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Winchester pub history index
Directory of Pubs in the UK, historical public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels in Hampshire .
Residents at this address
Hampshire Chronicle. 19 June 1847
Catherine Paul, of the Spread Eagle; Jane Bennett, of the Britannia; Henry Pearce, of the Rodneys Head, and Robert Edgington, of the Marquis of Granby, were fined 10 shillings and and costs for keeping open their houses on Sunday the 13th instance during the time of the morning divine service.
The Salisbury and Winchester Journal. 25 December 1847
Transfer of licence of the Marquess of Granby, from Robert Edgington to Mary Edgington
1855, H Surman, Marquis of Granby, High street, Winchester
1859, Eliz Chandler, victualler, Marquis of Granby, 28 High street, Winchester
In 1861 at Marquis of Granby, High Street, St Maurice, Winchester
Elizabeth Chandler, Inn keeper, Widow, aged 54 and born in Nursling, Hampshire
John Chandler, Son, Bootbinder, aged 17 and born in Winchester, Hampshire
James Chandler, Son, Butcher, aged 17 and born in Winchester, Hampshire
Emma Edwards, General servant, aged 25 and born in Winchester, Hampshire
Fanny Thomas, Boarder, Dressmaker, aged 23 and born in Sussex
William Scarlett, Boarder, Widower Pensioner, aged 73 and born in Bullington, Hampshire
William Light, Boarder, Farm labourer, aged 50 and born in Whiteparish, Wiltshire
William Brown, Boarder, Farm labourer, aged 26 and born in Wilton, Wiltshire
Albert Poulter, Boarder, aged 14 and born in Westminster, Middlesex
Arthur Poulter, Boarder, aged 10 and born in Westminster, Middlesex