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London and Suburbs pubs in 1921 - Hughes directory listing - Pr

This is a listing from the Public Houses section of the UK London and Suburbs Hughes Directory in 1921; it lists an alphabetical listing of the Pubs in London and the suburbs, and also has links to the relevant Public House page listing of the Licensees, Bar persons and Boarders and Lodgers etc. All information on these pages comes from London census, Post Office and Kelly Directory, plus any information and pictures supplied by You.

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Pride of the Isle, Wm F Olley, 20 Havannah street, Millwall E14
Primrose, Caroline Ellis, 229 Bishopsgate EC2
Prince Albert, J Attwell, 72 Royal hill, Greenwich SE10
Prince Albert, Harry Bailey, 11 Princess road, Regents park NW
Prince Albert, Edwin G G Bax, 117 Edward street, Deptford SE
Prince Albert, Elizabeth M Beech, Chingford Mount, Chingford Essex
Prince Albert, Ernest Block, 29 Elmore Street, Islington N
Prince Albert, Hy J Brinsden, 10 Woodfield road, Harrow road W
Prince Albert, E E Brockman, 11 Coopers row, Tower hill EC
Prince Albert, Percy S Burden, 2 Mape street, Bethnal green E2
Prince Albert, Charlotte J Causer, 64 Rosemary road, Peckham SE15
Prince Albert, Henry Cole, 58 Orchard place, Blackwall E14
Prince Albert, Annie M Compton, 24 Heygate street, Walworth SE17
Prince Albert, John Crabb, 221 Queens road, Dalston E8
Prince Albert, Charles Cullinane, 5 Upper St Martins lane WC
Prince Albert, Charles R Denn, 34 Councillor street, Camberwell SE5
Prince Albert, F H Field, 37 Wharfdale road N1
Prince Albert, E J Gomm, 11 Hollingsworth street, Liverpool road N7
Prince Albert, Moore & Read, 85 Albert Bridge road, Battersea SW
Prince Albert, Caroline Payne, 30 & 31 Blackfriars road SE
Prince Albert, Wm Pickstock, 119 Albert road, Peckham SE15
Prince Albert, William Platt, 35 Weedington road, Kentish Town NW
Prince Albert, William W Rackham, 21 Brushfield street E1
Prince Albert, Frederick G Ridgeway, 47 Hows street, Kingsland road E2
Prince Albert, Henry Robinson, 2 Acton street, Kings Cross road WC
Prince Albert, Edw G Salter & W M E Nash, 163 Great College street, Camden town NW
Prince Albert, Albert E Silvey, 16 Alfred Street, City road N1
Prince Albert, John Walker, 11 Craven road, Paddington W2
Prince Albert, J Wels, 11 Pembridge road W11
Prince Albert, W A Yeatman, 6 Lincoln street, Mile End E3
Prince Alfred, Mary J Carr, 13 Crowndale road NW
Prince Alfred, Joseph R H Cutler, 178 Sydenham road, Sydenham SE26
Prince Alfred, Wal E Dennis, 86 Locksley street, Limehouse E14
Prince Alfred, Frederick Hogwood, 49 Alscot road, Bermondsey SE1
Prince Alfred, Mullally Bros, 267 Walworth road SE7
Prince Alfred, George Sherwin, 59 Drummond road, Bermondsey SE16
Prince Alfred, Alfred W Stevenson, 29 Tufton Street, Westminster SW1
Prince Alfred, M Warren, 38 Offord road, Barnsbury N7
Prince Alfred, Alice M White, 118 Marylebone lane W1
Prince Alfred Hotel, William Luke Goff, 112 Queens road, Bayswater W2
Prince Arthur, Horace Arnold, 55 Brunswick road, Poplar E14
Prince Arthur, Walter W Bromige, 36 Boundary road NW8
Prince Arthur, Robert H Drysdale & Alfred Brown, 379 Caledonian road N1
Prince Arthur, Richard Norden, 10 Golborne road W10
Prince Arthur, F Page, 173 Greenwich road SE 10
Prince Arthur, Amelia A Phippard, 95 Forest road, Dalston E 8
Prince Arthur, Charles Webb, 150 Turners road E
Prince of Brunswick, Stephen Deem, 127 Barnsbury road N
Prince Consort, Wm A Booth, 210A New Kent road SE1
Prince George, T F Longhurst, 131 Hillingdon street, Walworth SE 17
Prince George of Cumberland, Ernest J Beale, 195 Albany street NW
Prince George of Cumberland, J L Giles, 41 Frederick street, Portland town NW8
Prince of Hesse, Morris Wineglass, 4 Fieldgate street, Whitechapel E1
Prince Imperial, John G Price, 426 Rotherhithe New road SE
Prince of Orange, Wm S Andrews, 118 Lower road, Rotherhithe SE16
Prince of Orange, Walter Cantor, 25 Philip street, Back Church lane E1
Prince of Orange, Emily Grace Driscoll & Co, 189 Greenwich road SE10
Prince of Orange, Fred A Sherras, 4 Artillery row, Westminster SW1
Prince & Princess of Wales, John H Forster, 109 Kinglake street, Old Kent road SE1
Prince Regent, Edgar Cross, 130 Ethelred street, Lambeth SE
Prince Regent, Richard H Edmonds, 81 Salmon lane E
Prince Regent, M Mandel, 80 & 82 High street, Deptford SE8
Prince Regent, Ann Minnis, 105A Globe road, Mile End E1
Prince Regent, Thomas Parker, 40 & 42 South street, Walworth SE17
Prince Regent, Percy Patch, 201 & 203 Liverpool road N
Prince Regent, Albert Rowlingson, 86 Beresford street, Walworth SE
Prince Teck, Tom Carter, 16 Earls court road SW5
Prince of Wales, Robert Aarons, 25 East Arbour Street E1
Prince of Wales, C Adams, 2 Parchmore road, Thornton Heath
Prince of Wales, T D Atkins, 16 Northdown street, Pentonville N
Prince of Wales, Arthur Bond, 13 Holywell lane EC
Prince of Wales, Martha Bowden, 55 Grafton road, Kentish town NW5
Prince of Wales, James R Bracher, 35 Silchester road W10
Prince of Wales, John E Brook, 294 Clapham road SW9
Prince of Wales, Harry M Brough, 62 Wellesley road NW5
Prince of Wales, Florence Brunton, 84 Phillip Street, Kingsland road N
Prince of Wales, Mrs H Buckhurst, 13 Hyde road N1
Prince or Wales, B H Budgen,, Trust Houses Ltd, 8 Church street, Kensington W8
Prince at Wales, Fk A Cakehread, 79 Church road, Acton W
Prince of Wales, Mrs B J Carey, 59 Barnet grove, Bethnal green E2
Prince of Wales, Walter E Chapman, 99 Union road, Clapham SW4
Prince of Wales, William H Childs, 23 Lant street, Borough SE1
Prince of Wales, Frank Clark, 51 & 53 St Georges road SE
Prince of Wales, Coleman Cohen, 313 Old Street EC
Prince of Wales, Frederick Cook, 19 Great Barlow street, Marylebone W
Prince of Wales, Fred W Cull, 75 Prince of Wales road NW
Prince of Wales, A Deveson, St Andrews road, Walthamstow E
Prince of Wales, A E Faiers, 144 St James road, Liverpool road N7
Prince of Wales, W Ferris & Co, 351 Harrow road W
Prince of Wales, Mrs E B Perry, 179 High road, Chiswick W4
Prince of Wales, Alfred Foster, 55 Wall street, Balls pond N
Prince of Wales, Richard G Freestone, Western road, Merton
Prince of Wales, Frederick Wm French, 28 Naval row, Blackwall E
Prince of Wales, H & F Frost Ltd, 14 Princes road, Notting hill W11
Prince of Wales, Paulin P L Gelley, 777 High road, Leyton E
Prince of Wales, Israel Gilder, 59 Barnet grove, Bethnal green E2
Prince of Wales, Fred Green, Cambridge avenue, Kilburn, NW6
Prince of Wales, W J Griffiths, Follywall Isle of Dogs E14
Prince of Wales, Eliza M Hatton, 57 Lenthall road, Dalston E8
Prince of Wales, Harriett Henson, 14 Ruby street, Old Kent road SE15
Prince of Wales, Dan J Hills, Ordnance road, St Johns wood NW
Prince of Wales, Ernest G Holmes, 76 Bishops road E2
Prince of Wales, G H Hopkins, 1 Eastbourne terrace, Paddington W2
Prince of Wales, Chas J Jamieson, 155 Upper North Street E
Prince of Wales, Kate Jordan, 19 Plough road, Rotherhithe SE16
Prince of Wales, Edith A. King, 23 Kings road, St Pancras NW1
Prince of Wales, James W Kingdon, 4 Caroline street, Camden town NW1
Prince of Wales, George L Last, 102 Grafton street, Mile End E1
Prince of Wales, Levy & Benjamin, 154 Drury lane WC2
Prince of Wales, Jas Metcalf jun, 71 Great Hermitage street, Wapping E1
Prince of Wales, Emily Molyneux, 49 Knatchbull road, Camberwell SE5
Prince of Wales, E H Moseley , 119 Hampstead road N
Prince of Wales, Alfred B Netherton, 137 Bridge street, Mile End E3
Prince of Wales, George Norman, 73 Dalling road, Hammersmith W
Prince of Wales, A H Peel, 447 Kingsland road E8
Prince of Wales, Wm J S Pitcher, 467 Brixton road SW
Prince of Wales, Clara Quinn, 11 Riley street, Bermondsey SE1
Prince of Wales, W J Richards, 124 St Georges road, Peckham SE15
Prince of Wales, Thomas G Sansom, 66 Buxton Street E1
Prince of Wales, Eanne Simmons, 74 East road, City road N1
Prince of Wales, David Sindrey, 139 Graham street, City road N1
Prince of Wales, Snow Bros, 274 Holloway road N
Prince of Wales, W W Southwell, 40 Walpole road, New Cross SE
Prince of Wales, Henry G C Sprenger, 64 Hallam street, Portland place W
Prince of Wales, Albert Wakeling, 342 Caledonian road N
Prince of Wales, Wm J Watson, Queens road, Buckhurst Hill Essex
Prince of Wales, J Weddicomb, 287 & 289 New North road N1
Prince of Wales, C F Wells, 48 Princes square, Kennington SE
Prince of Wales, Nathan Woolf, 259 Dalton lane E1
Prince of Wales, Thomas Wright, 339 Battersea park road NW11
Prince William Henry, Hy Cooper, 165 Bermondsey street SE 1
Prince William Henry, A C Faber, 230 Blackfriars road SE1
Prince of Windsor, Harry R Warren, 886 Old Kent road SE 15
Princes Head, W H Holmes, 6 Princes street, Westminster SWl
Princes Head, Benjamin Walker, 1 York road, Battersea SW
Princes head, Whithair & Noble, 2 Buckingham Street, Strand WC2
Princes Hotel, Arthur Collins, 73 Princes square Bayswater W2
Princess Alexandra, R Dipple & Son, 186 Barking road, Canning town E
Princess Alexandra, Thos Galsworthy , 95 Portobello road W11
Princess Alexandra, Thomas E Rennie, 69 Cornwall road W
Princess Alexandra, R Truckell, 198 St Georges road, Peckham SE15
Princess Alice, Percy F Cole, 329 Romford road, Forest Gate E7
Princess Alice, Wm A L Lashmar, 42 Commercial street E
Princess Alice, Alf Pollock, 13 Murray Street, Hoxton N1
Princess Alice, Caroline Wale, 21 Dingley road, City road EC
Princess Charlotte, Jessie Bowden, 409 Albany road, Camberwell SE5
Princess Charlotte, George A Keen, 31 Princes street and 1 Swallow place, Hanover square W
Princess Louise, Harry A. Couchman, 208 & 209 High Holborn WC1
Princess Royal, Aubrey Chaplin, 47 Hereford road, Bayswater W2
Princess Royal, Reginald Coleman, 25 Warwick Street, Pimlico SW
Princess Royal, Rob Holland, 30 Johnson street, Commercial road east E
Princess Royal, Walter J Loneragan, 33 Sidney square, Commercial road east E
Princess Royal, E L Mulvy, 11 Circus road, St Johns wood NW8
Princess Royal, Stephen W Pettit, 365 Cable street E1
Princess Royal, Smith & Shotter, 107 Ealing road Brentford
Princess Victoria, Frederick G Brown, 9 Lower road, Rotherhithe SE
Princess Victoria, Fred S Gill, 217 Uxbridge road NW
Princess Victoria, A E Stephens, 25 Earls court road W8
Princess of Wales, Chas Arbury, 69 South street, Walworth SE17
Princess of Wales, Baker Bros, 24 Villiers street, Strand WC
Princess of Wales, Jas W Bolton, 1 Mornington road, New Cross SE14
Princess of Wales, Geo Evans, 294 York road, Wandsworth SW18
Princess of Wales, Herbert J Fowler, 45 & 46 London road SE
Princess of Wales, A H Gibbons, 88 Grove street, Deptford SE8
Princess of Wales, Jas Leonard Gore, 105 Arthur street, Chelsea SW3
Princess of Wales, Fred Hill, 121 Abbey road, St Johns wood NW
Princess of Wales, E L Lewis, Montpelier row, Blackheath SE3
Princess of Wales, Reginald C Muggleton, 84 Manchester road E14
Princess of Wales, William Needham, 22 St Georges road, Regents park NW1
Priory Tavern, Arthur F Morley, 37 St Leonard street E
Pritchards Arms, Ellen L Phipps, 439 Hackney road E2
Prodigals Return, Senior J Wormsley, 74 Battersea bridge road SW
Prospect of Whitby, Bertie W Perou, 57 Wapping wall E1
Punch Bowl, Ernest A G Smith, 41 Farm street, Berkeley square W
Punch Tavern, Richard Buckler, 99 Fleet street EC
Pyrotechnists Arms, 0 Waterman, 39 Nunhead green SE15

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And Last updated on: Wednesday, 22-Jan-2025 10:12:19 GMT