Northfleet, North Aylesford / Strood, Gravesend

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Melvilles 1858 Directory of Kent.

NORTHFLEET is a village, two miles west, from Gravesend; in the union of Strood, and lathe of Aylesford. The church is one of the largest in the county, and is a very fine edifice, partly covered with ivy; in the interior are some very beautiful ornaments. Perry street is a populous district, about a mile south of the church.

Post-Office, Perry Street. - Stephen Sunnocks, baker, Postmaster. Branch Post Offices. - John Lippard, Ingress place; William Howes, On the hill, Northfleet.
Dockyard, at Northfleet. - Closed at present, (August, 1857).
Huggins' College, Northfleet - A church and 40 residences, 28 of them occupied.
Mechanics' Institution, Lawn House, Northfleet.

Northfleet Church. - Rev. Richard Keats, M.A., Vicar ; Rev. J. Carthew, M.A., Curate.
Independent Chapel, Perry street. - Mr. T. H. Butcher, Minister.
Independent Chapel, Old Dover Road, Northfleet. - Mr. T, B. Butcher, Minister.
National School. - Thomas B. Self, Master; Miss Self, Mistress.

Gentry in Northfleet in 1858

Public Houses in Northfleet & Northfleet 1911 pub history census summary

Traders in Northfleet in 1858



Ashdown, William, Esq., Victoria place
Baltrop, Mrs., Victoria place
Byass, Mrs.
Cooper, Mr. J., Victoria place
Cresswell, Mrs., Victoria place
Dawes, Richard, Esq.
Dawes, Samuel, Esq.
Day, John, Esq.
Franklin, Samuel, Esq.
Gill, Henry, Esq.
Harrison, Mr. L. H., Victoria place
Hills, Jonathan, Esq.
Jolley, Mr. J., Victoria place
Jones, Miss, Providence place
Keddell, Mrs., Victoria place
Miall, Miss, Victoria place
Morgan, Mr. George, Victoria place
Stockley, Mr. Henry, Victoria place
Thatcher, Mr. Edward, Victoria place
Wheeler, William, Esq., M.R.C.S., Victoria place
Williams, Mr. James, Victoria place

Atkins, Robert, baker
Bannister, John, greengrocer
Birch, Richard, grocer
Blanchard, Milsham, farrier and smith
Coley, Miss, seminary
Collins, James William, butcher
Crawcour, Mrs, seminary
Day, William, greengrocer, etc
Dyson, William, butcher
Elliott, Henry, carpenter
Farey, James, beer retailer
Field, Thomas, grocer
Gosling, Robert, dealer in marine stores
Gould, James, beer retailer
Green, Henry, Earl Grey
Gregory and Wood, brickmakers
Hills, Edward, baker
Holland, Henry, Crown Inn
Mace, Thomas, farmer
Milne, Mr J.D., master of Royal Navy, ruler of pilots, the Shrubbery
Munns, James, Huntsman Inn
Newman, George, grocer
Sharp, William, bricklayer
Smith, Nathaniel, wheelwright
Sunnocks, Stephen, baker
Thomas, William, dairyman
Tilden, Mr. Francis, surveyor, Brookland House
Topham, Joseph, Rose Inn
Upton, George, Six Bells Inn
Waterman, John, miller
And Last updated on: Friday, 09-Feb-2024 13:28:06 GMT