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Greyhound, London Road, Ippollitts, Hitchin, Hertfordshire

Ippollitts pub history index

Directory of Pubs in the UK, historical public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels in Hertfordshire .

Residents at this address

1871/Fanny Grimes/Publican/75/Rothesay, Surrey/Census **
1871/George Bushell/Son, Labourer/51/Hertford, Herts/Census

1886/Daniel Palmer/Beer Retailer/../../Kellys Directory **

1890/Daniel Palmer/Beer Retailer/../../Post Office Directory

1891/Daniel Palmer/Carpenter & Licensed Victualler/40/Hitchin, Herts/Census
1891/Agnes Palmer/Wife/31/Hitchin, Herts/Census
1891/Annie R Palmer/Daughter/9/Hitchin, Herts/Census
1891/Alfred J Palmer/Son/7/Hitchin, Herts/Census
1891/Herbert W Palmer/Son/5/Hitchin, Herts/Census
1891/Charles F Palmer/Son/7 months/Hitchin, Herts/Census
1891/Eliza Lumbers/Mother in Law, Widow/64/Pirton, Herts/Census

1901/Daniel Palmer/Carpenter/50/Preston, Hitchin, Herts/Census **
1901/Agnes Palmer/Wife/41/Hill End, Hitchin, Herts/Census
1901/Annie Rebecca Palmer/Daughter/19/Ippollitts, Herts/Census
1901/Alfred John Palmer/Son, Carpenters Apprentice/17/Ippollitts, Herts/Census
1901/Herbert William Palmer/Son, Farm Labourer/15/Ippollitts, Herts/Census
1901/Charles Frederick Palmer/Son/10/Ippollitts, Herts/Census
1901/George Henry Palmer/Son/6/Ippollitts, Herts/Census
1901/Janet May Palmer/Daughter/4/Ippollitts, Herts/Census
1901/Eliza Lumbers/Mother in Law/74/Pirton, Herts/Census

The 1911 census summary places a Mr Palmer at the Greyhound.

1937/Arth Evelyn Robins/../../../Post Office Directory

** Provided By Colin Ager

Provided By Kevan

And Last updated on: Wednesday, 02-Oct-2024 11:13:02 BST