Borden, Milton, Canterbury with Swale

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Melvilles 1858 Directory of Kent.

Public Houses in Borden

BORDEN, a village, one mile S.W. of Sittingbourne, and ten miles from Rochester. The population in 1851 was 990. There is a parish church. The living is a vicarage, in the gift of George Musgrave, Esq., and incumbency of the Rev. E. P. Hannam. Chestnut Street is one mile west; Muns, Gore, and Iron Patch, half a mile S.W., Oad Street, one mile and a half S.W.; Crigalls and Mickets, half a mile north.

POST-OFFICE - Edward Drake, Receiver. Letters received through Sittingbourne.
The nearest Money Order Office is at Sittingbourne.

Barrow, Edward, Esq.
Hannam, Rev. E. P., Vicar
Walton, John, Esq.
Wise, Miss


Baker, Henry, shopkeeper
Carey, Robert, farmer, Wren's Farm
Clinch, Edward, farmer, Dean's hill
Clinch, George, fruiterer and farmer
Clinch, John, cattle dealer and farmer, Sunny hill
Drake, Edward, grocer and tailor, and post-office
Dunford, _, farmer, Sutton Barn
Dutnall, John, grocer and draper
Dutnall, Henry, farmer
Edwards, R., master of the national school
Edwards, Mrs. E, mistress of the national school
Egerton & Co., brickmakers
Foord, Richard, farmer
Gray, James, fruit dealer
Greensted, Henry, farmer
Greensted, Henry, Maypole
Greensted, John, carpenter and parish clerk
Greensted, Joseph, shoemaker
Greensted, Thomas, farmer
Homewood, John, blacksmith
Kemsley, Richard, farmer
Loft, John, farmer
Marden, John, farmer
Maxted, John, cattle dealer and grazier
Nealyer, George, blacksmith and wheelwright
Saywell, Richard, jun., carpenter
Scoones, Amos, farmer
Scoones, Mrs., farmer, Munns Gore Farm
Snoard, Richard, farmer and maltster
Spittle, Elias, butcher
Spittle, William, grocer and beer retailer
Steel, James, farmer, Borden Hall
Steele, James, farmer, Parsonage Farm
Tidy, William, grocer
Vinson, John, farmer
Whitehead, Frank, beer retailer

And Last updated on: Friday, 09-Feb-2024 13:12:26 GMT