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Charnwood Forest Railway Inn, 21 The Rushes, Loughborough, Leicestershire

Loughborough pub history index

This is the Plough in the 1881 census. This pub was established by 1878 as the Plough and was renamed the Charnwood Forest Railway Inn in 1883. It was rebuilt in its present form in 1932, when the named was shortened to Charnwood Inn. In 1986 it was again renamed, now the Swan in the Rushes. **

Directory of Pubs in the UK historical public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels in Leicestershire.

Charnwood Forest Railway Inn, 21 The Rushes, Loughborough, Leicestershire - in August 2016

Charnwood Forest Railway Inn, 21 The Rushes, Loughborough, Leicestershire - in August 2016

Kindly provided by Stephen Harris

Residents at this address

1881/William Swan/Publican & Wheelwright/34/Loughborough, Leicestershire/Census
1881/Lucy Swan/Wife/35/Sheepshed, Leicestershire/Census
1881/Thomas Swan/Son/5/Loughborough, Leicestershire/Census
1881/Albert Swan/Son/2/Loughborough, Leicestershire/Census
1881/William Swan/Son/7 months/Loughborough, Leicestershire/Census
1881/Elizabeth/Mother, Widow/58/Leicester, Leicestershire/Census
1881/Eliza Spencer/Sister, Frame Work Knitter/23/Charley Forest, Leicestershire/Census
+ Lodgers

1888/B Astle/../../../Bennett�s Directory **

1895/Reuben White / Beer Retailer/../../Kelly�s Directory **

1899/John Thorley/Beerhouse/../../Wrights Directory

1912/James Thorley/beer retailer/../../Post Office Directory

** Provided By Stephen Harris


And Last updated on: Wednesday, 02-Oct-2024 14:15:44 BST