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This is a listing from the Public Houses section of the UK London and Suburbs Hughes Directory in 1921; it lists an alphabetical listing of the Pubs in London and the suburbs, and also has links to the relevant Public House page listing of the Licensees, Bar persons and Boarders and Lodgers etc. All information on these pages comes from London census, Post Office and Kelly Directory, plus any information and pictures supplied by You.
Galloway Arms (H Knight & R Clapp) 48
Thomas street, Burdett road E14
Gardeners Arms (C Hughes) Baldwyns hill, Loughton
Gardners Arms ( William H Brown) 115 Lefevre road, Bow E3
Garibaldi (Sarah A Brown) 102 Islip street, Kentish town NW5
Garibaldi (James Crick) 2 & 4 Stamford street & 16 Blackfriars road SE1
Garrick (Moore & Turley) 13 Green street, Leicester square WC
Garrick Tavern ( Eugene Wherley) 70 Leman street E
Gate House (Clement Stewart) 149 Hampstead road NW
Gauden Hotel ( F W Drake) 104 Gauden road, Clapham SW4
General Abercrombie (Edward Fey) 52 Friar street, Blackfriars road
General Canrobert (Wal E Wilson) 40 Canrobert street, Bethnal green E2
General Havelock (Alfred G Choppin) 315 Battersea park road SW11
General Napier ( Emma Stevens) 73 Bovill road, Forest Hill SE23
General Picton (Southwood & Hempstead) 2 Wharfdale road, King's cross N
George (Wm Abrey) 9 Eden grove, Holloway N
George (H Arnhardt) 207 High street, Shoreditch E1
George (Geo Thomas Belshaw) 25 Old Bailey EC4
George (Henry Casey) George court, Strand WC
George ( Edwin R Coles) 16 Balham Hill SW
George (Stanley W M Dawson) 169 Lambeth Walk SE11
George (J Farthing) 57 Liverpool road N1
George ( Henry H Finch Ltd) 180 St John street EC1
George ( E F1 Francesconi) 31 Trinity square, Tower hill EC
George (Nathan Goldapple) 32 Mansell street E1
George (Wm Goodchild junr ) 99 & 101 Newington butts SE
George ( George S Harris) 171 Glyn road, Clapton E5
George (Frank Hollis) 506 Fulham road SW
George (Charles Howland) 55 Great Portland street W1
George (Wm G Illingworth) 88 Gravel lane, Southwark SE
George (George I Isaacs) 373 Commercial road east E
George (Ethel Lang) 20 Australian avenue EC1
George (Sarah A Lucas) 114 Glengall road, Cubitt Town E14
George (Wm Moorby) 25 Broad street, Ratcliffe E1
George ( Pioneer Catering Co Ltd) Broadway, Barking
George (Rehm Bros) 86 Fenchurch street EC1
George (H Sharp) 9 Great Queen street WC
George (A L Simmons) 1 D'Arblay street, Soho W1
George (Wm B Storey) 19 George row, Bermondsey SE16
George (Walter J Thorne) 238 Waterloo road SE1
George (Sophia H Yates) 82 Railton road, Herne Hill SE24
George Canning (Harry Brown) 123 Grove lane, Camberwell SE5
George Canning (Edwin H Gilbert) 95 Effra road, Brixton SW
George & Dragon (John Baynes) 16 Vauxhall street, Lambeth SE
George & Dragon (Jno Bird ) 18 New North street, Theobalds road we
George & Dragon (Mrs J Brooks) 183 High street, Acton W
George & Dragon (Stephen Brown) 82 Albert Embankment SE11
George & Dragon (Arthur R Cann) 151 Cleveland street, Fitzroy Square W1
George & Dragon (Walter W Coulstock) 2 Blackheath hill, Greenwich SE
George & Dragon (Ada Dorchester) 240 St John street EC1
George & Dragon (Alexander B Goldstein ) 104 Houndsditch E
George & Dragon (Frank Lockett) 13 Beech street EC
George & Dragon (John P Miley)
2 Hackney road
George & Dragon (Emma S Rattenbury) 235 Camberwell road SE5
George & Dragon (James P Reilly) 192 High street, Shadwell E1
George & Dragon ( Charles Simmonds ) 17 Royal Hospital road SW
George & Dragon (F G Smith) 14 St George's road, Peckham SE15
George & Dragon (Andrew Staudt) 64 Shaftesbury avenue W
George & Dragon (Hyman Steinberg) 22 Greek street, Soho W
George the Fourth (Frank C Allsop) 319 New North road N1
George the Fourth (Thos Bishop) Portugal street, Lincolns inn WC
George the Fourth (L Free ) 28 Redhill street, Regent's park NW1
George the Fourth (Barney Garrett) 259 Green street, Bethnal green E2
George the Fourth (Joseph B Bart) 50 High street, Brentford
George the Fourth (Florence J How) 39 Goswell road EC
George the Fourth (Ernest Lyme) 201 Old street EC
George the Fourth (Alex Mackenzie) 156 Pentonville road N
George the Fourth (Jno Norton) 68 Berner street, Commercial road east E1
George the Fourth (John Osment) 144 Brixton hill SW2
George the Fourth (Charles Pearce) 76 Willes road NW5
George the Fourth (John Reeve) 60 Copenhagen street N1
George & Guy (Morris Silverston) 41 Brick Lane, Spitalfields E1
George the Fourth (Alfred Spencer) 7 Ida street, Poplar E14
George Hotel (Septimus Bevin) 213 Strand WC
George Hotel (Mrs E H Jennings) High Road, South Woodford E18
George Hotel (Mrs S A Lucas) Glengall road E
George Inn ( William H Collier) 81 South street, Isleworth
George Inn (Wm J Kingston) 12 Broadway Stratford
George Peabody (Wm H Bullman) 146 High street, Shadwell E1
George & Vulture (Jno T Gardner) 3 Castle street, Birchin lane EC
George & Vulture ( Fred G Stock) 63 Pitfield street, Hoxton N1
Gerrard Arms (Fred Fitzhugh) 41 Gerrard street, Islington N1
Gibraltar (Alfred E Cooper) 28 Gibraltar walk E2
Gibraltar (S W Purnell) 35 St George's road, Southwark SE1
Gipsy Hill Hotel (E A Williams) 79 Gipsy hill. Upper Norwood SE19
Gipsy Queen (Fredk Reeve) 166 Malden road NW5
Giraffe (Alice A Pryer) 45 Penton place, Newington butts SE17
Gladstone (William Gardner) 64 Plough road, Battersea SW
Gladstone (George Overton) 212 & 214 Brompton road
Glasshouse Stores (J H Wilburn) 45 Brewer street, Golden square W
Glengall Arms ( Nat han Cohen) 41 Glengall road, Old Kent road
Glengall Arms (Frederick A Smith) 367 West Ferry road, Millwall E14
Glengall Tavern (J Lamborn ) 1 Bird-in-bush road, Peckham SE15
Globe (Victor Anker) 44 Ellen street, Back Church lane E1
Globe (James Beer) 6 Royal hill, Greenwich SE10
Globe (Thomas H Bonner ) 37 Bow street WC
Globe ( Emily Day) 25 & 26 Great Dover street SE
Globe ( Henry H Finch) 22 Upper Marylebone street W
Globe ( Frederick Fredericks) 58 Hill street, Peckham SE15
Globe (Emanuel Henreck) 383 Kings road SW10
Globe (George C James) 47 Lisson grove
Globe (Levy & Franks) 11 & 13 Finsbury pavement EC
Globe (E Levy & H Franks) 91 Hatton garden EC
Globe (Kate Lott) 24 Great Chart street, Hoxton N
Globe (Frank Patch) 20 Darwin street, Old Kent road SE17
Globe (J T Richards) 321 Evelyn street, Deptford SE8
Globe (Leonard L Slater) 15 Maple street, Fitzroy square W
Globe (William Solman) 9 Bedale street, Boro' market SE
Globe (Sophia, Solomons) 27 Brierly street, Globe road E2
Globe (Alex Underdown) 104 Borough road SE1
Globe ( Walker & Robinson)
128 Goldsmith row, Hackney road E2
Globe (Mary Wright) 33 High street, Wapping
Globe Hotel ( W Baker & Co) 47 Marylebone road NW
Gloucester (Fred P Henson) 34 Gloucester road, South Kensington SW7
Glos'ter (Mrs Ward) 187 Sloane street, Chelsea SW
Gloucester Arms (Charles R Clark) 74 Rolls road, Bermondsey SE1
Gloucester Arms (C Garlick) 61 Leighton road, Kentish town NW
Gloucester Arms ( W H Henocq) 5 Upper Park place, Dorset square NW
Gloucester Arms (Bosetta S Levy) 212 Gloucester terrace, Hyde park W2
Gloucester Arms (Barnett Rabin) 24 Mason street, Old Kent road SE1
Gloucester Hotel (George Young) 1 King William street, Greenwich SE10
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