Stowting, Elham, Ashford with Shepway

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Melvilles 1858 Directory of Kent.

STOUTING is a village six miles N.W. from Hythe, eleven from Canterbury, and eight from Ashford. The church of St. Mary is a neat structure. The living is a rectory. The Rev. Frederick Wrench, M.A., is the incumbent. The population in 1851 was 237. Whiteway is half a mile south, and Hemstead one mile east.

Letters received through Hythe. The nearest Money Order Office is at Hythe.

Jenkin, Mr. John
Starr, Mr. John
W Wrench, Rev. Frederick, M.A., rector

Andrews, John Benjamin, farmer
Austin, Richard, farmer
Brizley, Thomas, farmer
Butcher, Charles, Anchor Inn
Cobb, Richard, farmer
Foreman, William, farmer
Green, John, farmer
Igglesden, Joseph, farmer
Lord, John, miller and farmer
Laker, John, farmer
Newington, John, blacksmith
Penfold, William, shopkeeper
Smeeth, Henry, farmer
Swain, Nicholas, farmer
Swinard, James, farmer
White, Aaron, farmer

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