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This is a listing from the Public Houses section of the UK London and Suburbs Hughes Directory in 1921; it lists an alphabetical listing of the Pubs in London and the suburbs, and also has links to the relevant Public House page listing of the Licensees, Bar persons and Boarders and Lodgers etc. All information on these pages comes from London census, Post Office and Kelly Directory, plus any information and pictures supplied by You.
Daisy (T Tucker) 33 Brompton road SW
Dalby Arms (Wm J Bennett) 7 Dalby street, Prince of Wales road NW5
Dapple Grey (Isabella M Smith) 32 Lower park road Peckham SE15
Dartmouth (Harry Isaacs) 79 Laleham road, Catford SE6
Dartmouth Arms ( Ida M Bennett) 7 Dartmouth road, Forest hill SE
Deacons (The) ( Alfred J Cope) 3 Walbrook EC
De Beauvoir Arms (Florence E Knowland) 28 Stamford road, Kingsland N1
Delaware Arms (Alfred Brown) 504 Oxford street W1
Denbigh Arms ( A I-If;ys) 3 Denbigh place, Pimlico SW
Denmark Arms ( George A Smith) High street north East Ham E6
Denmark Tavern ( R A Ades) 115 Denmark road Camberwell SE5
Derwent Tavern ( Edwin W Dufty) 94 Glengall road Peckham SE
Desborough Distillery (G W Plummer) 274 Harrow road W2
Devon Arms (Henry Shalson) 52 Morning lane, Hackney E9
Devonport Arms (H E Osmon) 11 Devonport mews, Hyde park W
Devonshire Arms (Grace E Balch) 46 Moreton street SW
Devonshire Arms (Harriet Bennell) 21A Devonshire street, Portland p1ace W
Devonshire Arms (Frederick W Dale) 17 Avonmouth street, Newington causeway SE1
Devonshire Arms (Thomas Heritage) 49 Devonshire street, Mile End E1
Devonshire Arms (V L Morgan) 10 Lancaster street, Lancaster gate W2
Devonshire Arms (E S Pannell) 39 Kentish town road NW
Devonshire Arms (Mrs Peterken) 7 Duke street, Manchester square W
Devonshire Arms (Thos J Pinn ) 37 Marloes road, Kensington W8
Devonshire Arms (Pioneer Catering Co Ltd) 90 High street, Notting hill gate W11
Devonshire Arms (Julius Rosenthal) 7 Hallam street, Portland place W
Devonshire Arms ( Albert E Wells ) 17 Denman street, Golden square WI
Devonshire Arms ( Edwin Weston ) 1 Bristow street, New North road N
Devonshire Castle (G H Charlton) :320 Harrow road W2
Dew Drop Inn (Ernest A Fearman) 72 Clifton hill, New Cross road SE14
Distillers Arms ( Alfred Johnson) 28 Hancock road, Bromley E
Dock House (Georgiana Wickes ) 293 & 295 East India Dock road E
Dockhead Stores (Louisa J Large) 146 Tanner street SE
Dog & Duck (Ida L Collins) 18 Bateman street, Soho W1
Dog & Duck (Alfred Cook) Commercial Dock passage, Rotherhithe SE16
Dolphin (Mark Abrahams) 97 & 99 Whitechapel road E1
Dolphin (Mrs M A Barnes) 44 Red Lion street, Holborn WCl
Dolphin (Cambrian Catering Co Ltd) 47 Tonbridge street, Euston road WC1
Dolphin (Cope & Co) 60 Coleman street EC
Dolphin (Wm A Hayward) Dolphin court, 63 1/2 Ludgate hill EC4
Dolphin (Neil Lindsey) 85 Church street, Bethnal green E2
Dolphin ( Rosalie Marvell) 6 Fitzalan street, Kennington road SE
Dolphin (S T Ricketts) 133 Sydenham road, Sydenham SE26
Dolphin Inn (William Hubbard) 23 Clarence street, Kingston.
Dolphin Stores ( Homer Bros) 165 Mare street, Hackney E8
Dorset Arms (Harold J Pounds) 124 Clapham road SW
Dover Castle (Henry H Connor) 55 Sutton street east, Commercial road east E1
Dover Castle (Peter Morris) 42 Little Surrey street, Blackfriars road SE1
Dover Castle (Arthur Moyens) 43 Weymouth mews, Portland place W1
Dover Castle (James Stuart) 7 Broadway, Deptford SE8
Dover Castle (Ernest Turner) 36 Commercial road, Lambeth SE1
Dover Castle (Albert Welsh) 39 Rotherhithe Street SE16
Dover Castle Hotel (Sidney F Fowler) 170 Westminster bridge road SE
Downham Arms ( Rose E Ward) 158 Downham road N
D'Oyley Arms (George H Hollingbery) 34 Draycott avenue, Chelsea SW3
Drapers Arms (Albert J Milne) 44 Barnsbury Street N
Drayton Arms (Mrs B Podger) 2 Drayton gardens, Brompton SW10
Drayton Court Hotel (W H Coles) 4 One Avenue, West Ealing
Drayton Park (Langley & Ings) 66 Drayton park N5
Dreghorn Castle ( Mrs T Carrington) 157 Queens crescent, Kentish town NW5
Druids' Arms (Chas H Woods) 68 East street, Manchester square W1
Druid's Head ( Leonard H Mackrell ) 8 Church street, Deptford SE8
Drum (Wm D Wood) 16 Snowsfields, Bermondsey SE1
Dublin Castle (Clark Walter Henry) 18 Park street, Camden Town NW1
Dublin House (Alfred F Elphiston) 4 Southampton buildings WC
Dublin House ( Michael F Cox) 3 & 4 Duke Street, London bridge SE1
Duchess of Clarence ( Benj G Allday) 171 Vauxhall bridge road SW1
Duchess of Devonshire (William U Panchen) 115 Lavender road, Clapham junction SW
Duchess of Kent (Joseph Benjamin) 72 Prebend street, Islington N
Duchess of Kent (Joseph Cannon) 441 Liverpool road N7
Duchess of Kent (J W Farey) 67 Deverell street, Great Dover Street SE
Duchess of York (Alfred W Bacon) 170 Kingsland road E2
Duchess of York ( Minnie Wade) 2 Barlow street, Walworth SE1
Dudley Arms (Edward Jordan) 147 Harrow road W2
Duke (F M Johnson junr) 125 Creek road, Deptford SE8
Duke of Albany ( A F Oven) 1 Kitto road, Brockley SE 4
Duke of Albany (H M Warner ) 41 Monson road, New Cross road SE14
Duke of Albemarle ( Frank Ware) 6 Statford street, Old Bond street W
Duke of Argyll (Cambrian Catering Co Ltd) 26 Great Windmill street W1
Duke of Argyll (Angel Phillips) 19 Little Pulteney Street W1
Duke of Bedford (Geo A Hoy Hunt) 204 Seymour street, Euston square NW1
Duke of Bridgewater (Harry C T Carter) 65 Graham street, City road N
Duke of Cambridge (Joseph W H Banks) 15 Felix street, Hackney road E2
Duke of Cambridge (Charles Chaplais) 31 Devons road, Bow E3
Duke of Cambridge (F W Cook) 155 Upper Kennington lane SE
Duke of Cambridge (Albert Curtis) 40 Hooks road, Peckham SE15
Duke of Cambridge (11 H. Finch) 71 Cambridge road, Kilburn N w
Duke of Cambridge (A Green) 343 Whitechapel road E1
Duke of Cambridge (Edwin T Hayden) 28 Loddiges road, Hackney E9
Duke of Cambridge (Albert F Hills) 37 Cottington street, Kennington SE11
Duke of Cambridge (Ethel A Mitchell) 43 Thorne road, South Lambeth SW
Duke of Cambridge (John Murray) 30 St Peter street, Islington N1
Duke of Cambridge (George Nosworthy) 178 Boundary road, Walthamstow E17
Duke of Cambridge ( C Searles) 64 Lawford road, Kentish town NW5
Duke of Cambridge (Lizzie Thomson) 52 High street, Deptford SE8
Duke of Cambridge (Alf E Tout) 228 Battersea Bridge road SW
Duke of Clarence ( Geo Bentley) 154 Manor place, Walworth SE17
Duke of Clarence (Mrs S Barnes) 78 Clarence road, Lower Clapton E5
Duke of Clarence (John R Burgess) 61 Hackney road E2
Duke of Clarence (Henry W Clark) 106 Scawfell Street, Hackney road E2
Duke of Clarence (Charles R David) 21 Horseferry road, Westminster SW1
Duke of Clarence( Hy Dew) 109 Holland park avenue, Notting hill W
Duke of Clarence (Wm Finch) 49 Alfred street, Bow E
Duke of Clarence ( Harris Fishman) 71 Commercial road east E1
Duke of Clarence (Claud W Hamilton) 32 Pancras road NW
Duke of Clarence (Henry Harrison) 98 Osnaburgh Street NW
Duke of Clarence ( George C K Jeves ) 133 Grundy street, Poplar E14
Duke of Clarence (F A Lewin) 186 Rotherhithe street SE16
Duke of Clarence (John A Perry) 181 Camberwell road SE
Duke of Clarence ( Geo F Pryer) 140 Rotherfield street, Islington N
Duke of Clarence (Jessie M Puckeridge) 60 Vauxhall street, Kennington SE11
Duke of Clarence (Edward Reid) 106 ScawfeIl street, Hackney road E2
Duke of Clarence (F H Swainson) 8 North street, Edgware road NW
Duke of Clarence (Thomas Witherick) 69 Tooley street SE
Duke of Cornwall (Louis Chaplais) 127 Ledbury road, Bayswater W11
Duke of Cornwall (Charles Conlay) 3 Sherborne place, Blandford square NW1
Duke of Cornwall ( Alfred E Grey) 37 Stewart's road, Battersea SW8
Duke of Cumberland ( Kate E Mosley ) 16 High street, Kensington W
Duke of Devonshire (James Fleming) 39 High road, Balham SW
Duke of Edinburgh (F H Bailey ) 204 Ferndale road, Brixton SW9
Duke of Edinburgh Arthur Ball)
Nightingale road, Wanstead E11
Duke of Edinburgh ( Francis Benson ) 114 Fairfoot road, Bow E3
Duke of Edinburgh (Wm J Geeson) 78 Devons road, Bromley E3
Duke of Edinburgh (William H Hunter) 39 Shard road, Peckham SE15
Duke of Edinburgh (Wm J Knowles) 81 Malpas road, Brockley SE
Duke of Edinburgh (John H Marsh) 94 Wells road, Sydenham SE26
Duke of Edinburgh (A L Melton) 165 Upper Richmond road, Putney SW15
Duke of Edinburgh (Ernest M Reading) 140 Albany road, Camberwell SE5,
Duke of Edinburgh (G C Sanger) 95 Queen's road, Bayswater W2
Duke of Fife (E T W Fenner) 350 Katherine road, East Ham E
Duke of Gloucester (Arth S Boxall) 44 Gurney street, Walworth SE
Duke of Gloucester ( Mark G King) 26 Seabright Street, Bethnal green E2
Duke of Gloucester (A G Knock) 40 St John's road, Hoxton N
Duke of Gloucester ( Pioneer Catering Co Ltd) 497 Oxford street & 128 Park street
Duke of Grafton (Levy & Hearn) 278 Euston road NW
Duke of Kendal (Mary A Milne) 36 Connaught Street W
Duke of Kent (Charles Bradshaw) 365 Old Kent road SE
Duke of Kent (Annie E Hicks) 26 Point hill, Greenwich SE
Duke of Lancaster (Arthur Blund) 36 Laburnum street, Kingsland road E2
Duke of Marlborough (Harry Cutriss) 212 Richmond road, Dalston E8
Duke of Norfolk (Catherine Elizabeth Bowers) 202 & 204 Westbourne grove W11
Duke of Norfolk (Asher Cohen) 30 Norfolk. street, Globe road E1
Duke of Richmond (C E Elstone) 270 Caledonian road N1
Duke of Richmond (George V Rice) 176 Queen's road, Dalston E8
Duke of Suffolk (C W Turner) 28 & 29 Suffolk street, Poplar El4
Duke of Suffolk ( Wm H Mills) 59 Hawkstone road, Rotherhithe SE
Duke of Suffolk (F H Morrison) 59 Brandon street, Walworth SE17
Duke of Sussex (Walter H Arber) 1 Haggerston road E8
Duke of Sussex (Emily C Cole) 23 Oakley street, Lambeth SE
Duke of Sussex ( Henry H Finch Ltd ) 272 Portobello road W10
Duke of Sussex (Hudson & Dungate) 106 High street, Islington N1
Duke of Sussex (Arthur Liles) 94 Goldsmith row E2
Duke of Sussex (Edward A Lion) 77 Lower park road, Peckham SE15. T N New Cross
Duke of Sussex (Pannell & Cast) 27 Latimer road, Notting hill W11
Duke of Sutherland (Horace Cormack) 51 Lorrimore road, Walworth SE
Duke of Wellington (Wm Bennett) 74 Richmond road, Barnsbury N
Duke of Wellington (Harold 0 Bromfield) 85 St James' road, Holloway N
Duke of Wellington (Hugh Chick) 33 Shepherd street, Spitalfields E
Duke of Wellington (Jane Craigen) 33 Manchester Street, Gray's inn road WC
Duke of Wellington (Hy H Finch) 179 Portobello road W
Duke of Wellington (Morris Frankfort) 29 Three Colt lane E2
Duke of Wellington (Wm F Gray) 128 Old Woolwich road, East Greenwich SE10 TN
Greenwich 841
Duke of Wellington (Wm T Green) 45 Tarn street, Newington causeway SE1
Duke of Wellington (Mary A Haines) 59 Brady street E1
Duke of Wellington (Edgar Head) 52 Cyprus street E2
Duke of Wellington (Chas G Jackson) 63 Eaton terrace, Eaton square SW1
Duke of Wellington (Joseph H Johnson) 37 Wellington street, Deptford SE8
Duke of Wellington ( Fredk Ling) 71 Nile Street, Hoxton N
Duke of Wellington ( Albert E, Mathews ) 170 Acre lane, Brixton SW2
Duke of Wellington (John S Murton) 77 Wardour street W
Duke of Wellington (R G Sparrow) 100 Haggerston road E8
Duke of Wellington ( William P Taylor) 30 Brunswick Street, Hackney road E2
Duke of York (Baker & Co) 132 Victoria street SW
Duke of York (Hamilton E Barker) 8 Dering street, Oxford street W
Duke of York (W E Brundell) 7 Henry street, Grays Inn road WC1
Duke of York (Follan Chandler) 287 Evelyn street, Deptford SE
Duke of York (H G Clover) 46 New Cavendish street w
Duke of York (Ellen Collinson) 129 Antill road, Bow E3
Duke of York ( Emily J Dann) 18 North Wharf road, Paddington W2
Duke of York (Thomas Dowsett) 6 Shetland street, Jersey street E2
Duke of York (Ernest A Everett) 2
Gateforth street, Lisson grove NW8
Duke of York (John W Fowls) 29 High street, Shadwell E1
Duke of York ( R Froude) Devonshire road, Chiswick W4
Duke of York (Pizer Gold) 241 Brick lane E
Duke of York (James G Gomm) 8 Charlotte place, Fitzroy square W1
Duke of York (John G Hawthorne. Gloucester Street, Clerkenwell
Duke of York (G T Heywood) 24 York road N1
Duke of York (A L Lucas) 59 Osnaburgh street NW1
Duke of York (R Mathews) Berger road, Homerton E8
Duke of York (William L Matthews) 184 Larkhall lane, Clapham SW
Duke of York ( Arthur V Page) 57 York road, Lambeth SE
Duke of York (R. Parker) Kensington place, Kensington W8
Duke of York ( William E Reynolds) 45 Queen street, Edgware road W
Duke of York (William H Shuter) 2 St Anne's terrace & 106 St John's wood terrace
Duke of York ( George Simmonds) 156 Clerkenwell road EC
Duke of York (Mrs Emma Slater) 47 & 48 Borough road SE1
Duke of York (Hattle Stevens) 33 Downham road N
Duke of York (William H Thompson) 202 Blackfriars road SE
Duke of York (Harold J Watkins) 37 Bagshot street, Walworth SE17
Duke of York (A Welland) 24 Wenlock street, New North road N
Duke of York ( Mrs P Yates) 10 Dod street, Limehouse E14
Duke's Head (Joshua Abrahams) 181 Whitechapel road E
Duke's Head (Charles S Bishop) 16 High street, Highgate N6
Duke's Head (Harry Hinchcliffe) 8 Lower Richmond road, Putney SW15
Duke's Head (Herbert J Lee) 268 Rotherhithe street SE16
Duke's Head (Sarah J Leigh) 112 Wood street, Walthamstow E17
Duke's Head (R H Webb) Barking road, East Ham E
Dun Cow (Thomas W Layton) 279 Old Kent road SE
Dun Horse (John T Cranmer) 24 Kingsland road E2
Duncannon (Harry S Rocke) Duncannon street, Charing Cross WC2
Dundee Arms (Annie Cope) 339 Cambridge road E2
Dundee Arms (Francis W P Worsnop) 61 Artillery Street, Horsleydown SE1
Dunstan's (Horace J Burles) 50 East road, City road N
Durant Arms (William Hearn) 35 Durant street, Bethnal green E2
Durell Arms (Criswick & Faviour) 704 Fulham road, Fulham SW
Durham Arms (John H Hollyer) 41 Harleyford road SE
Durham Arms (James Alb CaStling) 24 & 26 Blenheim terrace, St John's wood NW8
Durham Arms (A C Tibbitts) 408 Hackney road E2
Durham Castle ( Alfred Davis) 165 Seven Sisters road N
Durham Castle (John V Whittaker) 30 Alexander Street, Westbourne park W2
Dyers' Areas (Herbert Rehm) 78 Cannon street EC
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