../../Kellys

1901/George Potter/Publican/74/Hornchurch, Essex/Census*
1901/Reuben Potter/Son, Farm Labourer/30/Dagenham, Essex/Census*
1901/Hepzibah U. Potter/Daughter in Law/28/Rainham, Essex/Census*
1901/Rosetta A. Potter/Granddaughter/3/Romford, Essex/Census*

1902/George Potter/Beer Retailer/../../Kellys

1906/Alfred Agar/Beer Retailer/../../Kellys

Harriet Jermy was Mary Ann’s sister, who came down from Norfolk to work at the Duke of York for a time. She returned to Norfolk to marry Herbert Arthur Francis and, although he was strict chapel, the pub life obviously appealed to her and they returned with their young family as publicans at the Coopers Arms, Rush Green. When Herbert became ill and died, Harriet left the Coopers Arms and with the help of the eldest of her six children, took on the Foresters PH in Arline Street, and then the Duke of Sussex in Goldsmiths Row, now the Albion. Her eldest son, Cecil Jeffrey Francis remained in the Foresters PH until it was bombed during WWII . Harriet retired from the pub life in 1936. **

Their brother, Jacob Jermy can be found at the Harrow. **

1908/Herbert Francis/../../../Kellys

1910/Herbert Francis/../../../Kellys

1911/Herbert Francis/Inn Keeper/38/Freethorpe, Norfolk/Census ***
1911/Harriet Francis/Wife/32/Beighton, Norfolk/Census
1911/Cecil Francis/Son/11/Freethorpe, Norfolk/Census
1911/Doris Francis/Daughter/6/Freethorpe, Norfolk/Census
1911/Edward Francis/Son/4/Freethorpe, Norfolk/Census
1911/Lily Sharpe/Servant/20/Greennife, Kent/Census

1912/Herbert Francis/Beer Retailer/../../Kellys

1914/Herbert Francis/Beer Retailer/../../Kellys

1917/Herbert Francis/Beer Retailer/../../Kellys

Thomas Branch Kerry’s name threads through the narrative from the 1890’s. His son in law was George Ambrose (Sidney George Ambrose is shown in Kellys) who took over the Coopers Arms from Herbert Francis, and the same George Ambrose was later at the Thatched House in Cranham for a time (probably early 1930s) **

1922/Sidney Ambrose/Beer Retailer/../../Kellys

1925/Sidney Ambrose/../../../Kellys

Note: Prior to 1929 premises only named in 1881, 1891, 1901, 1908, 1910, 1922 and 1925

1929/Sidney George Ambrose/Beer Retailer/../../Kellys

1933/N. A. Messer/Beer Retailer/../../Kellys
1933/T. B. Kerry/Beer Retailer/../../Kellys

1937/Norman A. Messer/../../../Kellys

2022, Havering Well, 148 Rush Green Road, Romford RM7 0QA, Craft Union - Stonegate pubs

* Provided by CG

** Provided by Linda Taylor

*** Provided by Ewan

And Last updated on: Wednesday, 02-Oct-2024 12:57:44 BST