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Public Houses, Inns & Taverns of Farnborough, Kent

A listing of historical public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels in Farnborough, Kent.

Premises Pic? Text?
Black Horse, 318 Crofton Road, Orpington BR6 8NW No Yes
Coach and Horses, 87 High Street, Farnborough BR6 7BB No Yes
British Queen, 427 Crofton Road, Orpington BR6 8NL No Yes
George & Dragon, 108 High Street, Farnborough, Orpington BR6 7BA Yes Yes
New Inn / Change Of Horses, 87 High Street, Farnborough, Orpington BR6 7BB Yes Yes
Rose and Crown, Green street Green, Orpington BR6 6BT No Yes
Royal Oak, 72 High Street, Green Street Green, Orpington BR6 6BJ No Yes
White Lion Inn, Farnborough Common, Locksbottom, Orpington BR6 8NE No Yes
Woodman, High street, Farnborough No Yes

Farnborough 1911 census summary:

Dis 7
Black Horse, Crofton road, Rusher
British Queen, Crofton road, Hopton
The White Lion, Locksbottom, Osgood
New Inn, Sevenoaks road, Goodchild
The George & Dragon, Church road, Yardley
Coach and Horse, Uninhabited
The Woodman, Birchell

Dis 8
Royal Oak, Green street Green, Pathenden
Rose and Crown, Green street Green, Eyres

And Last updated on: Wednesday, 02-Oct-2024 14:04:38 BST