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London 1874 Licensed Victuallers and Hotel Keepers Directory - London South P

This is a listing from the London 1874 Licensed Victuallers and Hotel Keepers Directory for London and suburbs. The directory is one of the more diverse listings which covers the City of London, London north and south etc.

The London 1874 index

Pagoda, Robinson, H. Bermondsey new road, SE
Palmerston Arms, Bailey E. J. Lordship lane, Dulwich, SE
Palmerston Arms, Marshall C. L. Grosvcnor place, Grosvenor park, Camberwell, SE
Palmerston Tavern, Moore E. T. Clifton road, Peckham, SE
Park Brewery Tap, Allbuary J. Cage lane, Plumstead, SE
Park Tavern, Adkins G. H. Merton road, Wandsworth, SW
Park Tavern, Froud C. M. Lower Wandsworth road, Battersea SW
Purk Tavern, Scott Richard, Park road, Lower Norwood, SE
Park Town Hotel, Horner J. F. Lower Wandsworth road, Battersea, SW
Pawleyne Arms, Ford W. H. Dulwich road, SE
Paxton Arms, Salmon Mary A. Penge
Paxton Hotel, Stratton R. N. Dulwich road, Norwood, SE
Peacock, Currie Ann, Francis street, Westminster road SE
Peacock, Hatch T. J. Holland street, Blackfriars road, SE
Pear Tree, Cornish sen. S. New Cut, Lambeth, SE
Pelton Arms, Mechan P. Pelton road, Greenwich, SE
Penelope Arms, Blackman George, Penge
Percy Arms, Collett Sarah, Upper Maxey road, Plumstead, SE
Perseverance, Hall R. S. Vassal road, Camberwell New road, SE
Perseverance, Kirk R. Ordnance road, Woolwich, SE
Peter the Great, Andrews William, Foreign Cattle Market, Deptford, SE
Pheasant, Lloyd W. Stangate st. Westminster road SE
Pied Bull, Huntley R. W. Streatham, SW
Pier (The), Willis E. High street, Woolwich, SE
Pilgrim, Medworth A. Kennington lane, SE
Pilgrim, Rowland Jno. D. Queens row, Walworth, SE
Pilot, Smith Ellen, In the Marsh, Greenwich, SE
Pilot, Wallis R. High street, Deptford, SE
Pine Apple, Gore F. Hercules buildings, Lambeth, SE
Pine Apple, Wright Thomas, Prospect place, Southwark, SE
Pitts Head, Bryan G, E, Grange road, Bermondsey, SE
Pitts Head, Escott W. Pitts place, Great Guildford street, Southwark, SE
Plough, Beddoe J. W. Greenland dock, Rotherhithe, SE
Plough, Davis W. Copper Mills lane, Wimbledon, SW
Plough, Gould Charles, Lordship lane, Dulwich, SE
Plough, Harris J. Great Coldharbour lane, Camberwall, SE
Plough, Hart R. B. Stockwell green, SW
Plough, Jeans T. Lewisham, SE
Plough, Kendall Jane, St. Johns hill, Battersea SW
Plough, Musson William, Cross street, St. James street, Old Kent road, SE
Plough, Pearce D. Ciaphani common, SW
Plough, Sharp Louise, East Sheen, Mortlake
Plough, Swainson W. Bermondsey New road, SE
Plough, Watkinson Thomas, Beddington
Plough, Woolnough James A. Common, Bromley
Plough and Harrow, Glenister C. Lower Wandsworth road, Battersea, SW
Plough and Harrow, Prior E G. Kennington lane SE
Plume of Feathers, French C. Deptford bridge, SE
Plume of Feathers, Leech J. Park wall, Greenwich, SE
Plume of Feathers, Lightfoot J. The Green, Deptford, SE
Plume of Feathers, Murrey M. M. Village, Plumstead, SE
Porcupini, Cam John, Mottingham, SE
Portland Arms, Chapman W. H. Phelp street, Walworth, SE
Portland Arms, Tweed E. J. Portland place, Clapham road, SW
Portland Hotel, Bouncey G. H. London street, Greenwich, SE
Powerful, Ducker D. Warwick street, Woolwich, SE
Prince Albert, Bliss C. R. Clarendon street, Camberwell new road, SE
Prince Albert, Castle W. H. Heygate street, Walworth.SE
Prince Albert, Creek M. A. Blackfriars road, SE
Prince Albert, Davies J. T. Albert road, Peckham, SE
Trincc Albert, Mellish G. Park road, Battersea park SW
Prince Albert, Morrison James, Croydon
Prince Albert, Murrin J. Royal hill, Greenwich, SE
Prince Albert, Pelling William, Hare street, Woolwich, SE
Prince Albert, Pow Elizabeth, Amersham vale road, Deptford, SE
Prince Albert, Smith E. E. East Surrey grove, Commercial road, Peckham, SE
Prince Alfred, Bealo William. Crosby row, Walworth, SE
Prince Alfred, Frost G. Harries street, Battersea, SW
Prince Alfred, Homerrood J. Lower Sydenham, SE
Prince Alfred, Smith A. Queens road, Bermondsey, SE
Prince Alfred, Smith G. Drummond road, Bermondsey, SE
Prince Alfred, Smith T. Pattison road, Plumstead, SE
Prince and Princess, Sargood W. F. Gravel lane, Southwark, SE
Prince and Princess of Wales, Kemp Robert, King street, Old Kent road, SE
Prince Arthur, Cranfield J. Blue Stile, Greenwich, SE
Prince Consort, Ellis Benjamin, New Kent road, SE
Prince George, Hills M. Kennington street, Kennington, SE
Prince of Brunswick, Stranger H. G. Brunswick street, Stamford street, SE
Prince of Denmark, Harris George, Croydon
Prince of Orange, Elvin John, Orange place, Lower road, Rotherhithe SE
Prince of Orange, Hassell R. Mill street, Dockhead, SE
Prince of Orange, McPherson Rebecca M. Village, Plumstead, SE
Prince of Orange, Wall C. Greenwich road, SE
Prince of Prussia, Knight C. A. Brunswick road, Camberwell, SE
Prince of Wales, Armitage Maria L. Prosjwct place, Southwark, SE
Prince of Wales, Beckerstaff H. J. St. Georges road, Peckham, SE
Prince of Wales, Butler W. D. Church street, Old Kent road, SE
Prince of Wales, Chapman W. 5 Lower Union road, Wandsworth road, SW
Prince of Wales, Deikes G. Butchers row, Deptford, SE
Prince of Wales, Edwards J. T. Morden road, Merton, SW
Prince of Wales, Hoe A. R. Riley street, St. Georges road, Southwark, SE
Prince of Wales, Mackness F. Brixton place, Lambeth, SE
Prince of Wales, Mears William, Mitcham
Prince of Wales, Monk W. H. Plough road, Rotherhithe, SE
Prince of Wales, Neale T. W. Walpole street, Deptford, SE
Prince of Wales, Parker J. Spring place, Wandsworth road, SW
Prince of Wales, Poole R. Stockwell terrace, Clapham road, SW
Prince of Wales, Porter D. London street, Greenwich, SE
Prince of Wales, Rotherham George, Croydon
Prince of Wales, Rowsell W. Denmark road, Camberwell, SE
Prince of Wales, Sadler R. Garrett lane, Wandsworth, SW
Prince of Wales, Till G. Oxford road, Putney, SW
Prince of Wales, Tiller G. Ropeyard rails, Woolwich, SE
Prince of Wales, Viniery J. Mottingham, SE
Princo of Wales, Wells J. Lower Wandsworth road SW
Prince of Wales, Wright James, Thornton heath, Croydon
Prince of Wales Hotel, Eagles W. A. Harfield road, Wimbledon, SW
Prince Regent, Baddiley J. High street, Deptford, SE
Prince Regent, Currey E. Beresford street, Walworth, SE
Prince Regent, Longley T. King street, Woolwich, SE
Prince Regent, Monk G. Water lane, Brixton rise, SW
Prince Regent, Stevens W. Regent street, Lambeth walk, SE
Princes Arms, Fuller R. W. Croydon
Prince Saxe Coburg, Dye C. H. Old Kent road, SE
Princes Head, Blunt Harriet The Green, Richmond
Princes Head, Wright J. York road, Battersea, SW
Princess Alexandra, Price W. H. St. Georges road, Peckham, SE
Princess Charlotte, Overs W. R. Albany road, Camberwell, SE
Princess of Wales, Field L. York road, Wandsworth, SW
Princess of Wales, Green W. G. South street, Kennington, SE
Princess of Wales, May William, London road, SE
Princess of Wales, Scott W. Grove lane, Deptford, SE
Princess of Wales, Thompson C. Mornington road, Deptford, SE
Princess of Wales, Slade J. E. H. Blackheath, SE
Princess Royal, Kingwell H. Effingham place, Deptford, SE
Princess Royal, Sharp C. Croydon
Princess Victoria, Brenster Ed. Deptford Lower road SE
Prince William Henry, Higgings F. J. Blackfriars road, SE
Prince William Henry, Kendell J. Bermondsey street, Bermondsey, SE
Priory Arms, Piper J. Priory road, Wandsworth road SW
Prodigals Return, Harrison J. P. Battersea bridge road, SW

And Last updated on: Wednesday, 22-Jan-2025 10:12:10 GMT