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Loughborough pub history index
This pub was rebuilt in its present form in 1929 and was renamed Casablanca in 1989. It was again renamed Gallery in 1999. **
Directory of Pubs in the UK historical public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels in Leicestershire.
Saracens Head, 21 Swan Street, Loughborough, Leicestershire - in August 2016
Kindly provided by Stephen Harris
Residents at this address
1822/Edwd. Mansfield/../../../Pigot�s Directory **
1846/William Hopkins/../../../Whites Directory
1871/John Scott/Publican/25/Loughborough, Leicestershire/Census *
1871/Mary Scott/Wife/26/Loughborough, Leicestershire/Census
1871/Eliza Ann Scott/Daughter/5 months/Loughborough, Leicestershire/Census
1871/John Merriman/Ostler/16/Loughborough, Leicestershire/Census
1871/Catharine Carpmail/Wifes Sister/20/Loughborough, Leicestershire/Census
1877/Thomas Tyler/../../../Whites Directory
1881/Francis Janes Noakes/Licensed Victualler/39/Leicester,
1881/Mary Ann Noakes/Wife/42/Leicester, Leicestershire/Census
1881/Elizabeth Jayes/Domestic Servant/17/Whitwick, Leicestershire/Census
1881/Paul Wilson/Visitor, Musician/31/Hull, Yorkshire/Census
1881/Henrietta Wilson/Visitor, Musician/27/Leicester, Leicestershire/Census
1881/Christine Wilson/Visitor/5/Hull, Yorkshire/Census
1882/Francis James Noakes/../../../Kellys Directory
1888/Mr A Antil / Proprietor //../../../Bennett�s Directory **
1891/Alfred Antill/../../../Kellys Directory
1895/Robert Astle/../../../Kelly�s Directory **
1899/Bob Astle/../../../Wrights Directory
1912/Harry Lewis/../../../Post Office Directory
1916/John Jackson/../../../Post Office Directory
1928/Jn Winter Collings/../../../Post Office Directory
* Provided By Cassie
** Provided By Stephen Harris