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Ship, Sun Street, Waltham Abbey

Waltham Abbey pub history index

The following entries are in this format:

Year/Publican or other Resident/Relationship to Head and or Occupation/Age/Where Born/Source.

1776/William Lewis/Licensee/../../Alehouse Recognizances*

1822/James Death/../../../Pigot's**

1826/James Death/../../../Pigot's

1827-8/James Death/../../../Pigot's*

1828-9/James Deathh/../../../Pigot's

1839/Frances Death/../../../Pigot's

1840/Frances Death/../../../Pigot's**

1841/Frances Death/Publican/50/../Census
1841/Ann Death/../20/Essex/Census
1841/Frances Death/../20/Essex/Census
1841/James Death/Auctioneer Apprentice/15/Essex/Census
1841/Catherine Death/../14/Essex/Census
1841/Eliza Death/../11/Essex/Census
1841/Mary Lock/Female Servant/15/Essex/Census
+ Visitors

1845/Mrs. Frances Death/Excise Office/../../Post Office

1848/James Death/../../../White's

1851/Mrs. Martha Fowkes/../../../Post Office

1852/Mrs. M. Fowkes/../../../Kelly's**

* Provided by Ken Harrison

** Provided by the Pubs, Inns and Taverns Index for England, 1801-1900

And Last updated on: Wednesday, 02-Oct-2024 13:00:07 BST