Ringwould with Kingsdown, Dover, Thanet with Dover

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Melvilles 1858 Directory of Kent.

Public Houses in Kingsdown & Ringwould, Deal

Ringwold is a village, three miles S.W. from Deal, and six miles north from Dover. The population in 1851 was 789. The church of St. Nicholas is a handsome building. The living is a rectory ; the Rev. C. V. H. Sumner, B.A., is the incumbent, who is also rural dean of the deanery of Sandwich. Oxney Park is one mile south; Oxney is a parish, with 26 inhabitants, but no church. Kingsdown is a hamlet of Ringwold, one mile and a half from Walmer, and two miles and a half from Deal. The population in 1851 was 385. The church is dedicated to St. John the Evangelist, and endowed by William
Curling, Esq.; the Rev. Robert Charlton, M.A., is the incumbent. East Bottom is half a mile south.

POST-OFFICE - William Culver, Receiver. letters are received through Dover.
The nearest Money Order Offices are at Deal and Dover.

Gilbee, Mr. John
Jennings, Robert innis, East Bottom
Monins, John, Esq.
Sumner, Rev. C. V. H., B.A., Rectory

Bailey, George, farmer
Bassingham, Mrs. Ann, Five Bells
Bing, John, blacksmith
 Broadley, William, farmer
Burling, Henry, bootmaker
Culver, William, grocer and post-master
Gardener, James, farmer
Kirkman, Mr., national schoolmaster
Maxted, Henry, wheelwright
Parker, George, farmer
Parker, John, farmer
Redman, Richard, beer retailer
Rogers, Edward, farmer
Taylor, John, Lord Nelson
Tucker, Thomas, farmer


Rev. Robert Charlton, M.A.

Arnold, Richard, Rising Sun
Bingham, Thomas, coal merchant
 Pattison, Leonard, farmer
Pettick, Richard, farmer
Sutton, Stephen, King's Head
Turner, Joseph, grocer

And Last updated on: Friday, 09-Feb-2024 13:29:25 GMT