Bishopsbourne, Bridge, Canterbury with Swale

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Melvilles 1858 Directory of Kent.

Lions Head

BISHOPSBOURNE is a village five miles from Canterbury, about a mile
from the Dover road. The living is a rectory, and the incumbent is the Hon.
and Rev. William Henry Eden. The church is dedicated to St. Mary, and
is a large and handsome building. The population, in 1851, was 325.
Oswell House adjoins Bishopsbourne; Charlton Park is half a mile S.E.

POST-OFFICE - Edmund Hogben, Receiver. The nearest Money Order Office
is at Canterbury.

Bell, Mathew, Esq., Bourne Park
Curtis, Frederick William, Esq., Charlton Park
Eden, Hon. and Rev. William, Rectory
Kingsford, Rev. Brenchley, M.A., curate
Patterson, Misses

Duffield, John, farmer
Ellen, William, beer retailer
Hogben, Edmund, beer retailer and postmaster
Kite, Thomas, farmer
Kelson, Charles, wheelwright
Mabb, John, farmer
Maxsted, Richard, blacksmith
Russell, John, shopkeeper
Sladdin, Richard, farmer

And Last updated on: Friday, 09-Feb-2024 13:12:23 GMT