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One Bell, 41 Church Street, Hatfield, Hertfordshire

Hatfield index

Listed as Back Street, Hatfield in 1891 census

Directory of Pubs in the UK, historical public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels in Hertfordshire .

One Bell Inn, Hatfield - circa 1900

One Bell Inn, Hatfield - circa 1900

Kindly provided by Colleen

Residents at this address

1881/Thomas Lawrence/Publican/59/Little Mundon, Hertford/Census
1881/Elizabeth Lawrence/Wife/57/Toddington, Bedford/Census
1881/Ann Barrett/Wifes Mother, Farmer, Widow/82/Toddington, Bedford/Census
1881/Phillis Ides/Niece, Barmaid/21/Hastings, Sussex/Census
1881/Mary A Wilson/Domestic Servant/19/Hatfield, Hertford/Census
1881/Robert W Smedley/Lodger, Solicitor/33/Peterboro, Northampton/Census

1882/Thomas Lawrence/& Licensed to let horses/../../Post Office Directory

1891/John Kirby/Licensed Victualler/43/London/Census
1891/Emma Elizabeth Kirby/Wife/31/Portsmouth, Hants/Census
1891/John Henry Kirby/Son, Brewery Clerk/20/Oxford Street, London/Census
1891/Herbert Edward Kirby/Son, Barman/18/Oxford Street, London/Census
1891/Eveline Hardirty/Niece/12/Liverpool, Lancashire/Census
1891/Clara Seabrook/General Servant/20/St Albans, Herts/Census
1891/Ann Arnold/cook/24/Wheathampstead, Herts/Census

1895/John Lewis/../../../Post Office Directory

1912/Walter Clarke/../../../Post Office Directory

1937/W Clarke/J P/../../Post Office Directory

** Provided By Stephen Harris

And Last updated on: Wednesday, 02-Oct-2024 11:11:31 BST