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London 1874 Licensed Victuallers and Hotel Keepers Directory - London South F

This is a listing from the London 1874 Licensed Victuallers and Hotel Keepers Directory for London and suburbs. The directory is one of the more diverse listings which covers the City of London, London north and south etc.

The London 1874 index

Falcon, Brown J. G. St. Johns hill, Battersea, SW
Falcon, Nobes J. Bedford New road, Clapham road SW
Farnboro Arms, Meacock B. Bridge road west, Battersea, SW
Feathers, Howse M. A. Lambeth walk, Lambeth, SE
Feathers, Jones D. Waterloo bridge, SE
Feathers, Nunn T. C. Dockhead, SE
Feathers, Salter G. and J. Waterside, Wandsworth, SW
Fellmongers Arms, Wallis R. H. Crimscott street, Bermondsey, SE
Fentiman Arms, Rowell C. M. Fentiman road, Clapham, SW
Ferry Barge, Lucy G, March wall, North Woolwich, SE
Finish, Innocent L. W. S. Linton road, Upper Grange road, Bermondsey, SE
Firemans Tavern, Watling R. E. Lavender road, Battersea, SW
First Surrey Light Horse, Green W. H. Drummond road, Bermondsey, SE
Fishermans Arms, Empson J. Limekilns, Greenwich, SE
Fishermans Arms, McLaren David, Croydon
Fishing Smack, Seabrooke E. S. Stowage, Deptford, SE
Fishing Smack, Tounley J. King street, Deptford, SE
Fishmongers Arms, Bisley Lucy, St. Georges road, Southwark, SE
Fishmongers Arms, Burnard C. East hill, Battersea, SW
Fivo Bells, Logdon C. Bermondsey square, Bermondsey, SE
Five Bells, Major John, New Cross, SE
Fleece, Price A. Commercial road, Lambeth, SE
Fleece, Standen T. Upper Russell street, Bermondsey, SE
Fleece, Stanley W. E. Great George street, Bermondsey, SE
Flower of Kent, Woodwell Maria, Lewisham road, SE
Flower of the Forest, Stevens Harriett, Blackfriars road, SE
Flying Horse, Bishop George, Blackman street, Borough SE
Flying Horse, Treagle William, Cross street, Walworth, SE
Foresters, Herbert William, Forest hill, SE
Foresters, Rogers Alfred, Market square, Bromley
Foresters Arms, Higgins William, George street, Richmond
Foresters Arms, Hopkins Eliza, Blackman street, Borough SE
Forest Hill Hotel, Symes E. B. Stanstead lane, Forest hill, SE
Forest Hill Tavern, Blunden G. Forest hill, SE
Fort, Wonnacott William, Sandy hill, Woolwich, SE
Fortune of War, Rice D. W. Greens end, Woolwich, SE
Founce. Arms, Turner Emma, Founce street, Kennington, SE
Founders Arms, Townsend Sarah, Holland street, Blackfriars road, SE
Fountain, Boyton E. W, Bolingbroke row, Camberwell road, SE
Fountain, Collingham G. St. Georges road, Southwark, SE
Fountain, Errington E. J. B. New street, Dockhead, SE
Fountain, George Mary A. Blackman street, Borough SE
Fountain, McPherson J. Broadway, Deptford, SE
Fountain, Muggeridge J. Lambeth walk, Lambeth, SE
Fountain, Tucker T. Garrett lane, Tooting, SW
Fountain and Grapes, Madge G. Blackman street, Borough SE
Fountain Head, Marchant William, Croydon
Four Acre Tavern, Metcalfe C. H. Four Acre street, Walworth, SE
Fox, Banks James, Coulsdon
Fox, Lanragin M. King street, Deptford
Fox, Meredith William, Castle street, Southwark, SE
Fox and Duck, French Louisa, Petersham
Fox and Goose, Brockwell W. Bermondsey street, Bermondsey, SE
Fox and Hounds, Brown P. Plumstead common, SE
Fox and Hounds, Denby Thomas, Carshalton
Fox and Hounds, Goodman John, Croydon
Fox and Hounds, Jones W. Little Guildford street, Borough SE
Fox and Hounds, Marshall S. L. Upper Richmond road, Putney, SW
Fox and Hounds, Pratt W. Sydenham common, SE
Foxley Tavern, Early A. K. Elliott road, Vassall road SE
Fox-under-the-Hill, Kemp John, Denmark hill, Camberwell, SE
Freelands Tavern, Church William, Freelands road, New Bromley
Freemasons Arms, Bethell T. Frederick street, Plumstead, SE
Freemasons Arms, Bromley M. King street, Deptford, SE
Freemasons Arms, Ellison R. New Wimbledon, SW
Freemasons Arms, Evans William, Hill street, Walworth, SE
Freemasons Arms, Hall N. Courland grove, Wandsworth road, SW
Freemasons Hotel, Newton C. A. Wandsworth common, Battersea, SW
Freemasons Tavern, De Gray Henry street, Kent terrace, Woolwich, SE
Freemasons Tavern, Hart W. H. Croydon
French Horn, Challis A. Lambeth walk, Lambeth, SE
French Horn and Half Moon, White Charlotte, East hill, Wandsworth, SW
Fubbs Yacht, Grabham W. Brewhouse lane, Greenwich, SE

And Last updated on: Wednesday, 22-Jan-2025 10:12:08 GMT