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Lincoln Traders in 1855 S - Y

Lincoln, Lincolnshire pub history index

Directory of Pubs in the UK historical public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels in Lincolnshire. The Lincolnshire listing uses information from census, Trade Directories and History to add licensees, bar staff, Lodgers and Visitors.

Post Office Directory of all traders in Lincoln in 1855

Saekston Mary Ann (Mrs.), dressmaker etc. 20 Lindum road
Salt Chas Samuel, black & shoeing smith, 372 High street
Salter Philip, chandlers shop, 55, Waterside south
Sandall Edward, saddler, collar & harness maker, & manufacturer of driving bands for machinery & leather hose, copper riveted, Silver street
Sanderson William, grocer, 24 Newport
Sant John, veterinary surgeon, St. Marks place
Saunders Frederick, Trent tavern, 10 Guildhall street
Savage Frederick Bellamy, cooper, 23 Sincil street
Sawyers Joseph, tailor, 32 Park lane
Sayles F. A. dentist, Guildhall street & High street
Scarcliffe Susan A. (Miss), milliner etc. 35 1/2 Silver street
Scott Ann (Mrs.), grocer, 21 Sincil street
Scott Charles, commercial traveller, 4 Oxford street
Scott George, tinplate worker, 87 High street
Scott Mary Ann (Miss), milliner, 11 Strait
Scott Sarah (Mrs), boot & shoe maker, 325 High street
Scott Thomas, chandlers shop, 432 High street
Scrivener Edward, grocer, tea dealer, candle manufacturer, hop merchant, cheese & bacon factor & general provision merchant, 197 High street
Seeley Chas. & Co. coal owners & merchants, Brayford head
Seels Jane (Mrs.), gun, pistol & truss manufacturer, 224 High street
Seely Hubert, grocer, 14 Bailgate
Seely Robert, grocer, tea dealer & confectioner, 187 High street
Senior Henry, shopkeeper, 15 Hungate
Sewell Thomas, butcher, High street
Sewell Thomas (Mrs.), milliner, hosier etc. 245 High Btreet
Sharp Jeremiah, chandlers shop. Bank street
Sharp Nathan, plumber k glazier, 194 1/2 High street
Sharpe & Mortimer, spirits; porter merchants, 31 Broadgate
Sharpe Henry, plumber & elazier, 30 Steep hill
Shaw William, toy dealer, 26 Strait
Shipley George Hopkin, boarding & day school, Michaelgate
Slioiton James George, solicitor, 1 St. Benedicts lane
Showier Young Thomas, grocer, 85 Bailgate
Simpson Ann (Mrs.) & Son, general ironmongers, braziers, tinmen, manufacturers of & dealers in agricultural implements, bell hangers & gas fitters, 233 k 237 High street
Simpson Charles, bricklayer, 101 Hiuh street
Simpson George, fishmonger, Stone bow, High street
Simpson Joseph, City Arms, 23 Strait
Singleton William, waterproof railway waggon cover manufacturer & rope maker, Curholme road
Sivil James, leather cutter & gTindery dealer, Butchery street
Skill William, maltster & brewer, 64 Bailgate
Slack Catherine (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 44 Newland street
Slack John, miller & wharfinger, Brayford head
Slingsby Robert, carpenter, 2 Norman street
Smith, Ellison & Co. bankers, 225 High street (with branches at Gainsborough, Brigg, Cantor, Great Grimsby & Market Rasen), draw on Smith, Payne & Co. London
Smith Matthew & Son, wool & coal merchant) & maltsters, 10 High street
Smith Benjamin, timber & coal merchant & wheelwright, Brayford head
Smith Caroline (Mrs.), fruiterer, 27 Melville street
Smith Charles, hosier, 234 High street.
Smith Francis, butcher, 20 Far Newland
Smith George, auctioneer & commission agent, 35 Newland
Smith George (executors of), plumber & glazier, 7 Eastgate
Smith John, Monsons Arms tavern & commercial hotel, High street
Smith John, fruiterer, 43 Silver street
Smith John, grocer, tea & provision dealer, 217 & 218 High street
Smith John, tailor, Burton road
Smith John Banks, MRAS. land agent, auctioneer & surveyor, agent to the principal agricultural implement manufacturers, proprietor of the Lincolnshire estate, registrar, & agent to London & County tire & life assurance, 22 Silver street; & at Lnngrick
Smith John Metcalfe, spirit, corn, linseed cake & coal merchant, Brayford head
Smith Susanna (Mrs.), herbalist, 2 Sincil street
Smith Thomas, hairdresser etc. 213 High street
Smith William, beer retailer, 28 Waterside north
Smith William, beer retailer & boat owner, Thorngate
Smith William, carpenter etc. 2 Monson street
Smith William, carpenter & joiner, 385 High street
Smith William, tobacco pipe maker, 26 Waterside south
Snell Elizabeth (Mrs.), dining rooms, 33 Strait
Snell William, cabinet maker & upbolsterer,34 St. Mary street
Snow James, surgeon, Close Minster yard
Snow Richard, seedsman, 39 High street
Snow William, Lion, 109 & 170 High street
Spalding Jame-, tailor, 24 Sincil street
Sparrow Henry, shoemaker, Gowts bridge, High street
Speet Henry, baker & grocer, 10 Beaumont place
Spence Mary (Mrs.), chandlers shop, 38 Waterside north
Spencer George, chemist & druggist, 314 High street
Spencer Sarah (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 33 Rasen lane
Spencer Thomas, boot & shoe maker, 28 Strait
Sponge John, chimney sweeper, 50 Rasen lane
Squire Henry, builder, Waterside south
Stainton Elizabeth (Mrs.), milliner & stationer, 11 Guildhall street
Stamp Mary (Mrs.), grocer etc. 1 Norman street
Stephenson Samuel, tin plate worker, 1 Castle bill
Stepnall Ann (Mrs.), lodging house, 4 Clusketgate
Stevenson John, corn, coal, malt, hop, bone, cake, & guano merchant, Corn Exchange & High street
Stewart Charles, carrier to Sleaford, Old Crown yard, Sincil street
Stoakes Henry & Son, tailors & drapers, 327 High street
Stocks Mary (Mrs.), beer retailer, 63 Newport
Storr Charles, tailor, 8 Strait
Storr Joseph, baker, 65 Newland
Storr William, beer retailer, 15 Danesgate
Stott Christopher, grocer, 9 Danes terrace
Stroud Henry, commercial traveller, 5 Grantham place
Stubbs William, locomotive foreman at Midland railway, 143 High street
Sugden Caroline & Letitia (Misses), british wine makers, 18 Butchery street
Swain Richard, fishmonger & licensed dealer in game, 302 High street
Swallow Jane & Son, furniture dealers, 30 Strait
Swallow George, shopkeeper, 18 Westgate
Swallow Richard, cabinet maker, 12 Strait
Swan Letitia (Mrs.), straw bonnet maker, 6 St. Benedicts lane
Swan Robert, solicitor, registrar of the diocese, clerk to the dean & chapter of Lincoln, clerk to commissioners of taxes & to the magistrates of the parts of Lindsey, commissioner & in taking acknowledgments of married women, & agent to Norwich Union fire & life insurance company. Exchequer gate
Swift Rev. John J. B.A. gents boarding school, 3 Pottergate
Sylvester William. clerk to the stamp office, 25 Waterside south
Sympson Elizabeth (Mrs.), chemist, druggist & teauealer, 283 High street

Talbot Elizabeth (Mrs.), chandlers shop, 134 High street
Talbot John, Lock posting huse, & pork butcher, 53 Waterside south
Talbot Richard, auctioneer k surveyor, tobacco & wine & spirit merchant, Bank street, & at the City auction matt. Cornhill
Talbot Samuel, grocer, Priorygate
Tallant Mary Elizabeth (Miss), ladies boarding school, 369 High street
Tatam William, Monsons Arms tap, Hungate
Tateham Walter, auctioneer & valuer, 285 High street & Sale rooms, Cornhill
Taylor George, teacher of music, 75 Bailgate
Taylor Mary Ann (Miss), dressmaker & upholstress, & agent to Lutour Rateau, of 130 New Bond street, London, dyer, Newland street
Taylor Ralph, cabinet maker & upholsterer, 11 Castle hill, & Exchequer gate
Taylor Robert, beer retailer k baker, 86 High street
Taylor Samuel, chandlers shop, 54 Waterside south
Taylor William Day, furniture broker, 56 Steep hill
Teather Edward, boot & shoe maker, 33 Waterside north
Tebb Thomas, tailor, 44 High street
Thomas William, church & turret clock & gun maker, 7 Strait
Thompson George, Castle tavern, 55 Bailgate
Thompson John, Prince of Wales, 77 Bailgate
Thomson John, linen & woollen draper, 58 Newland
Thornhill John, tailor & draper, 277 High street
Thornton Harriet (Mrs.), Black Bull, 199 High street
Thornton John Lawrence, Saracens Head family & commercial hotel & posting house, & agent to National & Mercantile life insurance office & Midland parcels ottice, 298 High street
Thoresby William Palmer, sec. to gas works, Gas street, Newlands
Thorpe William, chandlers shop, 423 High street
Tborpp John, Black Boy, Castle hill
Thorsby William Palmer, secretary to gas company, Gas street
Tindall Elizabeth (Mrs.), lodging house, 9 Grantham place
Tindall John, furniture broker, 1 Steep hill
Tindall William, painter & glazier, 266 High street
Tindall William (Mrs.), milliner, dress & stay makr. 266 High st
Tipper Fredk. Henry, saddler & harness maker, 90 Bailgate
Tollerton William, baker & grocer, 28 Waterside south
Tomlinson Charles Knowles, chemist & druggist, dealer in patent medicines & agent to European life & annuity, 6 Bailgate, 292 High street, & at Wellingore
Tong Thomas, cattle salesman, 23 Rosen lane
Tonge Charles, farmer, 122 High street, & at Branston
Torry John Cooper, physician, 11 Silver street
Towers George, french polisher, 34 Rosen lane
Townhill William, coal merchant, Brayford head
Townsend Elizabeth (Mrs.), Steam Packet, Waterside north
Toynbee Robert, solicitor & clerk to commissioners of income & property tax, 6 Bank street
Toyne John, market gardener, 80 High street
Trafford George, grocer, 33 Sincil street
Trafford George Robert, tailor & breeches maker, Exchequer gate
Trafford John, Spread Eagle inn & commercial hotel & posting house, 301 High street
Trotter Frederick King, dentist, Guildhall street
Trotter Theodore, wholesales: retail ironmonger,204 High street
Turner George, butcher, 1 New market
Turner Henry, tailor, 18 Goleys row, Newland
Turner Sarah (Mrs.), Black Goats tavern, 303 High street
Turner William, Kings Arms, Kings Arms yard, High street
Turner William, agricultural implement maker, general smith & boiler maker, Nettleham road
Turner William, cooper, 431 High street
Toxlord John, plumber & glazier, 13 Saltergale
Tuxfoid William, baker, 43 Waterside north
Tweed Jobn Thomas, solicitor (mayor of the city, 1854), & agent to North of Scotland Life assurance company, High street
Tweedale George, coal merchant, 141 High street
Tye John, millwright & brass founder, Brayford wharf
Tyler Thomss, eating house, 5 Waterside south

Uppleby Field, solicitor & clerk to county court, Silver street
Usher Ann (Mrs.), beer retailer, Michaelgate
Usher Thomas, watchmaker etc. 192 High street

Vertu Signor Julien, professor of languages, 33 Park
Vickers George, baker & confectioner, 212 High street
Vickers William, builder & artificial stone manufacturer, 59 Steep hill

Waddinglon Richard, ironmonger, 3 Guildhall street
Wakefield Aaron, greengrocer, & chandlers shop, 59 Waterside north
Wakelin James, house & sign painter, Danes terrace
Walesby Elmit, Crown & Anchor, Newland
Walker Wm. china & earthenware dealer, St. Benedicts lane
Walker William, hairdresser, 260 High street
Walker William, tailor, 3 Clasketgate
Walkley James, butcher, 21a, Sincil street, & at Newmarket
Walkley Thomas, butcher, 7 Silver street
Wallace William, relieving officer for Lincoln, Greetwell, Fiskerton & Chellv Willingham, 5 Danes gate
Waller Richard, grocer, 1 Clasketgate
Walley Thomas, town crier, 3 Mutch lane
Wallhead George, house decorator, carver & gilder, Butchery street
Walster George, boot & shoe maker, 15 Sincil street
Ward Charles, builder, timber merchant & dealer in building materials, Brayford wbarf
Ward Eliza Ann (Mrs.), slater & slate agent, 20 Waterside south
Ward Esther (Mrs.), Generous Briton, Mutch lane
Ward William, bread & biscuit baker, 93 High street
Ward William, Kings Head, 9 Eastgate
Ware Henry, boot & shoe maker, 16 Grantham street
Watkinson k Robey, engineers, agricultural implement manufacturers, machinists & iron & brass founders etc. St. Rumbolds lane, Broadgate
Watson Ann Elizabeth (Mrs.), staymaker, 11 Newland
Watson Thomas, confectioner, 26 Steep hill
Watson William, nail manufacturer, 56 High street
Webber William, tailor & draper, 269 High street
Webber William (Mrs.), maker of masonic clothing & jewels, 269 High street
Webster Samuel, tinman & brazier, 267 High street
Webster William Henry, painter, 9 Park
Welbourn John, merchant, Great Northern hotel yard
Welhourn Joseph, miller, Salthouse lane & Canwick road
Welboume John, corn & coal merchant, Brayford wharf
Welch Alfred, chemist & druggist, 1 Melville street
Wells John, beer retailer, 121 High street
Wells Robert, hairdresser, 3 Waterside north
Wells William, furniture broker, 42 Newland
Welton John, hairdresser & perfumer, 25 Silver street
Welton William, eating & boarding house, 337 High street
West Charles, cornchandler & general dealer, 22 Waterside south
Wetherell M. & T. tanners, Tanners lane, High street
Wheatley Joseph, Farmers & Graziers hotel,Cattle market, Monks lane
White William, nursery & seeds man, Nettleham road
Whiielamb Joseph, shopkeeper, 4 Burton road
Whitton & Ashley, wine, spirit & porter merchants, 183 High street
Whitton Richard, agent to Yorkshire fire & life insurance office, High street
Whitton John, lastmaker, 5 Strait
Wholey William, tailor, 12 Bailgate
Wilkinson Charles, Rein Deer, 4 High street
Wilkinson John (Mrs.), ladies seminary, 1 Freeschool lane
Wilkinson John Sharpe, merchant, corn & coal merchant & shipowner & proprietor of Boston steam packet, Waterside & 11 Melville street
Williams Henry, solicitor & under sheriff to the county, commissioner for taking acknowledgments of married women, & agent to the Clerical & Medical insurance company, Castle hill
Williamson John, tailor, 41 Steep bill
Williamson Joseph, beer retailer, 53 Waterside south
Willougbby Ann (Mrs.), cowkeeper, 42 Waterside north
Willoughby Hezekiah, butcher, 9 Strait
Willows Edward, baker, confectioner & grocer, 318 High street
Willows Edward, grocer & baker, 7 Oxford street
Wilmott William, Turf inn, Guildhall street
Wilson Benjamin, butcher, Stone bow, High street
Wilson Charles, boot & shoe maker, Burton road
Wilson Charlotte (Mrs.), chimney sweeper etc. 26 Waterside north
Wilson George, cabinet maker, upholsterer etc. 40 Silver street
Wilson George, chimney sweeper, St. Martins row
Wilson Isaac, Falcon tavern, 5 Saltergate
Wilson Job, bootmaker, St. Martins row
Wilson John, beer retailer, Corporation lane
Wilson John, builder, 34 Bailgate
Wilson Lucy (Mrs.), clock & watch maker, 2 Guildhall street
Wilson Maximilian, Marquis of Granby, Butchery street
Wilson Richard, butcher, 218 High street
Wilson William, butcher, 211 High street
Wilson William, painter, plumber & glazier, & licensed to let horses, 334 High street
Wimberley William, collector etc. at Great Northern railway, 17 Monson street
Winn k Whitton, general drapers, silkmercers, undertakers etc. 234 High street
Winn F. & C. brewers & maltsters, 16 Broadgate
Winter Rebecca (Miss), berlin & fancy repository,44 Silver street
Wish Richard, bookbinder, machine ruler, account book manufacturer, & dealer in brushes, door mats etc. 241 High street
Wood James, bootmaker, 17 Strait
Wood James, grocer, Monson street
Wood John, book keeper, Grantham street
Wood William, chandlers shop, Great well gate
Woodall Robert, miller, Barton road
Woodcock Page Dewing, chemist k druggist, tobacconist, teadealer, vender of patent medicines, & agent to Great Britain Mutual life assurance company, 312 High street
Woodcock William, tinplate worker, 79 High street
Wood head George, city fire engine keeper, 8 St.Swithins, Market place
Woodhouse Joseph, hoot & shoe maker, 115 1/2 High street
Wood I i He Henry, painter & grainer, 8 Grantham street
Woolatt Joseph, butcher, 2 Burton road
Woolfjtt Benjamin, tanner of hides & skins, 104 High street
Woolfitt Thomas, cork cutter, Brayford street
Wray Benjamin, stonemason & builder, Eastgate
Wray Thomas, coal ice. carter, 2 High street
Wren Charles, blacksmith, Brayford wharf
Wrench John, castrator, 390 High street
Wright Charles, basket maker, 26 Waterside south
Wriuht Elizabeth (Mrs.), beer retailer, 26 Raseu lane
Wright Elizabeth (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 41 Waterside north
Wright Mary (Mrs.), straw bonnet maker, 50 Waterside north
Wright Philip, chandlers shop, 403 High street
Wright Richard, joiner & builder, 3 Butchery street
Wroot & Dymoke, wholesale druggists, 235 High street

Yates John, butcher, 57 Waterside north
Young John, architect & surveyor. 20 Melville street
Young John Matthew Wilson, professor of music k organist to the cathedral, 26 Eastgate
Yale William, tailor, 17 Burton road


And Last updated on: Wednesday, 02-Oct-2024 14:16:27 BST