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Holdens directory in 1805 to 1811
Thomas Pack, Hour Glass, 89 Upper Thames street
William Packham, The Harp, Harp lane, Great Tower street
John Page, wine vaults, Rose & Crown court, Moorfields
Walter Page, White Bear, 1 Eyre street hill
William Page, Beckfords Head, Peters lane, Cow cross
Fran Pagett, Old Kings Head, Palace row, Tottenham court, New road
John Pagliano, Italian hotel & eating house, 36 St Martins street, Leicester square
John Painter, Barrack tavern, Woolwich common
John Paisley, The Shakespear, Percival street, Goswell street
Benj Palmer, The Cock, Brook street, Hampstead road
Charles Palmer, Old Rose, Russell street, Bermondsey
James Palmer, Kings Head, Little White street, Seven Dials
John Palmer, Griffin Inn, Church street, Borough
John Palmer, Queens Landing, 5 Wapping wall
Joseph Palmer, victualler, 111 Wapping street
Philip Palmer, Green Dragon, 57 Fleet street
Thomas Palmer, victualler, 14 Ratcliff cross
Thomas Palmer, Horse Shoe, West Harding street, Fetter lane
William Palmer, publican, New street, Bermondsey
M A Pampling, Angel & Trumpet, Stepney green
William Paray, innholder, Spread Eagle Inn, Gracechurch street
James Pardy, The Lamb, 1 Leadenhall market
Peter Parriss, Red Lion, 14 King street, Golden lane
Thomas Park, Vine Inn, 112 High Holborn
Charles Parker, victualler, York Minster, North Audley street
James Parker, Three Tuns, Brook street, Holborn
Joseph Parker, Royal Oak, Margaret street, Hackney fields
_ Parker, Queens Arms, Spa road, Bermondsey
J Parkes, York Coffee house, 47 St James’s street
Thomas Parkin, Red Lion, 7 Dukes street, Manchester square
Duncan Parkins, White Bear, Berwick street, Soho
William Parkins, Red Cow, Cow lane, Snowhill
William Parkinson, Kings Arms, Little James street, Bedford row
Parliament street Coffee house, Parliament street, P N Reilly
_ Parminter, Kings Head, Kings Head court, St Pauls church yard
William Parrey, Kings Head, Leather lane
S Parrott, wine vaults, Blind Beggar, Whitehapel road
Joseph Parsley, Flying Horse, Lambeth street, Goodmans fields
Ann Parsons, Rummer, Old Fish street hill
T S P Parsons, wine vaults, 98 Upper East Smithfield
Abraham Pass, Marylebone Coffee house, Little Portland street, Oxford market
Thomas Paten, wine vaults, Upper Rathbone place
George Patient, Albemarle Arms, South Audley street, Grosvenor square
Adam Patrick, the Horse & Groom, 32 King street, Seven dials
Robert Patterson, the General Townsend, 231 Oxford street
S Patterson, Three Compasses, Salisbury street, Bermondsey
William Patterson, publican, Colvill court, Rathbone place
William Patterson, the Three Compasses, 7 Little Marylebone street
Thomas Pattinden, wine vaults, High street, Poplar
Joseph Pattison, the Black Horse, 4 Haymarket
D Payland, Kings Head, Webber street, Borough
Dorothy Payne, publican, 1 Webbers row, Westminster road
Edward Payne, wine & brandy merchant, Golden Lion, Stoney street, Southwark
Jane Payne, Rose & Crown, Park lane, Piccadilly
William Payne, Furnival Inn cellar, Holborn
William Payne, Royal Oak, Haberdashers walk, Hoxton
S Peacock, Marquis of Granby, Bermondsey street, Southwark
Samuel Peacock, City Arms, Rose lane, Ratcliff cross
John Pearks, Bunch of Grapes, Little Newport street, Long acre
T Pearson, Flying Horse, Hackney
Ralph Pearson, the Horns, Gutter lane, Cheapside
Thomas Pearson, Coach & Horses, Ilford road, Essex
_ Pearson, Kings Head, Canon alley, St Pauls church yard
M Peck, White Swan, Old Brompton
William Peed, Pied Bull, Streatham common
Peeles Coffee house, Fleet street, Mrs Gurney
Samuel Peeling, the Sun, 21 Drury lane
James Peggs, Green Man, Jane street, Commercial road
J Peglar, publican, Tothill street, Westminster
Richard Pell, victualler, 10 Cabel street, Wellclose square
Samuel Pell, Bricklayers Arms, Three Colt street, Limehouse
Robert Penfold, White Hart, Lewisham
George Penny, the Ship, Sun Tavern fields, St Georges East
Ed Pennyfeather, Queens Head, Hoxton
Miss Penstone, Penstones Hotel, 2 7 3 Cork street, Burlington gardens
William Perch, the Magpie & Stump, 55 Fetter lane
Eliz Perfect, Chandos Arms Inn, Edgeware
Ben Perfett, the Ship, Chapel street, St Georges East
John Perkin, the Two Blue Posts, Commercial road, Limehouse
Henry Perrence, publican, 30 Ebury street, Chelsea
R Perrey, the George, Shoreditch
William Petchy, Swan Inn, Hammersmith
Rich Pettit, the Weavers Arms, Green place, Green street, Bethnal green
William Petts, York Minster, 17 Foley street, Cevendish square
Thomas Phelps, the Sir John Falstaff, Marylebone street, Golden square
William Phelps, Madeira merchant, Jamaica Coffee house
Charles Phillips, Three Tuns, Chancery lane
J Phillips, Dog & Duck, Princes street, Bedford row
James Phillips, Crown & Anchor, Brewer street, Golden square
James Phillips, Dover Castle, Salisbury street, Bermondsey
John Phillips, wine, rum, & brandy merchant, County terrace Coffee house, Kent road, Surrey
John Phillips, wine vaults, 123 Drury lane
John Phillips, wine & brandy vaults, Castle street, Leicester square
Samuel Phillip, Red Lion, 405 Oxford street
Thomas Phillips, Fox & Bull, Knightsbridge
Thomas Phillips, Yorkshire Grey, Cheyne walk, Chelsea
Thomas Phillipson, wine vaults, 55 Rosemary lane, Whitechapel
John Philpot, Bay Tree Tavern, 33 St Swithins lane, Lombard street
Edward Phipps, St Lukes Head, King street, Grosvenor square
W F Phipps, victualler, 121 Leadenhall street
Piazza Coffee house, Covent garden, Hodgson, Gann & Co
Thomas Pickering, Kings Arms, Moor street, Seven Dials
Ann Picket, White Hart, Mile end road
Thomas Pickering, victualler, 17 Moor street, Seven Dials
Peter Pidgeon, Langbourn ward, Coffee house, tavern & hotel, 164 Fenchurch street
Sarah Pierce, publican, Bird street, Wapping
P Pigott, victualler, 1 Duke street, Spitalfields
Thomas Pilgrim, Harrow, Stratford, Essex
R C Pill, Queens Head, Bermondsey street, Southwark
William Pinching, Plough tavern, Blackwall
John Pink, Mail coach, Sherbourn lane
William Pinnell, Coopers Arms, 88 Great Tower street
John Pinnock, Wheatsheaf, Lower Grosvenor place, Pimlico
William Pinnock, Sun & Punch Bowl, 20 Ray street, Clerkenwell
John Piper, The Castle, 24 Carnaby street, Golden square
Sam Piper, Bull Inn, Leadenhall street
William Pititt, Coachmakers Arms, Hosier lane, Smithfield
George Pitt, Bird in Hand, Stratford, Essex
Robert Pitts, wine & brandy vaults, 1 Bedfordbury
William Plaskett, wine vaults, 206 Upper Thames street
William Plater, New Inn, Old Bailey
John Playll, Black Dog, Oxford market
D Pledge, Peacock, Great Trinity lane
W Pledger, the Castle, Moorgate
Ann Plowman, victualler, James’s street, Kensington
William Plum, the Pine Apple, William street, Pimlico
_ Plumb, Red Lion, Eagle street, Red Lion square
James Plumer, Blue Posts, 82 Newman street, Oxford street
D Pocock, Liberty Arms, Romford, Essex
William Pollock, publican, Long lane, Borough
John Pontain, Plymouth Arms, Mill lane, Southwark
Thomas Pool, Cavendish square Coffee house, 36 Margaret street, Cavendish square
Jno Poole, Old Swan, Dowgate dock
James Poore, wine vaults, 19 Ratcliff highway
Thomas William Pope, Kings Arms, 61 Lower Thames street
James Popoff, the Apollo, 191 Tottenham Court road
John Porter, Coach & Horses, Mile end
Sam Porter, publican, Green walk, Blackfriars road
James Potter, Hop pole, 28 Edgware road
Thomas Potter, the Huntsman, Park place, East lane, Walworth
William Potter, Brewers Arms, Gun & Shot wharf, Southwark
William Potter, Cumberland Head, City road
William Potts, wine vaults, 76 Golden lane
Poulain & Son, anchor brewhouse, Old street
Daniel Poulten, Old Robin Hood, 281 High Holborn
Harry Pova, the Wheat Sheaf, 365 Oxford street
J Powell, Hit or Miss, Swallow street
James Powell, wine vaults, 10 Cock hill, Ratcliffe
John Powell, Fox Inn, Palmers green
Mrs Powell, wine vaults, 173 Whitecross street
Stephen Powell, the Abercorn Arms, Stanmore
Thomas Powell, victualler, 35 Crown street, Soho
Benj Power, Portland Arms, Long lane, Smithfield
William Praill, the Rodneys Head, Little Suffolk street, Southwark
Richard Pranks, publican, 13 Bear lane, Blackfriars road
George Pratley, the Golden Lion, Stoney street, Southwark
William Pratt, the Pear Tree, New Cut, Blackfriars road
John Prattin, the Rising Sun, Great Anchor street, Spitalfields
Jane Preston, the White Horse, Ray street, Clerkenwell
Robert Preston, the Southwark Arms, Tooley street, Southwark
G Price, victualler, 60 Fleet market
Ph Price, Horse Shoe & Magpie, 19 Great Saffron hill
George Prichard, Black Bull, Upper Thames street
Benj Prichett, Grotto, Southampton buildings, Holborn
Sam Priest, Hand & Apple, Little Sutton street, Clerkenwell
Jessey Prigg, Duke of Clarence, St Pancras place
Henry Webb Prime, Stag, Bromley, Kent
Prince of orange Coffee house, Cockspur street, W Shaw
Prince of Wales Hotel, Conduit street, Hanover square, J Limmer
Prince of Wales Coffee house, Leicester place, John Dejex
Benj Prior, Knave of Clubs, 17 Club row, Spitalfields
John Prosser, White Horse, Eastham, Essex
Joseph Prosser, Star & Garter, 92 Edgware road
John Proudfoot, the Berkley Arms, John street, Berkeley square
John Proughton, Kings Head, Crouch end
J Provand, publican, Rose & Crown, 56 Lower Thames street
Mrs Prutley, publican, Long lane, Borough
Edward Pryer, the White Hart, college street, Narrow wall
Harry Pulsford, Glioucester Coffee house & Hotel, Piccadilly
Pultenet Hotel, Holmes M, d’Hotel, Escucher, tavern keeper, Piccadilly
James Punter, Coach & Horses, Marylebone street, Golden square
James Purcell, the London Bridge, Maze Pond, Borough