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Goff's Oak, Goff's Oak, Waltham Cross, Hertfordshire

Cheshunt index

The licensee records are only listed until 1937, but it is still a Mitchells & Butlers Premium Country public house in 2017.

Directory of Pubs in the UK, historical public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels in Hertfordshire .

Goffs Oak, Goffs Oak, Chesthunt, Hertfordshire

Goffs Oak, Goffs Oak, Chesthunt, Hertfordshire

Kindly provided by Peter Wonnacott

Residents at this address

1806/Thomas Clapham/Royal Oak/../../Victuallers Recognizances ***

1817/Thomas Clapham/Goffs Oak/../../Victuallers Recognizances ***

1822/William Gayler/Goffs Oak/../../Victuallers Recognizances ***

1828/William Gayler/Goffs Oak/../../Victuallers Recognizances ***

1839/William Gayler/Goffs Oak, Cheshunt Common/../../Pigot's Directory ***

1841/Joseph Gayler/Publican/35/../Census ***
1841/Ann Gayler/../35/../Census

1845/William Gaylor/The Goffs Oak, Goffs Oak/../../Post Office Directory ***

1851/John Sherras/Victualler/26/Enfield, Middx/Census ***
1851/Maria Sherras/Wife/22/Cheshunt, Herts/Census
1851/Henry Sherras/Son/2m/Cheshunt, Herts/Census
1851/Eliza Sherras/Sister, Dressmaker/19/Enfield, Middx/Census
1851/Aaron Lambert/Lodger, Agr Labourer/63/Essendon, Herts/Census

1855/John Sherras/'Goffs Oak', Cheshunt Common/../../Post Office Directory ***

1859/John Sherras/'Goffs Oak', Cheshunt Common/../../Post Office Directory ***

1861/John Sherras/Victualler and Wheelwright/36/Enfield, Middx/Census ***
1861/Maria Sherras/Wife, Victuallers Wife/32/Cheshunt, Herts/Census
1861/Harry Sherras/Son, Scholar/10/Cheshunt, Herts/Census
1861/John Sherras/Son, Scholar/8/Cheshunt, Herts/Census
1861/Richard Sherras/Son, Scholar/6/Cheshunt, Herts/Census
1861/Arthur Sherras/Son, Scholar/4/Cheshunt, Herts/Census
1861/Maria Sherras/Daur/1m/Cheshunt, Herts/Census
1861/Jane Davis/Mother in Law, Kinswoman Formerly Laundress/72/Cheshunt, Herts/Census
1861/Mary Chamberlain/Niece, Barmaid/28/Hatfield, Herts/Census
1861/Frederick Davis/Nephew, Carpenter/18/Cheshunt, Herts/Census
1861/John Barker/Lodger, Masons Labourer/27/Bexley, Kent/Census

1862/John Sherras/'Goffs Oak', Cheshunt Common/../../Post Office Directory ***

1867/John Sherras/'Goffs Oak', Cheshunt Common/../../Post Office Directory ***

1870/John Sherras/'Goffs Oak' & Wheelwright, Cheshunt Common/../../Post Office Directory ***

1871/John Sherras/Licensed Victualler & Wheelwright/46/Enfield, Middx/Census ***
1871/Maria Sherras/Wife/43/Cheshunt, Herts/Census
1871/John Sherras/Son, Licensed Victuallers Son/18/Cheshunt, Herts/Census
1871/Arthur Sherras/Son, Licensed Victuallers Son/14/Cheshunt, Herts/Census
1871/Maria Sherras/Daur, Scholar/10/Cheshunt, Herts/Census
1871/Frederick A Sherras/Son, Scholar/7/Cheshunt, Herts/Census
1871/William E Sherras/Son, Scholar/5/Cheshunt, Herts/Census
1871/George E Sherras/Son/2/Cheshunt, Herts/Census
1871/Grace Davis/Niece, General Servant/16/Tottenham, Middx/Census

1874/John Sherras/'Goffs Oak' & Wheelwright, Cheshunt Common/../../Post Office Directory ***

1878/John Sherras/'Goffs Oak' & Wheelwright, Cheshunt Common/../../Post Office Directory ***

1881/John Sherras/Licensed Victualler/56/Enfield, Middx/Census ***
1881/Maria Sherras/Wife, Licensed Victuallers Wife/52/Cheshunt, Herts/Census
1881/John Sherras/Son, Wheelwright/28/Cheshunt, Herts/Census
1881/Arthur Sherras/Son, Fishmonger/24/Cheshunt, Herts/Census
1881/Maria Sherras/Daur, Dressmaker/20/Cheshunt, Herts/Census
1881/Frederick A Sherras/Son, Cabinet Maker/17/Cheshunt, Herts/Census
1881/William E Sherras/Son, Scholar/15/Cheshunt, Herts/Census
1881/George E Sherras/Son, Scholar/12/Cheshunt, Herts/Census
1881/Albert C Sherras/Son, Scholar/9/Cheshunt, Herts/Census
1881/Ellen M Sherras/Daur in Law, Dressmaker/29/Camberwell, Surrey/Census
1881/Eleanor J Sherras/GrandDaur/2/London, Middx/Census
1881/Sidney J Sherras/GrandSon/10m/Wood Green, Middx/Census

1882/John Sherras/../../../Post Office Directory

1886/John Hogger/../../../Post Office Directory

1890/John Hogger/../../../Post Office Directory

1891/John Hogger/Licensed Victualler/64/Acton, Suffolk/Census
1891/Catherine Hogger/Wife/54/Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk/Census
1891/Emma Harvey/Sister, Assistant/45/Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk/Census
1891/Edward Harvey/Nephew, Assistant/14/Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk/Census
1891/Bert Sherras/Lodger, Ploisher & Potman/20/Goffs Oak, Cheshunt, Herts/Census

1895/John Hogger/Goffs Oak PH, Goffs Oak/../../Post Office Directory ***

1898/Rufus Richard Ranger/Goffs Oak PH, Goffs Oak/../../Post Office Directory ***

1901/Marion E Norman/Licensed Victualler, Widow/51/Hammersmith, London/Census ***
1901/Lena M Norman/Daur, Barmaid/25/Plumstead, Kent/Census
1901/Kate E Norman/Daur, Barmaid/23/Plumstead, Kent/Census
1901/Nathaniel W Norman/Son, Mechanic Gunmaker/22/Fatehgarh, India/Census
1901/Harry J Norman/Son, Cellarman/19/Fatehgarh, India/Census
1901/Albert Sherlis/Visitor, Mechanic Gunmaker/29/Goffs Oak, Herts/Census
1901/William F Locke/Visitor, Merchantile Clerk/21/Margate, Kent/Census
1901/Minnie E Adams/Serv, General Domestic/19/Cheshunt, Herts/Census

1902/(Mrs) Marian E Norman/Goffs Oak PH, Goffs Oak/../../Post Office Directory ***

1906/(Mrs) Marian E Norman/Goffs Oak PH, Goffs Oak/../../Post Office Directory ***

1908/(Mrs) Marian E Norman/Goffs Oak PH, Goffs Oak/../../Post Office Directory ***

1910/(Mrs) Marion E Norman/Goffs Oak PH, Goffs Oak/../../Post Office Directory ***

1911/Marion Norman/Licensed Victualler, Widow/61/Hammersmith, London/Census ***
1911/Nathaniel Norman/Son, Gentleman/33/Fategah, India/Census
1911/William Vigor/Brother in Law, Labourer/57/Brighton, Sussex/Census
1911/Doris V Pells/Niece, Schoolgirl/10/Southwark, Surrey/Census

1912/Mrs Marion E Norman/../../../Post Office Directory

1914/(Mrs) Grace Ruth Page/Goffs Oak PH, Goffs Oak/../../Post Office Directory ***

1917/(Mrs) Grace Ruth Page/Goffs Oak PH, Goffs Oak/../../Post Office Directory ***

1922/George Edwin German Grove/../../../Post Office Directory

1926/James Thomas/Goffs Oak Hotel, Goffs Oak/../../Post Office Directory ***

1929/Rt George Afflick/../../../Post Office Directory

1933/Rt George Afflick/Goffs Oak Hotel, Goffs Oak/../../Post Office Directory ***

1937/John Fowles/../../../Post Office Directory

** Provided By Stephen Harris

*** Provided By Michael

And Last updated on: Wednesday, 02-Oct-2024 11:09:56 BST