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This is a listing from the Public Houses section of the UK London and Suburbs Hughes Directory in 1921; it lists an alphabetical listing of the Pubs in London and the suburbs, and also has links to the relevant Public House page listing of the Licensees, Bar persons and Boarders and Lodgers etc. All information on these pages comes from London census, Post Office and Kelly Directory, plus any information and pictures supplied by You.
Robarts Arms, Sydney Collett, 1 Devonport street, Commercial
road east E
Robert Burns, Henry Hewitt, 248 & 250 West Ferry road E
Robin Rood, John Carter, 281 High Holborn WC1
Robin Hood, W E Pratt, Robin Hood lane, Sutton
Robin Hood & Little John, John P Carroll, 117 Church street, Deptford SE8
Robin Hood & Little John, H H Finch Ltd, 140 St Johns road N1
Robin Hood & Little John, William H Johnson, 49 Kenbury street, Camberwell SE5
Robinson Crusoe, John Trower, 93 Earl street, Lisson grove NW
Rochester Castle, E J Rose & Co Ltd, 145 High street, Stoke Newington N
Rock, Edward J Crouch, 374 Walworth road SE17
Rock, Frederick Tufnell, 153 Battersea park road SW
Rockingham Arms, Emanuel & Mather, 175 Newington causeway SE
Rodney, Walter Welton, 215 Westminster bridge road SE1
Rodneys Head, Ernest C Brown, 22 Rodney street, Pentonville N
Roebuck, Richard Boxall, 22 High road, Chiswick W4
Roebuck, F C Benjamin, 200 Hackney road E2
Roebuck, Amy Clarke, 348 & 350 Kings road, Chelsea SW3
Roebuck, Charles A Freeman, 48 High street, Lewisham SE13
Roebuck, Levy & Fraser, 108A Tottenham court road W1
Roebuck, Annie E Morgan, 293 Kennington road SE11
Roebuck, Stanley H Norton, 50 Great Dover street SE
Roebuck, William G Nutting, 47 Trafalgar street, Walworth SE
Roebuck, Thomas G Yearsley, 84 Church Street, South Hackney E8
Roebuck Hotel, Trust Houses Ltd, High road, Buckhurst Hill
Roman Arms, E J Rose & Co, 260 Roman road E
Rose, Henry a Freshwater, 58 Hatton garden EC
Rose, Edward H Hoare, 78 Edmund street, Camberwell SE
Rose, J J Mason, 15 Popham road, Islington N
Rose, Frederick Peck, 35 Usk street, Bethnal green E2
Rose, Robert P Redwood, 123 Snowsfields, Bermondsey SE1
Rose, Arthur J Rodwell, 272 New Cross road SE
Rose, F W Weeks, 86 Fulham road SW
Rose & Crown, H C Allen, 86 High street, Highgate N6
Rose & Crown, George J Amis, 114 & 115 Lollard street, Kennington SE
Rose & Crown, E F Anderson, 95 Thames street, Greenwich SE16
Rose & Crown, Ball Bros, 16 Ilford hill, Ilford
Rose & Crown, George A Barrel, 26 Little Britain EC1
Rose & Crown, John E Beckwith, 78 High street, Aldgate El
Rose & Crown, Samuel P Block, 90 & 92 Lower Sloane street SW
Rose & Crown, Alice Brown, 81 High street, Wapping E1
Rose & Crown, Bernard Brown, 35 Dean Street, Soho W1
Rose & Crown, Walter Cassell jun, 1 Crooms hill, Greenwich SE10
Rose & Crown, City Wines House, Ship Tavern passage, Leadenhall market EC
Rose & Crown, William P Cook, 19 Commercial road, Lambeth SE1
Rose & Crown, E F Deeks, Mill lane, Woodford Green, Essex
Rose & Crown, Sydney M Gale, 32 Allen street, Goswell road EC1
Rose & Crown, James Green, 31 Burne street NW
Rose & Crown, J J Harrington, 51 Charles street, Stepney El
Rose & Crown, B Isaacs, 39A Bartholomew close EC
Rose & Crown, Annie A Lewis, 119 Charing Cross road WC
Rose & Crown, Francis G Marshall, 2 Park lane, Piccadilly W1
Rose & Crown, Matcham & Jeffery, 55 Hoe street, Walthamstow E17
Rose & Crown, Arthur Moloney, 124 Long lane, Boro SE
Rose & Crown, James Monday, 83 Bunhill row EC1
Rose & Crown, Annie P Parker, 55 High street, Wimbledon
Rose & Crown, Minnie Parrish, 18 Mare street, Hackney E8
Rose & Crown, W A Reynolds, 2 Devons road, Bromley E3
Rose & Crown, Annie L Simpson, 10 London house yard, St Pauls EC
Rose & Crown, Hy Sturcke, 47 Collingwood street, Blackfriars road SE1
Rose & Crown, Frederick C Warwick, 68 Southwark park road SE16
Rose & Crown, James W Whittaker, 8 Dorset street, Whitefriars EC
Rose of Kent, W J Huntley & M L Carpenter exors, 156 Trundleys road, Deptford
Rose of Lee, George Poole, 162 High road, Lee SE
Rose & Lily, Les1ie 6 Evans, 155 Drummond road, Bermondsey SE16
Rose of Normandy, Alfred Edwards, 32 & 33 High street, Marylebone W1
Rose & Punch Bowl, Hyman Lipman, 7 Redmans road Stepney E1
Rose Tavern, Charles White, 23 Saville place, Lambeth SE
Rose & Thistle, W J Fisher, 97 Warner road, Camberwell SE5
Rose & Three Tuns, Ada L Kingston, 14 Little Earl street, Seven dials WC2
Rosedale Arms, Tom Farmer, 2 Roseberry street, Southwark park road SE
Rosemary Branch, Louisa Jones, 44 Lewisham High road SE
Rosemary Branch, T North, 2 Shepperton road Islington N1
Rosemary Branch, Hy Yeomans, 263 Southampton street, Camberwell SE5
Rosendale Hotel, George Payne, Rosendale road, West Dulwich SE
Rothbury Arms, William Sheldrick, 5 Matilda street, Caledonian road N
Rotherfield Arms, Garner Bros, 38 Shepperton road, lslington N
Rouel Tavern, Charles H Mogridge, 70 Rouel road, Bermondsey SE16
Round House, Vernon Brown, 83 & 85 Wardour street W1
Round Table, R Arthur & Co, 26 & 27 St Martins court, Leicester square WC
Roupell Arms, T A Pearman, 246 Woolwich road, Charlton SE
Roxbrough Hotel, H J Barrett, Harrow on the Hill
Royal, Charles Gulliver, 242 High Holborn WC
Royal Albert, Sidney Barnes, 460 New Cross rd sic
Royal Albert, Arthur Curl, 54 Wandsworth road SW8
Royal Albert, John Newbery, Freemasons road Canning town
Royal Albert, Jack Sandle, 51 East street, Walworth SE17
Royal Archer, Emma Brown, 1 Egmont street, New Cross SE14
Royal Arms, Edward Hardiman, 359 Battersea park road SW11
Royal Arms, Charles S J Leach, 133 Warwick road SW
Royal Arms, George A Montague), 42 & 44 Gaisford Street, Kentish town NW5
Royal Connaught, Patrick & McGregor Ltd, 262 High Holboro WC
Royal Cricketers, Mary Watson, 211 Old Ford road E
Royal Duke, P J Strong, 474 Commercial road E1
Royal Edward, Walter Elledge, 74 Mare street, Hackney E8
Royal Exchange, Samuel S Stocker, 57 Hartland road NW
Royal Fort, Abraham Rubin, 131 Grange road, Bermondsey SE
Royal George, Mrs E Cass, 2 Blissett street, Greenwich SE10
Royal George, George W Day , 27 Carlisle street Lambeth SE
Royal George, Hugh Howell, 52 Drummond street, Euston square NW1
Royal George, H Isaacs, 133 Charing Cross road WC
Royal George, Anthony Kennedy, 87 Tanners hill, Deptford, SE8
Royal George, Kirby & Rudd, 84 Abbey street, Bermondsey SE1
Royal George, Mary A E Moore, 34 New street, Kennington SE
Royal George, William H Sims, 449 Rotherhithe New road SE
Royal George, Edmund T Wackett, 412 Essex road N
Royal Hotel, Robert Butcher, Wetherell road, South Hackney E9
Royal Hotel, William Evans, 50 Norland road, Notting Hill W
Royal Hotel, R H Lange, 560A Mile End road & 2, 4 & 6 Burdett road E3
Royal Hotel, Short & Vernon, opposite station, Eltham
Royal Mail, William Brown, 13 Upper street, Islington N
Royal Mail, Mendel Hart, 17 Noble street EC2
Royal Marine, Arthur Ward, 116 Prince street, Deptford SE8
Royal Midshipman, Alfred Coleman, 25 & 26 Skinner street, Clerkenwell EC
Royal Oak, G F Alexander, 44 Tabard street, Boro SE1
Royal Oak, Maud A Bayly, 73 Columbia road E2
Royal Oak, Charles E Brandon, 18 Emmett street, Poplar E
Royal Oak, W J Chapman, 72 Pitfield Street N
Royal Oak, Edward S J Corbett, Barking road, Canning town E
Royal Oak, Henry J Dean, 60 Maltby street, Bermondsey SE
Royal Oak, Robert G Game, 113 Tooley street SE
Royal Oak, Arthur W George, 1 Effra parade, Brixton SW9
Royal Oak, Mrs Alice A Hibberd, 140 Orford road, Barnsbury N1
Royal Oak, Adam Hill, 37 Waterloo street, St Lukes EC
Royal Oak, I M Hornsby, 68 Elizabeth street, Pimlico SW
Royal Oak, James E Lefever, 83 Wilton road, Dalston E8
Royal Oak, Davis Levy, 118 & 120 Whitechapel road E
Royal Oak, B J S Lockhart, 19 Raphael street, Knightsbridge SW1
Royal Oak, W J McGrath, 160 & 162 High street, Deptford SE8
Royal Oak, John McSweeney, 110 Union road, Rotherhithe SE
Royal Oak, Frank Pearcy, 76 York street, Portman square W
Royal Oak, George Pyne, 72 Whiston street E2
Royal Oak, Russell & Stringer, 1 Porchester road, Bayswater W
Royal Oak, Russell & Stringer, 88 Bishops road, Paddington W2
Royal Oak, Mrs A B Tully , Regency Street, Westininster SW1
Royal Oak, Annetta M Usher, Forest road, Loughton
Royal Oak, B Van Boolen, 108 Stepney green E1
Royal Oak, George Whitehead, 95 High street, Harlesden NW
Royal Pavilion, Edward Bryant, 217 Vauxhall bridge road SW
Royal Rifleman, Lucretia M A Adams, 76 Nine Elms lane SW8
Royal Sovereign, Alfred Gates, 109 Gill street, Limehouse E14
Royal Sovereign, Charles Mott, 64 Northwold road, Upper Clapton E6
Royal Standard, Henry W Barns, 84 Victoria Park road E9
Royal Standard, Eliza M Cooper, 68 Tanners hill, Deptford SE8
Royal Standard, Margaret B Gedny, 9 Sale street, Edgware road W
Royal Standard, 0 F Gordon, 7 Flemming Street, Kingsland road N1
Royal Standard, A M Grover, Blackhorse lane, Walthamstow
Royal Standard, F Hills, 25 William street, Hampstead road NW1
Royal Standard, Alfred L Israel, 106 Shepherdess walk N1
Royal Standard, Herbert James, 9 Well street, Wellclose square E1
Royal Standard, A S Morrison, 1 Upper Dorset street, Edgware road w
Royal Standard, T R Noseworthy, High road, Loughton
Royal Standard, Sarah Sharp, 26 Hemming street, Bethnal green E2
Royal Standard, Alan Walker, 44 Vanbrugh park, Blackheath SE3
Royal Sussex Arms, William C Ringwood, 21 Broadway, Hammersmith
Royal Vauxhall, Alex Ross, 212 Up Kennington lane SE11
Royal Victoria Tavern, Mark S Loveridge, 131 Waterloo road SE1
Royal Victory, Henry Rust, 94 Georges road, Holloway road N7
Royal William, George Dowse, 434 Essex road N1
Rugby, Charles Winslett, 19 Gt James street & 1 Chapel street, Bedford row WC1
Running Footman, Arthur G Reade, 5 Charles Street, Berkly square W
Running Horse, H Cooper, 5 East Chapel street, Mayfair W1
Running Horse, Henry Fisher, 23 Harrow road w
Running Horse, William G Freeland, 50 Davies street, Berkeley square W1
Running Horse, Robert Orvice, 143 Old Town Croydon
Rushton Arms, Mark Myers, 67 Rushton street, Hoxton N1
Russell Arms, Mrs J Lee & Sons, 116 Brixton road sw
Russell Arms, David Lazarus, 3 Barnby street, Ampthill square NW1
Rutland, Chas Pullen, 9 & 10 West Smithfield EC
Rutlana Arms, William T Guiver, 9 Rutland street, Hampstead road NW1
Rutland Arms, Henry Knight, 57 Pearson street, Kingsland road E2
Rutland RHotel, Lucy E Atkinson, 55 Perry hill, Catford SE6
Rutland Hotel, Lilian L F Harper, 15 Lower Mall Hammersmith W6
Rydon Arms, William Wortley, 225 New North road N1
Rye Hotel, William C Sprinks, 63 Peckham Rye SE15
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