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Kings Arms, Marshfield, Chippenham, Gloucestershire

Marshfield pub history index

Directory of Pubs in the UK, historical public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels in Gloucestershire.

Kings Arms, Marshfield

Kings Arms, Marshfield

Kindly provided by Alan Shellard

Residents at this address

1894/Mrs Sarah Billett/../../../Kellys Directory

1902/Miss Sarah Billett/../../../Kellys Directory

1906/Miss Sarah Billett/../../../Kellys Directory

1910/Daniel Fishlock/../../../Kellys Directory

When looking for information on the old Marshfield pub we found your information and link. A photo of the pub this is attached; we as a family have a link the old Marshfield and a link to the Moules family who we notice were landlords in the 19th century. *

1923/Frank Moules/../../../Kellys Directory

1927/Frank Moules/../../../Kellys Directory

* Provided by Alan Shellard

And Last updated on: Wednesday, 02-Oct-2024 13:48:22 BST