Leicester 1846 Public House Directory - OY

Leicester pub history index

Directory of Pubs in the UK historical public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels in Leicester, Leicestershire. The Leicester, Leicestershire listing uses information from census, Trade Directories and History to add licensees, bar staff, Lodgers and Visitors.

The following entries are in this format:

Year/Publican or other Resident/Relationship to Head and or Occupation/Age/Where Born/Source.

Old Peacock, J. V. Fletcher, Highcross street
Old Plough, Nathan Scampton, 16 Humberstone gate
Old Mitre,Thomas Preston, Redcross street
Old Red Lion, William Robinson, Sanvey gate
Old Hare, William Smith, Northgate street
Old White Horse, My. Scott, Duke street
Orange Tree, R. Fletcher, Northgate street
Pack Horse, George Hunt, 222 Belgrave gate
Peacock, Cath. Taft, Belgrave gate
Peacock, Henry Watts, Southgate street
Pelican, Enz. Bray, Gallowtree gate
Pensioners, Jas. Taylor, Southgate street
Pied Bull, Thomas Cock and Co. Highcross street
Pine Apple, A. Riley, Archdeacon lane
Porter's Lodge, I. Noon, New Bond jist
Prince Blucher, John Taylor, Wellington street
Prince Regent, J. Johnson, Granby street
Princess Charlotte, Thomas Morley, Oxford street
Queen's Head, Ann Spencer, Friar lane
Queen and Rights of People, Lnce. Staines, Russell square
Queen's Head, William Lemon, Townhall lane
Railway Hotel, George Beeson, Campbell street
Railway Inn, R. Fletcher, Bridge street
Rainbow & Dove, Hy. Pole, Northampton street
Ram, My. Hitchcock, S. Nicholas street
Red Cow, Jno. Neale, 142 Belgrave gate
Red Lion, Rt. Watts, Highcross Street
Recruiting Sergeant, Jno. Smalley, St. Nicholas street
Rein Deer, Joseph Taylor, Duns lane
Roebuck, Wm. Coltman, High street
Robin Hood, Si. Worrall, Gallowtree gate
Robin Hood, J. Abram, Abbey gate
Robin Hood, William Cartwright, Abbey gate
Rose & Crown, C. Cayless, Crab street
Rose and Crown, Thomas Routston, Humberstone road
Royal Oak, G. Johnson, Bridge street
Russell Tavern, J. Deacon, Rutland street
Rutland Arms, Isaac Townsend, Horsefair street
Sailor's Return, William Southey, Bridge street
Saracen's Head,W. Hartley,Hotel street
Shakespeare's Head, William Milison, Southgate street
Sir Thomas White, William C. Clarke, Russell street
Spread Eagle, Ts. Clarke Church gate
Stag and Pheasant, (posting) Eliza Pettifor, 6 Humberstone gate
Stag's Head, Thomas Fall, Bridge street
Star, C. Stableford, Belgrave gate
Stirling Castle, Si. Pegg, Ruding street
Stockdale Arms, Thomas Williams, East street
Sun, Aim Stringer, Church gate
Swan with Two Necks, Jas. Townsend, Granby street
Swan and Rushes, Francis Withers, Infirmary street
Tailors' Arms ,S. Stafford, Chatham street
Talbot, Geo. Evans, Talbot lane
Talbot, Saml. Haddon, Denman street
Ten Bells, J. Harbott, Sanvey gate
Three Cranes, Richard Balmer, Humberstone gate
Three Crowns Hotel, Wm. Beavington, Gallowtree gate
Town Arms, John Sheffield, Pocklington's walk
Turk's Head, Si. Bonner, Pelham street
Union Arms, Ann Sansom, Wharf street
Victoria, J. Skelton, Church gate
Vine, Wm. Chester, Highcross street
Vine, Thomas Bryan, Vine street
Waggon & Horses, Rd. Day,Granby street
Waggon and Horses, Chas. Staines, Belgrave gate
Wellington & Castle, Richard Johnson, 7 Granby street
Wheat Sheaf, Henry Charlesworth, Gallowtree gate
Wheat Sheaf, William Perkins,Wheat street
White Bear, T. Tacey, Thornton lane
White Bear, (empty,) Redcross street
White Hart, Lucy Waghorne, Hay market
White Hart, William Gunn, Wharf street
White Horse, Joseph Brown, Belgrave gate
White Swan, Edw. Sharpless, Market place
White Swan, John Sawbridge, Belgrave gate
White Lion, (& Excise office) William Halford, Market place
William IV., Edward Checkland, Colton street
Windmill, P. Sims, Churchgate
Woodboy, William Daffon, Woodboy street
Woodman's Arms, James Cotton, Rutland street
Woolcombers' Arms, John Litchfield, Royal East street
Woolcombers' Arms, William Burnett, Lower Churchgate
Woolpack, William Hopkins, West Bond street
Woolstaplers' Arms, William Eld, Charles street
World's-end, John Hill, Frog island
York Castle, John York, Northgate street

And Last updated on: Friday, 09-Feb-2024 14:55:51 GMT